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ECRI Guidelines Trust is now available online and provided by the ECRI Institute which was the contractor for the National Guideline Clearinghouse. ECRI Guidelines Trust is freely available and requires users to sign up for free ECRI account in order to use the resource.
ECRI uses similar criteria as the National Guideline Clearinghouse to determine which documents to include.  Guidelines in ECRI Guidelines Trust must meet the first three criteria to be be linked and must meet all four criteria in order to be fully listed and assessed via a TRUST Scorecard: 
  1. Available in English and published within the last 5 years as well as available online (free or fee).
  2. Contain recommendations to guide patient care.
  3. Developed by a medical specialty association, professional society, or clinical practice guideline development organization.
  4. Reflect a systematic review of evidence with transparency regarding the methodology including search strategy, study selection, and evidence analysis.
The TRUST Scorecard  assesses the guideline based on criteria published in the Institute of Medicine's (now the  National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) report Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust.  The TRUST Scorecard provides a snapshot assessment of the guideline as seen in this example:
Create a free account to access ECRI Guidelines Trust.  If you have questions or need assistance in identifying guidelines, please ask us or contact Laura Abate (

questionsHimmelfarb Library provides access to multiple question banks to support your study for USMLE exams or to help you master material in your regular coursework.  These question banks generally require that you create a free personal account within Himmelfarb Library's account.  Your personal account will let you create your own sets of questions/quizzes and will help you track your progress on specific topics.

Includes:   Practice questions with answers to prepared for USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3. Customization features allow users to select topic coverage and number of questions and to annotate exam questions/answers.
To use:  Create free personal account. 

If you have questions, please contact Laura Abate (
Image citation: Youngson, N. (No date). Questions. Available from Alpha Stock Images -

jamaevidenceHimmelfarb Library has a resource for  you: JAMAevidence!  JAMAevidence provides access to information and tools to identify the best available evidence and to support users in the systematic evaluation of the validity, importance, and applicability of health sciences research.
    JAMAevidence provides full-text access to the most recent edition of Users' Guides to the Medical Literature : A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice as well as The Rational Clinical Examination : Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis and Care at the Close of Life : Evidence and Experience.    JAMAevidence also provides access to complementary resources and tools to support both teaching and learning EBM techniques including:
    • Educational slide sets on specific EBM concepts and topics
    • Interactive calculators including Therapy 2 by 2 Calculator, Risk Reduction Calculator, Number Needed to Treat Nomogram, etc.
    • Worksheets to support assessment of specific types of studies (therapy, qualitative, harm, etc.) and the information cycle
    • Audio: monthly series discussing key EBM topics
    JAMAevidence is available 24/7 from the Himmelfarb's webpage.  If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (

    europepmcYou may be familiar with the U.S. National Library's of Medicine's PubMed search interface and PubMed Central, a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature - but have you heard of Europe PMC?
    Europe PMC is a repository of life sciences articles, books, patents, and clinical guidelines.  It's part of an international network of PMC repositories and includes PubMed, PubMed Central, as well as relevant records in Uniprot, European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), Protein Data Bank Europe (PDBE) and BioStudies.  Europe PMC's attributes include:
    • Single interface to search across both the citation/abstract and full-text of documents.
    • Searches PubMed and PubMed Central plus more than 5 million additional records including patents, National Health Service guidelines, and Agricola records.
    • Authors' tool to allow authors claim articles using their ORCID ID to ensure appropriate attribution of your work.
    • Grant finder tool that searches for grants from 29 biomedical funders.
    Explore  Europe PMC today!

    PolicyMap_DC_life expectancy

    PolicyMap now provides access to new life expectancy data from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.  This data provides standardized life expectancy data at census tract level, and allows identification of neighborhood-level differences in life expectancy as shown in this map of life expectancy in Washington, DC using CDC data on 'Life expectancy at birth, as of 2010-2015'.

    Learn more about this data and PolicyMap functionality via PolicyMap's article Knowing Life Expectancy to Improve Public Health.


    Himmelfarb Library provides access to  PolicyMap  .  To learn more about PolicyMap, please ask us, review the PolicyMap YouTube Channel, or check out tutorials including:


    • Maps: easily display data using different geographic parameters
    • Tables: View data as a bar graph or chart to compare multiple geographies
    • Reports: Run reports for predefined geographic areas or create a custom area
    • 3-Layer maps: Find areas that meet up to three criteria for site selection or to locate hot spots
    • Data loader: updaload your own address-level data
    • Data download: download PolicyMap data for use in your research



    NGCIn the wake of the recent demise of the National Guideline Clearinghouse due to a loss of federal funding, the ECRI Institute has announced plan to continue to provide access to a guideline database.  ECRI Institute is an independent nonprofit organization which the United States federal government contracted with to develop and maintain the National Guideline Clearinghouse.

    The ECRI will launch an initial site in Fall 2018 to allow users to search and retrieve clinical practice guidelines and will include unbiased evaluations on the rigor and transparency of guidelines based on the National Academy of Medicine's (formerly the Institute of Medicine) standards for trustworthiness.  While the National Guideline Clearinghouse was available at no cost to all users, the ECRI's guidelines' database will be freely accessible to participating guideline developers; access costs for other users, if any, are not posted at this time.

    For additional information, please consult, or contact ECRI Institute at ot 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 USA.

    NGCThe National Guideline Clearinghouse has ceased operation and links to it have been removed from the Himmelfarb Library website.  The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality released a statement on July 2, 2018 which stated that the National Guideline Clearinghouse would cease as federal funding is no longer available to support it.

    To access practice guidelines, the following resources continue to be available:
    • PubMed - Himmelfarb's customized filters display on the right side of every search results' page to provide access to practice guidelines; users may also limit by publication type to practice guidelines using the filters on the left side of the PubMed's search results screen.
    • DynaMed Plus - DynaMed Plus' evidence-based approach to information synthesis identifies many clinical guidelines.  You will find guidelines summarized and linked in DynaMed Plus articles and can also find guidelines in the 'Guidelines and Resources' area of specific articles.   Epocrates Essentials also summarizes and links to practice guidelines.
    • ClinicalKey and ClinicalKey for Nursing - Both resources provide extensive Guidelines/Practice Guidelines libraries.  Users may search this segment specifically, or filter for guidelines after a more general search.
    If you have questions regarding these resources or need assistance in identifying guidelines, please ask us or contact Laura Abate (

    PlumX metrics are now available in Himmelfarb Library's Research Commons, a repository of research output for GW's Milken Institute School of Public Health, the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and the School of Nursing.

    PlumX provides non-traditional  metrics  like Altmetric (social media shares, mentions, etc.), as well as more traditional metrics including  citation indexes. PlumX provides information about what's happening with research post-publication including usage, captures, mentions, social media, and citations.

    To get an idea of what PlumX can tell you about an article, check out this article by GW faculty published last year and mouse over the PlumX Metrics button on the right side of the screen:
    If you have questions regarding the Research Commons, please contact Meaghan Heselden (

    GW-Nursing_logo_homepageA new Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Project Repository recently was developed by the School of Nursing in collaboration with Himmelfarb Library's Research Commons.

    The DNP Project Repository archives all doctoral projects completed within GW’s DNP program. It is used to advance nursing practice by preserving, archiving, and sharing these projects in a permanent digital archive even after student graduation. In addition, the repository can assist current and future DNP students in developing their own projects.

    The repository is an open-access site that is searchable and discoverable via search engines.  Students retain copyright of their work and receive a unique, persistent URL that can be shared with colleagues and added to their CV/resume.

    The DNP Project Repository was pilot tested in October 2017 with several 2017 DNP graduates. The Repository has now gone live and DNP students graduating in May 2018 are in the process of submitting their projects.

    Be sure to check them out at

    policymapPolicyMap is now available via Himmelarb Library!
    PolicyMap allows users to create maps by combing access to a data library with mapping and reporting tools.  PolicyMap provides access to more that 150 data sources and also allows users to upload their own data.  Users can then create maps, generate reports, and run analytics.
    To learn more about PolicyMap, you can look at PolicyMap YouTube Channel or check out tutorials including:
    • Maps: easily display data using different geographic parameters
    • Tables: View data as a bar graph or chart to compare multiple geographies
    • Reports: Run reports for predefined geographic areas or create a custom area
    • 3-Layer maps: Find areas that meet up to three criteria for site selection or to locate hot spots
    • Data loader: updaload your own address-level data
    • Data download: download PolicyMap data for use in your research
    PolicyMap is available from on- and off-campus locations.  Off-campus users can access PolicyMap via either VPN or web-based login.  If you have questions, please contact Laura Abate (