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Clinical Information AppsHimmelfarb Library provides clinical and drug information tools to GW students, faculty and staff.  These resources are available via web access and as apps at no charge to GW affiliates.   GW users have access to web resources 24/7 and can install the apps on their personal devices.  Most apps last for one year and can be renewed annually.

Our most popular clinical and drug information tools include:

  • DynaMed - evidence-based point-of-care information resource includes drug and disease information.  Web or App.
  • Epocrates Essentials - evidence-based resource providing disease and drug information. Disease information uses step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Web or App.
  • Lexicomp - comprehensive clinical drug information;  includes Lexi-Drugs and Lexi-Interact.  Web or App.

Additional apps are also available via Himmelfarb's App Shelf.

If you have questions, please contact Laura Abate (

Health Information @ HimmelfarbHealth Information @ Himmelfarb users – help us by answering a brief survey!

Starting this week Health Information @ Himmelfarb (HI@H) searchers will see a three question survey at the top of the search retrieval page. Himmelfarb Library wants to know more about how HI@H is being used in order to better meet the needs of our users.  The questions are quick and easy to answer and focus on the purpose of HI@H searches.

HI@H is a multi-resource discovery tool that allows users to simultaneously search many of the library’s subscription e-resources and databases. The Library tailored HI@H to focus on the scholarly health sciences literature, but it also includes general reference, news, social sciences, and education resources. Knowing more about who is using it and why will help us continue to improve the service by offering the best resource match.  Please take a few moments to answer the survey the next time you are searching. The survey will continue through the month of April.

If you have questions or feedback on Health Information @ Himmelfarb, please contact JoLinda Thompson (

The Lexicomp app's 'Interact' tool (useful for identifying possible drug interactions) is not compatible with the recent update to the iOS update.  Lexicomp is working on addressing this by creating a fix in the Lexicomp app which they anticipate will be available within the next two weeks.    If possible, you may wish to delay updating your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to the iOS 8.2 update until Lexicomp releases the update to their app.

  • Description of issue: If you upgrade to iOS 8.2, the Interact module on your Lexicomp mobile app will no longer function properly. Specifically, you will no longer be able to add drugs to an interaction check. Tapping the "plus" icon to do so will result in the app crashing back to the home screen.
  • Steps you can take: Once you upgrade your device operating system to iOS 8.2, there is no way to roll back the upgrade. Therefore, if possible, we suggest delaying upgrading to the new operating system until a fix is in place. The issue does not affect users of earlier versions of the iOS operating system (any version 8.1 or lower).

If you have any questions or concerns about your specific situation, please contact technical support at

amshowdownAccessMedicine is offering a new game to challenge your medical knowledge.  AccessMedicine's Showdown is a quiz-bowl style game in which you and your opponent will compete during two rounds of questions.  Each round of questions has five categories worth anywhere from 100 to 400 points plus a final question worth 500 points.  You can choose to play AccessMedicine's Showdown live or get an email notification when it's your turn.  You can also play practice rounds by challenging the computer.
AccessMedicine provides full-text access to more that 100 core medicine texts including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Hurst's the Heart, and the Lange review series.  Along with these full-text books, AccessMedicine provides self-assessment tools and cases designed to help you master the medical information.  If you have any questions about AccessMedicine, please contact Laura Abate (

DynaMedDynaMed has updated its app to provide improved access to the high quality evidence-based point-of-care and drug information provided by this resource.  Instructions for updating your DynaMed app are available on Himmelfarb Library's App Shelf and are also provided below:

  1. Access DynaMed then click on 'Mobile' in the menu at the top of the screen and enter your email address.
  2. Download DynaMed app (Apple/iOSor Android) to your device then open email message on your device and click on the 'authentication key' to activate the app.
  3. Note: you can use the same email to active DynaMed on up to three devices; the emailed authentication key is good for 48 hours.

You may also find this brief video tutorial (1:31) useful.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (

New evidenceWhich five articles from 2014 are most likely to change medical practice?

DynaMed, a  clinical reference tool, offered by Himmelfarb Library has published their list.  To create DynaMed, a continuously updated evidence-based tool, DynaMed editors review a huge segment of the medical literature.  Last year, they considered more than 28,000 articles  and integrated more than 11,000 pieces of new evidence into DynaMed.  Of those articles, DynaMed's editors have identified the most important articles from 2014:

  1. Pelvic Exam Not Recommended for Screening Asymptomatic Nonpregnant Women.  Reference: Ann Intern Med 2014;161:67
  2. Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy Does Not Improve Symptoms of Degenerative Medial Meniscus Tear in Patients Without Knee Osteoarthritis.  Reference:N Engl J Med 2013 Dec 26;369(26):2515
  3. Maternal Vaccination Decreases Risk of Influenza in Mothers and Their Infants.  Reference: N Engl J Med 2014 Sep 4;371(10):918
  4. Bilateral Mastectomy May Not Increase Survival Compared to Breast-Conserving Surgery With Radiation in Women With Unilateral Breast Cancer.  Reference: JAMA 2014 Sep 3;312(9):902
  5. In Adults With Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformation, Interventional Therapy Appears to Worsen Outcomes Compared to Medical Management.  Reference: Lancet 2014 Feb 15;383(9917):614

For more information, please consult the full article in DynaMed EBM Focus.  DynaMed is available from both on- and off-campus locations and is also offered to Himmelfarb Library's users as an app.  For more information, please contact Laura Abate (

ClinicalKeyClinicalKey now provides a new 'Journal eToc alert service' so that you can receive email notification of new journal issues as soon as they're available.  With each journal eToc alert you will receive and email containing the Table of Content for the new issue of the journal.  You can select the specific journal title(s) that interest you and turn your subscriptions on and off at any time.  This feature will alert you whenever a new issue of one of 'your' journals is available; Articles in Press (AIP) will not be included in the new issue alerts.

To create  new Journal eToc alert:

  1. Create a free personal ClinicalKey account.
  2. Access the ClinicalKey journal which interests you.
  3. Select 'New Issue Alerts: Subscribe' near to top of the page just below the journal's title.

ClinicalKey’s provides access to a wide collection of full-text materials including 1,000+ books, 600+ journals, 17,000+ medical and surgical videos, 300+ ProceduresConsult videos and articles, and more than two million images.  ClinicalKey also provides a gateway to the FirstConsult point-of-care library as well as drug information, practice guidelines, and patient education materials.  If you have any questions regarding ClinicalKey or online access, please contact Laura Abate at

LexicompLexicomp has integrated information about off-label drug information into their drug information.  Lexicomp users will now find a 'Use: Off-Label' field in drug monographs.  This new field provides information on the off-label uses for the drug as well as an evidence rating.  For example, the drug monograph on Montelukast (Singulair) includes this information on off-label use:

  • Urticaria (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug–induced)Level of Evidence [B]
  • Data from a double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison of montelukast and cetirizine in patients with chronic urticaria and intolerance to food additives and/or aspirin supports the use of montelukast in the treatment of patients experiencing urticaria related to the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Pacor, 2001).

Lexicomp is available via Himmelfarb Library's homepage and can be accessed from both on- and off-campus locations.  Himmelfarb Library also provides access to Lexicomp as an app which can be downloaded for free by GW affiliates via the Library's App Shelf.

Google ScholarArticle-level links to Himmelfarb Library's holdings are not currently available in Google Scholar.  We have learned that these links should be restored by Tuesday, November 25 or Wednesday, November 26.  Links to Himmelfarb Library's full-text collection continue to function in other databases including PubMedCINAHLScopus, and Health Information @ Himmelfarb.

ClinicalKeyClinicalKey is now available via an updated interface.  The new interface is designed to connect users to the information needed to answer a question more quickly while continuing to provide access to ClinicalKey’s repository of full-text books, journal articles, FirstConsult point-of-care tool, clinical guidelines, drug information, and patient education materials.  ClinicalKey’s updated interface includes:

  • Topic page – 1,400 topic pages quickly connect users to point of care content. For example, the topic page on Renal Cell Carcinoma presents relevant content from Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2015, Conn’s Current Therapy, Goldman’s Cecil Medicine 2014, and First Consult.  Along with the selected content available in the topic review, users can opt to show all results or access specialty views, related patient education, latest journal articles, or related practice guidelines.
  • Browse feature – browse a particular content type (e.g. journals, books, drug monographs, practice guidelines, etc.). You can find the Browse feature by clicking on ‘More’ in the upper left  area of ClinicalKey.
  • Personal account – Sign up for a free personal ClinicalKey account as part of Himmelfarb Library’s subscription to take advantage of even more special features including access to search history, PDF copies of book chapters, presentation maker, and saved items.

ClinicalKey’s updated interface still provides access to a wide collection of full-text materials including 1,000+ books, 600+ journals, 17,000+ medical and surgical videos, 300+ ProceduresConsult videos and articles, and more than two million images.  ClinicalKey also provides a gateway to the FirstConsult point-of-care library as well as drug information, practice guidelines, and patient education materials.  If you have any questions regarding ClinicalKey or online access, please contact Laura Abate at