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In response to the University’s move to online classes and some student populations being off-campus during that time, Himmelfarb Library has extended due dates for print materials coming due March 14 through April 5th. Those materials are now due by end of day Monday, April 6th, 2020. Please contact the library’s circulation managers at 202-994-2962 or if you need to extend due dates beyond then or have other questions about borrowing physical materials.Himmelfarb Library Circulation Desk

We expect that Documents2Go interlibrary loan services for digital book chapters and articles will continue as normal. Delivery of some physical materials from other libraries may be delayed as they have closures or reductions in service. Contact document delivery staff at or 202-994-2860 with any questions about borrowing materials from other libraries.

Himmelfarb Library will remain open 24/7 with service desks open regular hours until further notice.


Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee workers traveling to communities, 1980s
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) workers traveling to communities, 1980s: Women between the ages of twenty and fifty are recruited by BRAC to teach oral rehydration therapy. Because Bangladeshi culture does not always allow women to travel far from their homes, men chaperone the workers and introduce them at each village they visit. Courtesy BRAC Bangladesh

The Himmelfarb Library and the SMHS Office of Diversity and Inclusion will be hosting the National Library of Medicine (NLM) exhibit:  Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health.

Per the National Library of Medicine, Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health examines stories of the community groups that are making a difference in global health around the world. People are working on a wide range of issues—from community health to conflict, disease to discrimination. As we learn more about the challenges of the past, we join a growing community of people committed to global health. A revolution in global health is taking place—see this exhibition and learn more."

The exhibit will be located on the first floor of Himmelfarb Library from October 21 until November 20, 2019.  We hope you will visit!


29523964221_2e380d722d_oPlease excuse any disruptions as some areas of the library receive new carpeting and furniture.  All work should be completed by July 1.

Thank you!


Image citation: Davis, A. (2016) Lego Construction [Online image].  Retrieved from:

scanA new Scannx book scanner is available at Himmelfarb Library, located right by the Circulation Desk and Writing Center.
Along with placing flat item documents on the flat bed, the Scannx Book ScanCenter allows dual sided sheet-feed scanning of documents in black & white, color, and greyscale which can then be saved in a variety of formats (JPG, PDF, Searchable PDF, Word) to Gmail, Google Drive, smartphones (via QR Codes), USB drives and even WEPA.
For additional information or questions please contact John Lopez at
Image citation: Youngson, N. (No date). Highway sign scan image. Retrieved from:

A_water_droplet_splashTen days ago, Himmelfarb Library's B1 Level was flooded and some of our print collections were damaged. Since then, the stacks area on the B1 Level has been closed as the area is cleaned and we repair and recover as many books as possible.

The B1 Level stacks will remain closed for the next several weeks and we are making plans to re-open the last week of February or the first week of March. We are also beginning to make plans to replace damaged materials so that we can continue to meet your health sciences information needs.

A_water_droplet_splashWe're sorry to share the news that the B1 Level of the library was flooded on Friday and Saturday.   The flood occurred in the book stacks area and some books were damaged.  Here's what you need to know:

  1. Himmelfarb Library's B1 Level is closed for repairs and recovery of as many books as possible.  We anticipate this closure will last about a week and will provide additional information as we have it.
  2. Some books were damaged but we did not lose the entire collection.  We're in the process of drying and cleaning all books possible, and will begin making plans for replacing items.
  3. We want to say THANK YOU to the Himmelfarb users who reported the incidents.  The damage would have been much worse if we hadn't heard from you and we greatly appreciate you letting us know.  If you're having any issues with accessing materials - from broken links to burst pipes - we want to hear about it right away so that we can get to work on the issues.

2/7 Update:  Cleaning and painting of the affected area will begin tomorrow and extend into next week.  The B1/Terrace Level will remain closed at least through all of next week.


Image citation: Peterson, L. (2010). Splash! [online image].  Retrieved from:

treelightsHimmelfarb Library's Holiday Hours:

Friday, December 21, 2018 Closing at midnight
Saturday, December 22, 2018 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday, December 23, 2018 9:00am - 6:00pm
Monday, December 24, 2018 Closed
Tuesday, December 25, 2018 Closed
Wednesday, December 26, 2018 Closed
Thursday, December 27, 2018 Closed
Friday, December 28, 2018 Closed
Saturday, December 29, 2018 Closed
Sunday, December 30, 2018 Closed
Monday, December 31, 2018 Closed
Tuesday, January 1, 2019 Closed
Wednesday, January 2, 2019 Opening at 7:30am

We'll be back in the new year and look forward to working with you.  Happy New Year!


Image citation: Mr.TinDC. (2010). Office Holiday Trees. Retrieved from: