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pleasepayhereThe Commonwealth Fund just published an Issue Brief written by GW Milken Institute School of Public Health faculty examining this issue.  Sara Rosenbaum, Sara Schmucker, Sara Rothenberg, and Rachel Gunsalus describe Medicaid demonstrations currently running in six states.  These demonstrations all increase beneficiaries’ financial responsibility via enrollment fees and/or cost-sharing beyond traditional Medicare limits.   In this issue brief, the authors describe:

  • The types of cost sharing being tested
  • Opportunities for beneficiaries to reduce their financial liability
  • Penalties for not paying premiums or enrollment fees
  • Evaluation of possible changes

Read the full-text online:

Rosenbaum S, Schmucker S, Rothenberg S, Gunsalus R. (2016).  How Will Section 1115 Medicaid Expansion Demonstrations Inform Federal Policy? Issue Brief (Commonw Fund). 13:1-10. PubMed PMID: 27214927.


Photo credit: Depolo, Steve. (2009) Please pay here. [image]. Available at:


How often are residents observed? 

A new study by GW researchers looks at this question in a recently published article.  In Observing and Giving Feedback to Novice PGY-1s, Katherine Tully, Jennifer Keller, Jim Blatt, and Larrie Greenberg studied OB-GYN residents during the second month of residency to assess:

  • What activities do residents report performing?
  • How often are residents observed and who observes them?
  • How often do residents receive feedback?
  • How useful is feedback given to residents?
  • Does shift time affect the frequency of observation and feedback?
Read the full-text article courtesy of Himmelfarb Library's full-text journal collection:
Tully K, Keller J, Blatt B, Greenberg L. (2016).  Observing and Giving Feedback to Novice PGY-1s. South Med J.  May;109(5):320-5. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000000459. PubMed PMID: 27135733.


Photo credit: Gill, Gregory.  (2011) After close observation... [image].  Available at:


AccessMedicine has incorporated a great news feature,  2 Minute Medicine.  2 Minute Medicine originates with Marc Succi, MD, a physician at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and is designed to help health care professionals sift among new journal articles for the highest quality evidence.  2 Minute Medicine focuses on identifying the highest impact medical literature and interpreting those articles for health care professionals.

2 Minute Medicine is available via AccessMedicine; a link appears in both the Readings area and the AccessMedicine homepage.  Each 2 Minute Medicine item provides:
  • Bullet points describing the primary findings of the article.
  • An evidence rating level
  • A study rundown describing past research on this topic and this study's findings
  • Links to the full-text of the original study
  • In-depth - a more detailed look at the methodology and results of the study.
AccessMedicine is available from the Himmelfarb Library homepage and provides access to more than 100 full-text books including Harrison's Principles of Internal MedicineGoodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of TherapeuticsHurst's The Heart, and Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine.  AccessMedicine also provides access to numerous Lange titles, videos, case files and cases, and self-assessment tools.

Aedes_aegypti141Zika virus is on the news, the topic of patient questions, and a concern for healthcare providers.  Himmelfarb Library has the Zika virus information that you need:


Image source: Rafaelgilo (No date). Aedes aegypti , one of the transmitters Zika virus [online image].  Available at:

Health AffairsThe December issue of Health Affairs focuses on children’s health and includes articles that examine “current threats to the health and health care of America’s children”.  The issue includes a number of sections which address children’s health through the lens of the U.S.’s evolving health care system: changing epidemiology of children’s health,  insurance coverage, access to care, maternal health and birth outcomes, medically complex children, childhood obesity, resource allocation, and housing and health.

The issue includes several articles authored by GW faculty including:

Himmelfarb Library provides access to Health Affairs beginning in 1981 and extending through the most recent issues published as part of the library’s E-Journals collection.  Users may access articles directly via the journal’s website, or via the ‘Find it @ Himmelfarb links’ embedded in PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.

The Global Nutrition ReportThe first publication of The Global Nutrition Report is now available online.  This publication is the results of work by a consortium of nations, organizations, researchers, and scholars.  The report is meant to provide a comprehensive study on global health and nutrition.  The Global Nutrition Report provides both a global profile as well as individual country profiles which track the progress of each United Nations member in terms of 80+ indicators on nutrition outcomes, determinants, program coverage, resources, and political commitment.

natureNature published a special issue on diversity in the scientific workforce (or lack thereof) and its effect on research.  The articles in this issue examine the connections between diversity and the rigor of research "including how marginalization affects study design."  The issue includes new articles examining the effects of a lack of diversity in patient populations and how that can bias research; the effects of economic and political inequality on global health research; issues in informed consent in mental health research in diverse cultures; the link between a team's ethnic mix and the number of citations their published articles receive.
Also, in addition to the new articles, this special edition compiles key articles on aspects of diversity which were previously published and includes sections on disabilities, inclusivity, gender, LGBTQ,  and class and ethnicity.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)Himmelfarb Library has created a new page to link users to the latest information on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever  for healthcare workers.  This page will be automatically updated as new information is available from the CDC and includes links to information on:

  • Diagnosis/Testing
  • Specimen Collection, Transport, Testing, and Submission
  • Transportation/Monitoring/Movement
  • Protecting Healthcare Workers
  • Clinical care information for U.S. healthcare settings
  • Clinical care information for African healthcare settings

Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library has been selected to host the TEDMED live streaming event for the George Washington University.

web flyer

TEDMED is a “global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine.”

The event will be held from September 10 – 12 and will feature live simulcasts from the two main locations in Washington DC and San Francisco. For more information about the event, please visit the TEDMED site.

TEDMED has announced all of the speakers and co-hosts for the nine sessions planned over the course of three days. Each session revolves around a theme ranging from recognizing the limit of our knowledge to science/health trends. For more information about all of the nine sessions including speaker bios, please visit TEDMED Sessions. 

Session Number Day Time Session
Session 1 Wed., Sep. 10 9:00am – 10:40am Turn It Upside Down
Session 2 Wed., Sep. 10 1:00pm – 2:45pm We Just Don’t Know
Session 3 Wed., Sep. 10 4:45pm – 6:15pm Flat Out Amazing
Session 4 Thu., Sep. 11 8:30am – 10:10am Stealing Smart
Session 5 Thu., Sep. 11 12:45pm – 2:30pm Don’t You Dare Talk About This
Session 6 Thu., Sep. 11 4:30pm – 6:05pm Play Is Not A Waste Of Time
Session 7 Fri., Sep. 12 8:00am - 9:40am Human Nature Inside And Out
Session 8 Fri., Sep. 12 11:00am- 12:40pm Weird And Wonderful
Session 9 Fri., Sep. 12 2:30pm – 4:00pm I Was Just Thinking Too Small

All sessions will be streamed in Ross Hall, Lobby B.

Pediatric Care Online has just published an update regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics' recent report entitled The Transfer of Drugs and Therapeutics Into Human Breast Milk.  In this report, Dr. Hari Cheryl Sachs writes "Many mothers are inappropriately advised to discontinue breastfeeding or avoid taking essential medications because of fears of adverse effects on their infants. This cautious approach may be unnecessary in many cases, because only a small proportion of medications are contraindicated in breastfeeding mothers or associated with adverse effects on their infants."

To learn more, please consult:

Pediatric Care Online is available via desktop and mobile access courtesy of Himmelfarb Library.