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What fuels the MD class of 2024?

During the first two weeks of August, librarian instructors gathered data to learn what fuels the class of 2024. In a thoroughly unscientific and unsystematic poll, we asked our first-year medical students about their favorite non-alcoholic beverage preferences. This was not intended to be a formal data-gathering exercise. Rather, we hoped to use it as an icebreaker, a way to get to know each other as the library orientation was moved online. 


While the most popular response appears to be coffee, iced coffee, and espresso drinks, aligning perhaps with the stereotype of medical students, I ask you to pause and ask how the question was framed - perhaps we librarian instructors influenced responses by how we asked the question or by offering our own preferences.

Any time there is data, there is room to question. How was the data collected and who collected it? How is it presented and how might we visualize it?

Librarian instructors collected the data via email or Google Forms. Each librarian sent individual emails to students in their small groups and might have presented the question differently, according to their individual personalities. Some librarians offered set response options whereas others allowed free text. Data points were grouped into categories for ease of analysis and presentation. 

126 students answered the question, providing a range of responses. As noted, responses were grouped into larger categories for analysis. The librarian responsible for data analysis (this post’s author) acknowledges others may have grouped the responses differently. Personally, I enjoy seltzer and sparkling water and maintain that as a separate category. Another analyst may group these with soda. Consider: When life gives you lemonade, do you group it with fruit juices?

We are excited to work with the class of 2024 and wish them the best throughout their careers here at GW and beyond. 


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