![MATLAB logo on blue background.](https://blogs.gwu.edu/himmelfarb/files/2021/02/BlueMatLab-edited.jpg)
MATLAB is now available in Himmelfarb Library’s Bloedorn Technology Center and Middle Lab, and can also be installed on your personal computer! Does your research involve analyzing large-scale datasets with multiple variants and dimensions? Do you teach data analysis? If you answered yes to either of these questions, MATLAB could be for you.
MATLAB is a programming platform designed for engineers and scientists. MATLAB language is a matrix-based language that allows for natural expression of computational mathematics. MATLAB is typically used for math and computation, developing algorithms, modeling, simulation, prototyping, data analysis, exploration, visualization, and scientific graphics.
MATLAB is available on the following workstations (map) on Himmelfarb’s third floor:
- Bloedorn carrels: 305B-305G, 305-L-305Q
- Bloedorn workstations: L1, L2, N7
- Middle Lap workstations: J1, J2
Personal use of MATLAB is available to all GW affiliates through desktop, online and mobile access.
Are you new to MATLAB and want to learn more? Check out the MATLAB tab on our Tutorials Guide for links to MATLAB tutorials and courses. An ebook about MATLAB for Behavioral Researchers is also available. For a full listing of statistical software available at Himmelfarb’s Bloedorn Technology Center, take a look at the Statistical Software at Bloedorn guide.