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Digital book

Students, faculty and staff in GW's SMHS, SON and Milken School of Public Health have full access to the collections and services of the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library online.  Many  major public health and health sciences textbooks are available online to support coursework, plus databases and research tools are accessible to find information and manage citations and bibliographies while audiovisual and multimedia resources support research and education.  The Library regularly offers webinars to teach students how to use these resources.

Himmelfarb librarians are available 64 hours each week, including evenings and weekends, to provide consultations and support via web conference, e-mail, and instant messaging.  Himmelfarb librarians are experienced in conducting systematic reviews and supporting culminating experiences. Students, faculty and staff also have full access to the electronic collections of the University Library.

Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library provides the following resources:


Image: Courtesy of


Did you know that Himmelfarb Library provides a specialized web page available to our GW Hospital users? Here you will be able to find access to databases, ebooks, and e-journals that are available to you.

Himmelfarb’s website for GW Hospital users tries to maximize access and convenience:

  • No login required: resources listed can be accessed without logging in.
  • Automatic display of customized webpage; simply locate the Himmelfarb web page from a GWU Hospital location it will display automatically.

Information tools are optimized for clinical use and include:

  • DynaMed: evidence-based, clinically organized topics that are constantly updated as the study of medicine grows. The content ranges from comprehensive reviews of diseases and conditions, to abnormal findings based on differential diagnosis and management. You can also download the DynaMed mobile app to get easy access on your mobile devices!
  • Lexicomp: comprehensive clinical drug information includes access to a drug interaction checker, drug ID Tool, and calculators.
  • ClinicalKey and ClinicalKey for Nursing: full-text access to key books, journals, drug information, clinical overviews and more.

To explore the full selection of resources available to GW Hospital users, select Databases, Hospital e-Journals, or Hospital e-Books from the homepage.  Each of these pages will help you locate resources that can be accessed from the GW Hospital and without entering a login/password. If you have a GW NetID, you can view a complete list of available resources by changing to the default library webpage or by changing the view on an individual page (i.e. toggling from Hospital E-Journals to All E-Journals.

If you have questions, please contact!



Health Information @ Himmelfarb, the search box on Himmelfarb Library’s home page, has new features for managing results and setting filters to limit results to specific disciplines.  On the brief results page, searchers can now opt to save the top 50 results and send to email, RefWorks, or add the whole group to Favorites. Click the box at the top of the results list to select the items on the page and the option to choose the top 50 results will appear.

Brief results page

Users can also activate the Personalize button at the top of brief results to limit results to a particular set of disciplines.  Clicking the button takes searchers to a list of disciplines to choose:

Disciplines list

Once disciplines are set, searchers have the option to boost newer materials with the Prefer newer material button that appears in Refine Results options to the left.  Searchers can also de-select the disciplines if desired to expand the search.

Results page with newer results displayed first

Health Information @ Himmelfarb has recently been configured to boost the most current five years of content in results.

If you have questions about using Health Information @ Himmelfarb or need assistance with searching, contact us through Ask Us or email

bookshelfIt’s easy to think of fair use as the domain of authors. But as faculty face increasing pressure to provide students with cost-free course materials, they often turn to course reserves as an inexpensive alternative to requiring students to purchase costly scholarly materials. Himmelfarb's librarians are responsible for advising faculty on best practices related to copyright and fair use for both print and electronic course reserves.  Himmelfarb's librarians can help to ensure that educational content distribution in your courses adheres to the spirit of fair use.

In recent years, the growth of electronic course reserves has created new challenges related to observing copyright. As we see an increasing shift towards electronic reserves, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Reserve materials should only be made available for faculty and students users while a course is currently being taught.  Electronic reserve materials must be promptly taken down after a course is no longer in session.
  • Electronic course reserves that are reactivated in future semesters may require additional copyright permissions. Permissions policies may be changed by publishers or copyright holders.  Use of an excerpt in a past course reserve does not guarantee use in future semesters.
  • Electronic course reserves require the same permissions as printed coursepacks. Rights must be secured for materials that cannot be utilized under fair use.
  • When using materials for electronic course reserves under fair use, remember to include copyright notices where necessary and include citations to the original material. Also caution users against further electronic distribution.
  • Under fair use criteria, electronic course reserve materials should be limited to small excerpts.  General guidelines include:
    • Book selections for works under copyright should not exceed 10% of the total page count of the book.
    • When using journal articles, you should not use more than two articles from any issue of a publication.
    • Unpublished materials require written permissions for items that are not the intellectual property of the instructor.
    • These limits are cumulative over the course of a semester, so taking down materials and adding new materials from the same source is a violation of fair use.
  • Access to electronic course reserves should be restricted by using passwords or other forms of authentication to help avoid copyright violations.

For the vast majority of cases, observing fair use guidelines should allow faculty users to include desired materials in electronic course reserves.  But when permissions are denied, Himmelfarb Librarians can help you in the following ways:

  • Help locate an excerpt in an alternate source. Materials from collections or anthologies can often be found in alternate sources with different copyright restrictions.
  • Place a hard copy of the item from which the material was excerpted on reserve.
  • Recommend alternate materials.

Despite its complexities, fair use ultimately presents unique opportunities for the distribution of educational content.  When used effectively, fair use standards can help to support electronic course reserves that provide students with the opportunity to obtain cost-free course materials. Consequently, adhering to best practices related to fair use and copyright standards can help to preserve educational models that foster the distribution of content for educational purposes.

For further information on Fair Use and Electronic Course Reserves, see Electronic Reserve Guidelines from the Copyright Clearance Center.


AppointmentGW's Writing Center hours at Himmelfarb Library begin this week.  Writing Center consulations are available free of charge and can be scheduled using the Writing Center's online system.

What: Writing Center @ Himmelfarb Fall 2017 Hours (Begins this week!)
Amanda: Fridays 10am- 12pm
Sherri: Wednesdays 2:30-4pm
Cost: Service is FREE!

How do I make an appointment to meet with a tutor?

What type of support do they offer for non-native English speaking students?

Where can I go if I need help using the Writing Center's online appointment schedule site?

You can now search for print books on course reserves in Health Information @ Himmelfarb.




Input the instructor name, course number or course name in the Health Information @ Himmelfarb search box.  Matching print reserves will display in a box at the top of search results.  You can click on the title to display the record in the Library Catalog to see if the item is available.

Course reserves can also be searched directly in the Library Catalog.

feedback-796143_1280Every other year Himmelfarb Library surveys student users to find out how we’re doing.  This is your opportunity to share your opinions about library services and help us better meet your needs.

Click here to initiate the survey.  It should take no more than five minutes to complete.

At the conclusion you’ll have an opportunity to enter a drawing for a $15 Starbucks gift card. Survey results will be gathered anonymously, with drawing entries collected separately from survey results.

Responses are due by Friday, November 18th.

Are you are currently writing a class paper, working on your CE or writing an article for publication and need help?  Beginning Sunday, September 18 The GW Writing Center @ Himmelfarb will be available each Sunday from 5pm-9pm.  We are pleased to have Ally continue as our Himmelfarb Writing Center tutor.  The service is FREE to all students, faculty and staff.

You can drop-in or make an appointment today!!
  • On-Campus Students: Ally is our dedicated health sciences writing tutor who is available to meet on Sundays at Himmelfarb Library.
    • Appointment: To schedule an appointment go to the scheduling software and look for Ally's name dates/time.
  • Distance Learning: Schedule your appointment through the online system ( and send your paper (at least 24 hours in advance) to Include the name of your tutor, time of your session, and number you will be calling from


Come to the Circulation Desk to check one out.  Use it on your own in Himmelfarb or try out our charging station next to the New Books bookshelf on the first floor.  You can lock up your device to charge while you’re off in class, taking a nap, or waiting in line at Starbucks. It’s yours for four hours at a time.


Himmelfarb Library’s Annual Book Sale will be held from Tuesday, September 13 through Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 8:30 AM to  12:00 midnight and Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 noon.  The book sale will  occur on the 1st floor of the library in the Reference Nook.  Cash or check only!