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GW Medical Student Research Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2023 as a live in-person event at the University Student Center. There will be a plenary speaker and students will have an opportunity to share their research projects with a poster and oral presentation. Videos of past poster presentations are available on our Research Guide and YouTube channel.

Research poster abstract checklist image and March 1st submission due date

Poster abstracts for Medical Student Research Day 2023 will be due on March 1st, a week from today! If you’re just starting to put an abstract together, or putting on the finishing touches, Himmelfarb Library has resources to help. 

You can find much of what you need on our Research Day Resources: Writing Abstracts page. The guide outlines the basic components of a scientific abstract and provides both recommendations and examples for producing a quality abstract. 

If you need more help you can chat our reference librarians or make an appointment with the GW Writing Center. The Writing Center now has Thursday hours from 6-8pm at Himmelfarb Library. We recommend scheduling an appointment in advance by calling 202-994-3765. 

If your poster abstract is accepted, congratulations! Come back to our GW Research Day Resources Research Guide for valuable information and tips for designing a winning poster and presenting it effectively.

Image of a person icon motioning to a blue "tips" button.
Image from

With the deadline for abstract submissions for SMHS Medical Student Research Day quickly approaching (Monday, March 14, 2022), there isn’t much time left to get your abstract ready. Himmelfarb Library can help! Our GW Research Day Resources: Writing Abstracts guide is a great place to get started!

Knowing what needs to be included in your abstract before you get started is key. Your abstract should include four specific aspects:

Abstract Do’s: 4 Things to Include

  1. Problem Statement/Introduction: Explain why your research is important, and be sure to make this engaging enough to grab the reader’s attention! 
  1. Methods: Explain how you did your research and obtained the results. Research design, setting, population and sample size, study duration, research instrument, and treatment or procedure should all be included here.
  1. Results: Explain your findings, but don’t analyze the results here - save your analysis for the conclusion!
  1. Conclusion: Analyze the results and implications of your findings here.

Knowing what not to include in your abstract is just as important as knowing what to include. Avoid including the following four pitfalls:

Abstract Don’ts: 4 Things to Avoid

  1. Too Much Information: An abstract should be succinct: keep it short and to the point. Don’t overload your abstract with information. A good abstract should be between 250-400 words, so keep it simple.
  1. Incomplete Sentences: Don’t use bullet points or incomplete sentences. An abstract is a short narrative of your project, so writing in complete sentences is a must.
  1. Jargon: Avoid using abbreviations, acronyms and jargon in your abstract. 
  1. Images, Tables, Graphs, and References: Images of any kind, or references to them, should be avoided. Save the graphics for your poster.

For a more in-depth explanation of best practices for writing research day abstracts, watch Himmelfarb’s How to Create and Write Your Abstract video.

Looking at examples of well written abstracts can also be helpful. Stay tuned to Himmelfarb’s blog in early April for more information on creating an effective poster! 

Good luck and happy writing!

gwresearch daysAre you starting to think about GW Research Days 2019?  Learn more about Research Days by hearing from some of the presenters and faculty mentors at GW Research Days 2018:

Also, remember that you can explore research presented at past GW Research Days via the Health Sciences Research Commons.   The 2018 posters and presentations are online, as well as those from prior years.

researchdayvideosWant to learn about projects from GW's Research Days 2018?  Watch the videos!

Each year, GW Research Days provides a showcase for research and scholarship occurring at The George Washington University.  Over two days, faculty and undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students showcase their research and highlight the scope of research occurring at GW.

Himmelfarb Library interviewed eighteen GW Research Days presenters.  Watch the videos to learn more about health sciences research at GW!

gwresearch days

Are you presenting at GW Research Day 2018 or at a professional conference?

Sign up for an upcoming GW Research Day Workshop to learn tips and best practices on how to create an effective scientific poster.

Research Day Workshop Date Time/Location Register
Creating Effective Posters: Design, Layout & Content   Mon, March 12 Time: 2pm-3pm
Location: Ross Hall/Room #402
Link, Share, Publicize your Poster Tue, March 27 Time: 12pm-1pm
Location: Ross Hall/Room #402
Show Off Your Data! Create Effective Graphs, Pie Charts and Tables Thu, March 29 Time: 12pm-1pm
Location: Ross Hall/Room #402
Hands-On Research Day Poster Feedback Mon April 2 Time: 12pm-1pm
Location: Himmelfarb Library 1st floor
How to Present Your Poster and Wow Judges! Thu, April 5 Time: 12pm-1pm
Location: Ross Hall/Room #402

More information and resources for GW REsearch Days are available via the GW Research Day Guide.


gwresearchdaysYou put all that hard work into preparing and presenting your poster at Research Days....don't let it sit in a closet! Archive a digital copy in  Himmelfarb Library's Health Sciences Research Commons and make it available to the  global community of scholars.

Including your work in the Health Sciences Research Commons has several advantages for you:

  • Your poster will have a unique URL which you can use to promote your research and include in your CV.  This URL will remain active even after you graduate from GW.
  • Your work will be more 'findable' and other researchers will be able to identify your research from Google Scholar.  For authors who originally indicated 'Yes' to archiving on the Research Days abstract submission form, this is already true.
Adding your poster to the Health Sciences Research Commons is easy. Just follow these steps:
  • Fill out the Author Agreement form with the required information.
  • Email the completed Author Agreement form and a copy of your Research Days poster to:
  • You will your unique URL which links directly to your poster.  You can Tweet, Facebook, and share the new URL with your colleagues, family, and friends!

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We can be reached  at or 202-994-8357.

gwresearchdaysHow to Present Your Poster and Wow the Judges!

On Wednesday, March 22 from 12 noon to 1 p.m., you can get feedback from experienced faculty on your Research Day poster and presentation.  In this session, you will learn what are judges are looking for when reviewing poster presentations, and techniques to impress the judges and succinctly convey your research posters' main concepts and data.

Date: 03/22/2017
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Ross Hall, Room 529 & online via WebEx

gwresearchdaysGet ready GW Research Days with this workshop!

Workshop: Do you need to create graphs for your poster? The workshop will teach you how to create Excel graphs, pie charts and tables to help display your data.
Date: 03/07/2017
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Ross Hall, Room 602 & online via WebEx


gwresearchdaysAre you ready for research day?

  • Don't forget to submit your abstract!  The deadline is Tuesday, February 28, 2017.
  • Sign up for a workshop to learn more about effective poster content and design:

Workshop: An Overview of Effective Poster Content and Design
Designing a poster can be challenging. Learn best practices on what content to include to effectively display your results, data and conclusions as well as common mistakes to avoid.
Date: 02/22/2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Ross Hall, Room 201 & online via WebEx