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Hand holding pen ready to sign a contract.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Are you in the process of publishing a scholarly article? Do you plan on using your article in a class you are teaching? Want to share your article with colleagues? Maybe you’d like to modify the work in the future or archive your work in Himmelfarb’s institutional repository, the Health Sciences Research Commons. Doing any of these things may be in direct violation of the agreement you sign with the publisher prior to your work being published. 

An important consideration to keep in mind when choosing a journal is author rights. Many traditional publishers include language in author agreements that transfers most, if not all, of an author's right to their work to the publisher. Most publishers don’t even try to hide the fact that authors are signing away the rights to their works - publishers often call these agreements “Copyright Transfer Agreements.” These agreements limit the authors ability to archive, share, use, modify or display their work once it has been published. Before you sign an agreement with a publisher, consider including an addendum to ensure that you retain certain rights to reuse and share your work. 

One option is to submit a SPARC Author Addendum that modifies the publisher’s agreement and allows you to maintain the right to create derivative works, authorize others to share and reuse your work (for non-commercial purposes), and to distribute your work in class or to colleagues for educational purposes. You could also use the available GW custom author addendum. For more information about negotiating author rights, take a look at the Author Rights page of our Scholarly Publishing Guide or contact Himmelfarb’s Metadata and Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Sara Hoover (



AAMC: Journals for COVID-19 ResearchDo you have important COVID-19 related research, but are unsure of where to publish? The Medical Education Research Scholarship and Evaluation (MESRE) Section of AAMC’s Group of Education Affairs has put together an annotated bibliography of journals targeting COVID-19 related research to help!

Many of the nearly 50 journals listed in the bibliography either have special calls for articles or are accepting COVID-19 related pieces. This bibliography provides information about special issues, submission guidelines, and more.   The goal of the MESRE is to "enhance the quality of research in medical education and to promote its application to educational practice." and additional information is available on the MESRE website.  

plate of food

As we've moved into the 2nd half of 2020, we have seen many changes - to our routines, our lifestyles, and our habits. Instead of attending classes in person, we reach out to each other online. While we may be more accustomed to this stay-at-home lifestyle, it is important that we don’t neglect our physical health and our dietary needs.

Did you know that the American Heart Association has a collection of recipes that are both good for your body and for your wallet?

Why not try their take on one of my personal favorites, Huevos Rancheros! Their recipe is not only loaded with key nutrients and vegetables,  but it’s also low in salt, and packed with protein and fiber. Or if you are one of the many of us with a sweet tooth, try their Grilled Fruit Kebab recipe. Kiss those cravings for chocolate goodbye with a bit of honey, and some natural fructose to replace the processed stuff.

The American Heart Association recipes contains a special section that is specific for those who are on a tight budget. Sign me up for their Tuscan Bean soup, or their Tandoori Chicken with Brown Rice! 

If you are really trying to get the most out of your dollar, EatingWell has several recipes that serve up to 4 people for $5.00 or less!

Busy at home? You are not alone. As most schools are currently functioning with limited access, it can be very difficult to find the time to cook while there are other responsibilities that require your attention. If you have a slow cooker, EatingWell also has some great suggestions for some coffee-braised brisket and a savory barbecue snack mix.

Times may have changed, but that does not mean that your diet has to suffer. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay healthy, and don’t forget: We are here for you.


Further reading can be found at:

American Heart Association Recipes

EatingWell Healthy Dinner Recipes

EatingWell Dinners That Serve 4 for $5 or Less

During the first two weeks of August, librarian instructors gathered data to learn what fuels the class of 2024. In a thoroughly unscientific and unsystematic poll, we asked our first-year medical students about their favorite non-alcoholic beverage preferences. This was not intended to be a formal data-gathering exercise. Rather, we hoped to use it as an icebreaker, a way to get to know each other as the library orientation was moved online. 


While the most popular response appears to be coffee, iced coffee, and espresso drinks, aligning perhaps with the stereotype of medical students, I ask you to pause and ask how the question was framed - perhaps we librarian instructors influenced responses by how we asked the question or by offering our own preferences.

Any time there is data, there is room to question. How was the data collected and who collected it? How is it presented and how might we visualize it?

Librarian instructors collected the data via email or Google Forms. Each librarian sent individual emails to students in their small groups and might have presented the question differently, according to their individual personalities. Some librarians offered set response options whereas others allowed free text. Data points were grouped into categories for ease of analysis and presentation. 

126 students answered the question, providing a range of responses. As noted, responses were grouped into larger categories for analysis. The librarian responsible for data analysis (this post’s author) acknowledges others may have grouped the responses differently. Personally, I enjoy seltzer and sparkling water and maintain that as a separate category. Another analyst may group these with soda. Consider: When life gives you lemonade, do you group it with fruit juices?

We are excited to work with the class of 2024 and wish them the best throughout their careers here at GW and beyond. 


Image of a Metal Reservation Plate
Image source:

Are you looking for a quiet study room at Himmelfarb Library?  Before you pull out your books and laptop, please make sure you reserve the room. In order to comply with the GW’s COVID-19 regulations, we now require that any study room you occupy must be reserved online. This helps the library to gauge when we are nearing seating capacity (which is currently less than half of our normal capacity), and it assists GW with contact tracing.

Look around the library for signs with a QR code that will take you directly to our Study Rooms Reservation page.  Or scan the QR code below to reserve a room now!

QR code
Scan this code to reserve a study room.

For information on study room reservations, visit our Study Rooms Reservation page.


Himmelfarb Library: We're Here For You!

As we begin the Fall 2020 semester, we know that this semester is going to be different than other semesters. With most classes moving online, and a very few operating via a hybrid model, we all have to adapt to a new way of learning, teaching, studying, and conducting research. While we’re all doing things a little bit differently these days, Himmelfarb Library wants you to know that we are still here for you

Pexels / Pixabay

Tired of sourdough yet? If so Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb’s August calendar of events is out. This month’s events will help you beat the heat or enjoy the heat, browse the fun healthy ideas for August.

Love & Lemons is a food blog that offers easy and healthy picnic food ideas. Prevent neck and back pain while working from home with Deskercise from the Mayo Clinic. Plan a family outing and make a day of it and visit the National Zoo and Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens. Check out the DIY Crafts video and try your hand at crafting some of the projects offered it will to keep you busy and entertained.

facets screenshot

If you use Himmelfarb Library’s search tool, you will retrieve only items that are accessible via online access. This is by design as a relatively small number of Himmelfarb affiliates currently have onsite access to the library.  To support all of our users in finding materials quickly, we changed the default search to Online Access which connects to articles, books, and databases that can be accessed online from on- and off-campus locations.

If you would like to change your search, simply click on the down arrow on the right side of the search field and select from among the choices listed. To include both print and online holdings,  select the facet: Articles + Himmelfarb Catalog.  For those who prefer a more focused search, search either of the facets Articles or Himmelfarb Catalog to retrieve both print and online holdings.

If you are looking for materials from Gelman or the consortium libraries, choose the facet: Articles + GW & Consortium Catalog.  While Himmelfarb users can check materials out of Gelman Library, the WRLC Library Service which provides a borrowing and delivery service from other DC area academic libraries is currently unavailable.

If you are accessing us remotely, you may be able to request an article to be scanned and sent as a PDF, using our Documents2Go service. If you have any questions in regards to this service, please email

For further assistance with catalog searches, please contact Reference Services by text, IM, phone, or email:

Reference service hours are:

  • Mon-Thurs 8:30am-8:00pm
  • Fri 8:30am-5pm

If you have any questions in regards to ILL, please email


Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

Are you looking to publish your research, but need to find a journal in which to publish? Want to find a journal that will ensure your article will be widely read and cited? Choosing where to submit your manuscript can be a daunting task for any researcher. But don’t despair - Himmelfarb Library has resources that can help.

A great place to start is our Journal Selection webinar, part of Himmelfarb’s Get Yourself Published, Promote Your Research webinar series. In this webinar, Sara Hoover, Metadata and Scholarly Communications Librarian, provides an overview of tools and resources that can help you select an appropriate journal for your research. Learn about the difference between aggregation based journal selection tools and publisher based journal selection tools and utilize comparison rubrics to evaluate multiple publications. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to locate journals relevant to your field of study. 

Want to explore some tools to help you choose a journal? Himmelfarb’s Scholarly Publishing Guide has links to numerous tools that can help you select the right journal for your research. Two useful tools to consider are the Cofactor Journal Selector and the Journal/Article Name Estimator (JANE). The Cofactor Journal Selector can help you identify a journal in which to publish based on subject, peer review, open access, speed of review and other considerations. JANE takes a different approach by allowing you to enter your article title and/or abstract and providing a list of potential journals that may be appropriate for your submission.

Another strategy is to search the Health Sciences Research Commons (HSRC), Himmelfarb’s institutional repository. You can search the HSRC by discipline, collection, or school to see where your colleagues have published their research. You could also search for articles on your topic in PubMed and identify potential journals to consider for your research.

An important consideration to keep in mind when choosing a journal is whether or not the journal is predatory in nature. Predatory journals make false peer-review claims while collecting exorbitant fees from authors who publish in their journals. Because these journals do not actually provide peer-review services, your article could be published next to bogus research and will not be widely read or cited. If you’re going to publish, make sure you are choosing a legitimate, scholarly journal for your work! To learn more about predatory publishing, including how to evaluate a journal to determine whether or not it is predatory, check out our Predatory Publishing Guide.

While choosing a journal that’s right for your research isn’t an easy task, librarians can be a great resource for authors in selecting the right journal. If you are getting ready to publish, don’t fret - Himmelfarb has resources that can help!