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Did you know that you can borrow books from Georgetown, Howard, and other DC university libraries and have them delivered to you at Himmelfarb? 

What is it? To put it simply, the WRLC is an agreement between libraries in the Washington D.C area that allows us to share materials between other libraries within the vicinity. Thanks to the WRLC courier system, we generally receive books within 2-4 business days from the time that the request was made, (if materials are available at the requested library) and more often than not, Consortium Loan Service (CLS) books come with a generous check out period. This option is a great way to save some money and time compared to common hassles of standard shipping.

If you would like to place a Consortium Loan Service (CLS) request, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Use the Health Information @ Himmelfarb search box on Himmelfarb's homepage to locate a book.  Remember to switch the search to Articles + GW and Consortium Libraries.
  2. Sign in using your GW NetID and password, then click on Consortium Loan Service Request (2-3 Day Delivery) under "How to get it".
  3. Select George Washington University Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, or select a different location, if preferred.  When your book arrives, you will be notified via email to come and pick up your request.

As always, if you are looking for a medical article, monograph, or if the book you are looking for isn't available via the Consortium, feel free to check out our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services.   Himmelfarb users can also make requests through Documents2Go by using their GW NetID  and password to log in.

If you have any questions about Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services or Documents2Go, please contact  If you have any questions about Consortium Loan Service requests, please contact our Acquisitions and Resource Sharing Librarian, Ian Roberts at

books on cartsHimmelfarb Library’s Annual Book Sale will be held from Wednesday, January 29 through Friday, January 31, 2020.  Hours will be: 8:30am to 12midnight on Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 to 12:00 noon on Friday.

The book sale takes place on the 1st floor of the library in the Reference alcove.  Cash or check only!

Questions?  Please contact Ian Roberts (

XKCD webcomic Wikipedian Protester

Announcing the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, more commonly known as APA Citation Style! The APA published their updated 7th Edition late last Fall, and the APA-using community is beginning to transition from the 6th Edition to the 7th. Luckily, most of the changes have been quality-of-life changes.

The good news for students?

  • No more running heads!
  • No need for publication place in book citations!
  • Any in-text citations with more than three authors are shortened to the first author and et al.!
  • Clearer guidelines for including contributors other than authors and editors, e.g. podcast hosts!
  • Increased font flexibility!
    • Hello Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, and Georgia 11 (in addition to the old favorite, Times New Roman 12)!

The goal of APA 7th Edition is to codify many of the suggested citation rules the APA created as the 6th Edition evolved. In addition to making these suggestions into official guidelines, the APA has adjusted how it cites more modern texts, in particular anything with a URL. The hope is to make citation a more streamlined process, while maintaining a rigorous academic standard.

The APA is suggesting users begin to switch to 7th Edition rules Spring 2020, though some universities and groups may choose to put off the transition to Fall 2020. Check with your professors on which version they expect you to use, if it’s not included in your syllabus.

For 7th Edition resources, be sure to check out our APA Research Guide. We recently updated it to conform to the 7th Edition. The APA Style Blog has also transitioned to 7th Edition, and is a great resource for more obscure citation questions. For 6th Edition resources, Purdue OWL still has their 6th Edition site live, though they do note they are scheduled to publish the updated 7th Edition guide in Spring 2020. You can also still find the APA Style Blog’s 6th Edition Archive, so you can search it for answers to any 6th Edition questions.

You can always reach out to us at Himmelfarb Library with any questions you may have. Our reference staff are more than happy to answer your questions about APA 6th or 7th Edition!

Image Source: Munroe, R. (2007). Wikipedian protester [Webcomic]. xkcd.

Himmelfarb Annual Book Sale posterOur Annual Book Sale will be held January 29th-31st in the first floor reference alcove of Himmelfarb. Sale is open 8:30am to midnight the first two days, wrapping up at noon on the 31st.

Textbooks, study guides, books of historical interest and more - get here early for best selection! $10 for hardback books, $5 for paperback, DVDs as low as $1. Cash or check only. 


let's talk vaccines book coverHow can you talk with patients about vaccines?  How can you address vaccine hesitancy, combat myths and misinformation, and save lives?

Himmelfarb Library recently added Let's Talk Vaccines: A Clinician's Guide to Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Saving Lives to our online and print collections.  Let's Talk Vaccines covers everything from the science of vaccine safety to the psychology of risk communication.  It includes real-life examples and thoughtful, evidence-based techniques that will help patients understand vaccines and make informed decisions.

Let's Talk Vaccines is useful to primary care providers, pediatricians, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and public health advocates.  The book provides an excellent framework for how to approach difficult discussions, with the goal of improving the health of each patient as well as the community at large.  The book uses a patient-centered approach to

  • Directly address the increasing trend of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, including the history and psychology of the anti-vaccine movement.
  • Examine the issues underlying vaccine hesitancy, answering the common questions and concerns that vaccine-hesitant patients may raise during office visits.
  • Help you dispel myths and fears that many patients have, with particular attention paid to misinformation and skepticism on social media.
  • Cover the anti-vaccine movement’s assertions about autism, autoimmune illnesses and allergies, toxic ingredients, overwhelming the immune system, conspiracies, and more – bringing you up to date with the most common issues and effective approaches to the vaccine discussion.
  • Provide practical tips on approaching the vaccine-hesitant parent and how anti-vaccine patients change their minds, with a focus on remaining a positive partner in your patients’ care and finding greater success in your vaccination efforts

Let's Talk Vaccines is available online from both on- and off-campus locations.  Himmelfarb Library's print copy is currently available on the New Book Shelf (QR189 .L37 2020) and is available for checkout.

Himmelfarb’s Humanities and Health Collection is much more than a leisure reading collection. These books can provide insight into the lives and experiences of those who have been sick and those who provide care.

book pages

Himmelfarb Library selectively acquires books in the Literature in Medicine genre for its Humanities and Health Collection. The collection is located on the first floor of the library, near the information desk and includes more than 200 titles that can be checked out for up to 9 weeks. 


Here’s a sampling of a few of the titles available:

Awdish, Rana. In Shock : My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope . First edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press; 2017. (R154.A93 A3 2017)

Day, Carolyn. Consumptive Chic : a History of Beauty, Fashion, and Disease . London ;: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; 2017. (RA644.T7 D39 2017)

Lerner, Barron H., Lerner, Phillip I. The Good Doctor : a Father, a Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics . Boston: Beacon Press; 2014. (R725.5 .L47 2014)

Obreht, Téa. The Tiger’s Wife : a Novel . 1st ed. New York: Random House; 2011. (PS3615 .B73 T54 2011)

Picoult, Jodi. My Sister’s Keeper : a Novel . New York: Washington Square PressBooks; 2006. (PS3566.I372 P53 2004)

Solzheni︠t︡syn, Aleksandr Isaevich. Cancer Ward . New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1968. (PG3488 .O4 R313 1968)

Tweedy, Damon. Black Man in a White Coat : a Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine . First Picador paperback edition. New York: Picador; 2016. (R154.T84 A3 2015)

You can browse the Humanities & Health Collection in the Online Catalog or come into Himmelfarb and browse the physical collection.


Are you interested in creating healthy sleep habits, learning more about mindfulness, or learning healthy ways to manage stress? Himmelfarb Library has the right books for you! 

Do you struggle with getting enough quality sleep? Consider one of these books available in the healthy living collection: 

If mindfulness or meditation are more your interest, consider one of the following books:

The holidays can be a stressful time for many people. Learn healthy ways to manage this stress using these books: 


RECALLWhat happens when good info...isn't

Last week, Rosen's Emergency Medicine (9th ed) was removed from ClinicalKey due to several drug dosage errors.  So what happens when errors appear in published works?

Here's how we're managing this issue at Himmelfarb Library:

  • Links to the 9th edition of Rosen's Emergency Medicine now connect to the 8th edition which was made available online once again by the publisher, Elsevier inc.
  • Catalog and e-book links to Rosen's Emergency Medicine now include a note describing the issue and pointing users to the 8th edition.
  • Print copies of the 9th edition were pulled from our stacks, but remain available upon request.  If you would like access, please contact Travis Nace (  Corrected print copies will be returned to the shelf as soon as they are received from the publisher
While authors, editors, and publishers make every effort to ensure that accurate information is published, mistakes do sometimes occur.  For insight into how these errors are handled check out:


proquestebooksHave you had any difficulty accessing a Proquest or ebrary e-book?

Himmelfarb Library's ebrary e-books recently transitioned to the vendor's new Proquest Ebook Central platform and some users have experienced access issues.

When you access e-books via Proquest Ebook Central, you'll be prompted to select your institution (George Washington University) and then to login using your GW NetID and password (the same login/password used for GW email, Blackboard, GWireless, etc.).

If you encounter a message that says ""Your patron record was not found in the library patron database"

  • Contact the Gelman Library Circulation Desk (phone: 202-994-6840) and ask that your Voyager account be updated to include your GW email address.