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Latino, Hispanic, or of Spanish Origin+ Identified Student Leaders in Medicine

September 15 to October 15 each year is celebrated as Hispanic Heritage Month. In honor of the contributions of Latinx people to the health sciences, we spotlight the open access book, Latino, Hispanic, or of Spanish Origin+ Identified Student Leaders in Medicine. The acronym used to identify this population in the book is LHS+. This book, published under the auspices of the United Nations, traces the 50 year history of LHS+ leadership in the field. The volume was authored by members of the Latino Medical Student Association, a national organization which was formed from five regional associations that were founded in the 1970s and 1980s.

The book brings together personal narratives from LHS+ medical students and regional perspectives from organizations across the United States which led to the formation of the national body. The chapter "Tu Lucha es Mi Lucha" (Your Struggle is My Struggle) examines the development of a health policy initiative led by LHS+ medical students. Other chapters focus on the role of faculty/physician advisors who are partners in the success of LHS+ students, as well as the support roles of Student Affairs offices, and the role of Medical Education offices in training future practitioners to care for LHS+ individuals. The book also covers faculty development and advancement of LHS+ faculty in graduate medical education, which touches on topics such as culturally relevant faculty mentoring.

For those interested and engaged in medical education, or those wishing to gain more detailed insight into the history of LHS+ people in the graduate medical education field, this book is a unique and comprehensive resource.


Sánchez, J. P., & Rodriguez, D. (2023). Latino, Hispanic, or of Spanish Origin+ Identified Student Leaders in Medicine : Recognizing More Than 50 Years of Presence, Activism, and Leadership. (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing AG.

For around a decade, 3D printing has been leading to significant medical advancements – custom prosthetics, for example, or orthopedic implants. However, while exciting, these are not the most immediately useful for a health sciences student. As SMHS, GWSPH, or Nursing students, if you’d like to get the most out of the free 3D printing service at Himmelfarb, consider the following five use cases! 

Stethoscope Holder: 

Durable, quickly-printed, and clips to a belt! And like with any print request, you can state your color preference on the Google Form. 

A rendering of a stethoscope clip in a 3D printing slicing software.


3D Printing benefits tactile and visual learners, especially with objects that must be represented abstractly, like atoms and molecules. Unlike a diagram on a page, molecules like this dopamine model can be rotated and moved, which can aid memory of chemical interactions. 

A rendering of a dopamine model in a 3D printing slicing software.
[Dopamine model guaranteed; dopamine hit from receiving not guaranteed]

Bones of the Hand: Anatomy Models to Study

When it comes to the complexity of the human body, structures with many similar parts – like the bones of the hand – benefit from modeling. They can be arranged, labeled, and assembled [but unfortunately not high-fived, unless you have amazing plastic glue]. 

A rendering of the bones in the human hand in a 3D printing slicing software.

Temporal Bone: Anatomy Models to Test: 

Certainly within GW, 3D models can (and have) been used to practice surgery. Kidney models can be used to practice transplants, and (depicted below) prints of the temporal bone can be used for a trial mastoidectomy.

A rendering of the temporal bones in a 3D printing slicing software.

The Human Heart: Study, Decoration, or Both

A 3D-printed classic, few things say “medical world” like the human heart. [Also appropriate for Edgar Allen Poe fans].

A rendering of a human heart in a 3D printing slicing software.

Image of diverse group of people talking. Text about raising awareness for suicide prevention & treatment.
Image from the National Alliance on Mental Illness:

September is Suicide Prevention Month - making it a good opportunity to raise awareness about suicide and suicidal ideation. If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, immediate help is available. Call, text, or chat 988 to speak to a trained crisis counselor.

Just like other mental health conditions, suicidal thoughts can impact anyone. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 49,000 people died by suicide in 2022, equating to one death every eleven minutes (CDC, 2024a). Between 2000 and 2018, suicide rates increased by 37%, and returned to their peak in 2022 following a brief decline between 2018 to 2020 (CDC, 2024a). 

Knowing the risk factors of suicidal ideation and behavior is important for everyone. According to a 2016 review published in The Lancet, “approximately 45% of individuals who die by suicide consult a primary care physician within one month of death, yet there is rarely documentation of physician inquiry or patient disclosure” of suicidal ideation or behavior (Turecki, & Brent, 2016). 

While many individuals with suicidal ideation do not attempt suicide (Dlonsky, et al., 2016), recognizing the risk factors can help you identify someone in need of help and help you find the help they need. According to the CDC, factors that contribute to suicide risk range from individual, relationship, community, and societal factors and can include, but are not limited to the following:

Individual Risk Factors:

  • Previous suicide attempt
  • History of depression and other mental illness
  • Serious illness 
  • Job or financial problems
  • Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
  • Sense of hopelessness

Relationship Risk Factors:

  • Bullying
  • Family or loved one’s history of suicide
  • Loss of relationships
  • Social isolation
  • High-conflict or violent relationships

Community Risk Factors:

  • Lack of access to healthcare
  • Community violence
  • Historical trauma
  • Discrimination

Societal Risk Factors:

  • Stigma associated with seeking help and mental illness
  • Easy access to lethal means of suicide 
  • Unsafe media portrayals of suicide

(CDC, 2024b)

Some factors can protect people from experiencing suicidal ideation and behavior. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Effective coping and problem-solving skills
  • Strong sense of cultural identity
  • Support from loved ones
  • Feeling connected to others
  • Feeling connected to school, community, and social institutions
  • Availability of high-quality physical and behavioral healthcare

If you are interested in learning more about suicide prevention, Himmelfarb Library has a Suicide and Suicidology Collection that includes numerous books on this topic. Notable books from this collection include: 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2024a). Suicide data and statistics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2024b). Risk and protective factors for suicide.

Klonsky, E. D., May, A. M., & Saffer, B. Y. (2016). Suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation. Annual review of clinical psychology, 12, 307–330.

Turecki, G., & Brent, D. A. (2016). Suicide and suicidal behaviour. Lancet (London, England), 387(10024), 1227–1239.

Televisions and stereos line a wall

With September in full swing, folks might find themselves short on downtime as exams and courses wind into full gear. Thankfully, this month’s medical media recommendation from our new Scholarly Communications and Metadata Librarian, Brittany Smith, is a sitcom that might be easy to sneak watching an episode during a tight schedule. 

Known for its humor and heart, Scrubs is a sitcom that ran from 2001-2010 that follows a group of interns and continues throughout their residency at Sacred Heart Hospital(1). While the show centered around its lead J.D, it also spent time building out its extended cast such as fellow residents Turk and Reid, nurse Carla Espinosa, Doctor Cox and the mysterious Janitor. Winning multiple awards, the wacky series wasn’t afraid to get silly despite the medical setting; there was even an entire episode that was a musical. 

Despite the zany antics, what really made Scrubs a treat to watch was its heart. The show “wrestled with the humanity of the characters in a meaningful way,” said Smith. Both patients and the physicians are shown as real people, and when Scrubs tackled those moments, it did so with empathy and thought. Some examples include a doctor struggling with OCD, the loss of a fellow staff member, and how losing patients can impact those who care for them (2). 

Scrubs can be streamed on multiple streaming services online. 

Works Cited

1.Scrubs. Doozer, Towers Productions, ABC Signature; 2001.

2. Pantoja K. Scrubs: 15 Saddest Moments, Ranked. ScreenRant. June 23, 2019. Accessed September 12, 2024.

Light beams in tribute to the victims of 9/11/01 terrorist attacks
Tribute in Light, photographed by Jack Cohen, licensed for free on Unsplash

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are now 23 years behind us. In a general sense, they have receded from our collective memory. However, the human health effects of the events of that day linger, and continue to be the subject of research across a variety of disciplines. A MeSH search of the PubMed database between 2022 and 2024 produces 93 results, with publications focusing on a variety of topics, including PTSD, specific health outcomes, and racial and ethnic mortality disparities. In this post we will focus on a 2024 publication focused on the longitudinal effects and treatment of PTSD on those most affected by this event.

An account of a randomized controlled trial on internet-based therapies for World Trade Center workers and survivors with persistent PTSD was published this year in the open-access journal Psychiatry Research. PTSD is prevalent among those exposed to the World Trade Center attacks, with almost half of individuals reporting poor quality of life and life satisfaction, in addition to unmet needs for mental health care. (Feder et al, 2024) Despite the availability of expanded mental health services offered by the CDC’s World Trade Center Health Program, many barriers to access to care remain .

In selecting the two interventions to test, the authors found that while trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective and empirically-supported treatments for PTSD, it has a number of limitations, including geographic constraints, stigma, and the limited number of expert practitioners of this type of therapy. Another type of therapy, integrative testimonial therapy (ITT), which presents none of the challenges of trauma-focused CBT, is an Internet-based form of CBT which is conducted via asynchronous patient-therapist written communications. ITT involves patients constructing a chronological narrative of their lives. Prior RCTs found that ITT yielded significant reductions in PTSD among trauma survivors of other historical events.

For the purposes of this study, ITT was compared to therapist-assisted Internet-based modified present-centered therapy (I-MPCT). I-MPCT is a modification of present-centered therapy (PCT), which has been found to be modestly less or as effective as trauma-focused PTSD therapies, with lower dropout rates. The authors hypothesized that ITT would have a greater impact on reduction of PTSD symptoms of those affected by the events of September 11, 2001. Participants in the trial came from several categories, including both traditional responders (e.g. police officers and firefighters), non-traditional responders (e.g. construction workers and volunteers), and survivors.

Both therapies included three modules of guided writing exercises (or “narratives”) which were interspersed with written feedback from the therapist. Both types of therapy had patients write eleven narratives in total, each taking 45 minutes to complete. For each therapy modality, patients contributed biographical information, wrote about their current life circumstances, and/or discussed problems. The effectiveness of each therapy modality was assessed through a self-reported scale.

Both therapy modalities showed significant reduction in chronic PTSD symptoms and depressive symptoms, and improved quality of life across the board. In post-treatment, both therapies showed significant impact on PTSD, and represent promising treatment options for this particular population.


Feder, A., Kowalchyk, M. L., Brinkman, H. R., Cahn, L., Aaronson, C. J., Böttche, M., Presseau, C., Fred-Torres, S., Markowitz, J. C., Litz, B. T., Yehuda, R., Knaevelsrud, C., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2024). Randomized controlled trial of two internet-based written therapies for world trade center workers and survivors with persistent PTSD symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 336, 115885–115885.

With Humanities Highlights, Himmelfarb staff aims to spotlight useful books from our Humanities collection. This week, we’re showcasing “An Anthropologist on Mars,” by Oliver Sacks. 

With Humanities Highlights, Himmelfarb staff aims to spotlight useful books from our Humanities collection. This week, we’re showcasing “An Anthropologist on Mars,” by Oliver Sacks. 

A copy of "An Anthropologist on Mars" by Oliver Sacks is displayed on a shelf.

About the Book: "An Anthropologist on Mars" explores seven fascinating cases of mental conditions, depicting outliers who not only had a rare experience but the talent or background to make sense of it. Drawing from his direct contact with these patients, Sacks enriches the facts of these accounts with history and a strong narrative sense. These limit cases help us not only understand others with these conditions but human cognition itself.

Reasons to Read: If you like listicles but want something more robust and literary; "Anthropologist" is a set of seven attention-grabbing, memorable cases; except, unlike the average listicle (which features recycled content and minimal research), the stories in "Anthropologist" come from first-hand accounts and benefit from Sacks bountiful knowledge and narrative capabilities. Recommended if you enjoy thinking about creativity and the relationship between limitations and strengths.

Reasons to Avoid: While eloquent and readable, the book is aimed at general readers (and therefore contains broad overviews of neurological conditions that might be redundant to researchers); moreover, Sacks interacts with patients in a "gonzo journalism" kind of way, embedding himself in their lives outside of a clinical setting. This gonzo psychiatry makes excellent reading but may be of less clinical use.

Further Reading: 

Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb

September 2024 Study Break Guide with images or colorful streamers, fair tents and streaming lights.

National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) Annual Labor Day Concert
Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024. 8:00 PM. Public security screening sites open at 3:00 PM.
Location: West Lawn of the US Capitol
Cost: FREE! No tickets required. Seating first come, first served.

The National Symphony Orchestra’s FREE annual Labor Day weekend concert returns to the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol! This year, the NSO performs classics by Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, John Philip Sousa, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and more led by charismatic conductor Enrico Lopez-Yañez and featuring Grammy–nominated rapper/beatboxer Christylez Bacon. Don’t miss this must-see celebration!

Opening September 2024. The People’s House: A White House Experience
Date: Open seven days a week. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day)
Location: 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
Cost: FREE! Reserve your passes in advance

The White House Historical Association is bringing a new cutting-edge education experience, “The People’s House: A White House Experience,” one block away from the White House. The experience will tell the story of the Executive Mansion, its inhabitants, and the people who have dedicated their careers to its functions. The 33,000-square-foot three-floor site will feature exhibits and galleries bringing the White House and its storied history to life. Visitors will interact with a large-scale White House model, re-creation of the Rose Garden, White House moments, a full-scale replica of the Oval Office, and dimensional galleries combining immersive media and inventive scenic representations.

DC State Fair
Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024. 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Franklin Park. 1332 I Street, NW.
Cost: FREE!

The 15th Annual DC State Fair will include contests, local vendors, and a celebration of the District’s agricultural, culinary, and creative talents and all things homegrown. Inspired by time-honored state fair traditions—growing and gardening, contests, and deep-fried foods—the DC State Fair honors the things that make the District of Columbia unique. There will be competitions to find the tastiest mumbo sauce, best honey, and the top photographers with a creative eye. The fair will include 50+ exhibitors including local makers, community organizations, food vendors, government agencies, and universities, live performances, children’s activities, arts, demonstrations, and blue-ribbon presentations for 30+ contests.

Adams Morgan Day
Date: Sunday, September 8, 2024
Location: Varies by event
Cost: FREE!

Adams Morgan Day Events:

For 46 years, Adams Morgan Day has been a family-friendly celebration with music, art, and activities for all ages. Adams Morgan Day is Washington, DC’s longest-running neighborhood festival. Residents and visitors are welcome to meet their neighborhood businesses, artists, and service organizations.

Dance Plaza at Moonlight DC. Time: 11:50 AM - 7:00 PM. Location: 2327 18th St NW.

Sit back, relax, and let hostess, Cheryl “Cee-Cee” Hardy take you on an international journey of dance, fashion, and culture. This interactive platform is where you will experience an explosive lineup of dance groups that will perform and teach basic dance moves, allowing the audience to join along.

Melodies at Kalorama. Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Location: 2327 18th St NW.

Live music will resound from the stage at Moonlight DC in “Melodies at Kalorama” hosted by
DJ Qhill. Sit back, relax, and take in the smooth tunes by some of our local performers. There will also be a Soulful House Session hosted by DJ Divine with a special tribute to DJ Sam “The Man” Burns, who was instrumental in incorporating House music in the Adams Morgan area.

Community History on Belmont. Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Location: 18th & Belmont St NW.

American University’s Humanities Truck will highlight stories and photographs from Adams Morgan history, including a display about the New Thing Art and Architecture Center and Adams Morgan photo exhibit by past and present local photographers.

National Dance Day
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024. 10:00 AM
Location: Kennedy Center REACH Campus
Cost: FREE! Signup to get event email

Find joy in the communities created through dance! Join the Kennedy Center for another exciting National Dance Day celebration with FREE classes, performances, and parties. Recognizing the power and importance of showing up for each other, this year’s event explores how dance builds and strengthens community well-being. National Dance Day coincides with the fifth anniversary of the REACH opening, so get ready for arts activities and performances all weekend long.

H Street Festival
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Location: H Street NE between 3rd Street and Florida Ave.
Cost: FREE!

H Street Festival is one of the most anticipated and highly attended single-day festivals in Washington DC. The festival is 12 blocks long and has 15 staging areas that are diversely themed and programmed to target different segments of audiences. The staging areas feature music of different genres, dance, youth-based performances, fashion, heritage arts, poetry, and many more. Art has been a principal motivator of the festival and has proven to be a valuable agent in impacting local economic growth. The festival also has a direct impact on reducing commercial building vacancy rate on H Street Corridor from 75% to under 5%. H Street Festival has successfully utilized arts as an engine for the growth of the historic neighborhood.

Picture of a large group of people with two blue, pink, and white trans flags being held above the crowd.
Photo by Oriel Frankie Ashcroft

In honor of August being Transgender History Month, we bring you a reading list that highlights transgender history and elevates transgender voices. Are you interested in learning more about transgender history? Consider adding one of the following titles to your reading list.

  1. Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyman, Ph.D.: This book explores academic research and cultural writing focused on transgender and gender-nonconforming people and examines gender norms perpetuated by society. Before We Were Trans highlights stories of trans people worldwide, throughout human history and chronicles often overlooked trans experiences. Request this title through our Consortium Loan Service (CLS).
  2. Transgender Warriors: Making History From Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman by Leslie Feinberg: Transgender people have existed for as long as people have. Part memoir, part history, and part gender studies text, this book explores the lives of transgender history-makers from around the globe. A print copy of this title will soon be available at GW’s Gelman Library.
  3. Others of My Kind: Transatlantic Transgender Histories by Alex Bakker: In the 1950s, a group of transgender people from both sides of the Atlantic created communities that profoundly shaped the history and study of sexuality and gender. They created private networks of affirmation and trust by exchanging letters and pictures among themselves and submitted their stories and photographs to medical journals and popular magazines to educate doctors and the public alike. Others of My Kind celebrates the faces, lives, and personal networks of those who drove 20th-century transgender history. Click the link above to read an e-book version of this title.
  4. Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton: This exceptional book explores the intersectionality of transgender history and Black history through a multi-faceted lens. This is the story of Christine Jorgensen, America’s first publicly known transgender figure. Click the link above to read an e-book version of this title.
  5. Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender by Stef M. Shuster: Transgender medicine is a rapidly growing medical field. This book explores the history of trans medicine and current practices through interviews with medical providers, and ethnographic and archival research. Trans Medicine provides a rare look inside how providers make decisions when providing care to trans people. An e-book version of this title is available through Himmelfarb, or you can request a print copy through our CLS service.
  6. The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet by Avery Dame-Griff: This book explores how the rise of the internet has shaped transgender identity and activism from the 1980s through today. This book combines a largely ignored period within the history of computing and the poorly understood role of technology in queer and trans social movements and offers a new understanding of both. Click on the link above to read the e-book version of this book.
  7. From This Day Forward by Bullfrog Films: While this one isn’t a book, it is an interesting look at trans experience. This film follows filmmaker Sharon Shattuck as she returns home before her wedding to explore the mystery of her upbringing: How her transgender father Trisha and her straight-identified mother Marcia stayed together against all odds. This moving portrayal of an American family coping with intimate transformation is available in Himmelfarb’s streaming video collection and in our third-floor audiovisual collection (call number: HQ77.9 .F76 2015). A print book companion is available in the stacks (call number: HQ77.9 .F76 2015).