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In response to the University’s move to online classes and some student populations being off-campus during that time, Himmelfarb Library has extended due dates for print materials coming due March 14 through April 5th. Those materials are now due by end of day Monday, April 6th, 2020. Please contact the library’s circulation managers at 202-994-2962 or if you need to extend due dates beyond then or have other questions about borrowing physical materials.Himmelfarb Library Circulation Desk

We expect that Documents2Go interlibrary loan services for digital book chapters and articles will continue as normal. Delivery of some physical materials from other libraries may be delayed as they have closures or reductions in service. Contact document delivery staff at or 202-994-2860 with any questions about borrowing materials from other libraries.

Himmelfarb Library will remain open 24/7 with service desks open regular hours until further notice.


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has declared March 8-14, 2020 to be Patient Safety Awareness Week.  The annual event promotes safety in the healthcare system for both patients and healthcare workers. Medical harm remains a leading cause of death worldwide with the World Health Organization estimating 2.6 million deaths annually from unsafe care in hospitals.

The Institute provides a number of supporting resources on its website:

Patient Safety Essentials Toolkit

Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success

It also makes available a Safety Culture Assessment tool for organizations.

IHI is offering a free virtual learning hour, Principles for Improving Patient Safety Measurement, on Tuesday, March 10th from noon to 1pm.

You can find more resources on IHI’s Patient Safety page, including how to earn the Certified Professional in Patient Safety credential.

Here are some Himmelfarb Library resources on patient safety:

AccessMedicine. Patient Safety Modules [multimedia]

Banja JD. Patient Safety Ethics : How Vigilance, Mindfulness, Compliance, and Humility Can Make Healthcare Safer . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2019.

Fondahn E, Lane M, Vannucci A. The Washington Manual of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement . Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania: Wolters Kluwer; 2016.

Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management. London: SAGE Publications; 2018.

Wachter RM, Gupta K. Understanding Patient Safety . Third edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2018.

Waterson P. Patient Safety Culture : Theory, Methods, and Application . Farnham, Surrey, England ;: Ashgate Publishing Limited; 2014.


The Himmelfarb Library Scholarly Communications Committee is presenting a webinar event bi-weekly on scholarly publishing topics through spring 2020. The webinars are open to the GW community and webinars are available for viewing after the webinar event. Details of the available and upcoming webinars are listed in the Scholarly Publishing Research Guide.

Journal Stack image

Introduction to Scholarly Publishing, by Paul Levett, is currently available for viewing. It compares traditional and emerging publishing models and what editors consider when selecting articles for publication. 

This week’s webinar is Journal Selection Tools: Choosing the Right Journal for Your Research. The webinar becomes available for viewing February 26th at noon.

In this webinar we provide an overview of tools and resources that can help you select an appropriate journal for your research. Learn about the difference between aggregation based journal selection tools and publisher based journal selection tools and utilize comparison rubrics to evaluate multiple publications. In this webinar we also give you an opportunity to locate journals relevant to your field of study. 

Mark your calendar for these events in March! 

Introduction to Predatory Publishing: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 12pm EST

Copyright for Authors: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 12pm EST

Have you noticed the new microphone icon in the search bar of Health Information @ Himmelfarb?

The microphone appears on most search pages; clicking the microphone enables a voice search feature.

Now speak your search terms and Health Information @ Himmelfarb will display your terms and retrieve matches. A red button in the open window tab indicates the microphone is active and listening. If no audio is detected, the system will prompt for input twice before exiting voice mode.

At this time voice search is only available on Chrome desktop, Android, and Samsung browsers. It will roll out for other browsers as they support Web Speech API.

Health Information @ Himmelfarb has also launched several changes for mobile device searching. 

There is a new funnel icon for Refine Results functions (circled in red above).  When you click the funnel icon for Refine Results all of the options display and multiple can be selected at once.



When you open an item in results, all of the Send to options are now displayed in a block together, as shown to left.



The ellipsis icon (circled in red below) now leads to Library Account, Advanced search, and other search options. 

You can also access Sign In here for requesting options, including Consortium Loan Service and Documents2Go.

We hope these new features improve your search experience on Health Information @ Himmelfarb. If you have questions about the service or need assistance with it, open a chat session with the Ask Us tab while searching or contact the Himmelfarb Information Desk at 4-2850 or

GW COVID-19 responseThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring an outbreak caused by a new coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The outbreak has resulted in hundreds of confirmed cases in China and additional cases in a growing number of other countries, including the first confirmed case in the US.

Himmelfarb Library has links to the latest information from CDC, World Health Organization, and the National Library of Medicine’s Disaster Information Management Resource Center on the Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources Research Guide. This guide will continue to be updated as the situation coronavirus imagedevelops.

Research Guide: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning to travel internationally, consult the CDC Traveler’s Health page. Currently travelers are being asked to avoid non-essential travel to Wuhan. There are further recommendations and precautions if you plan to travel to China or are traveling to Asia for Lunar New Year celebrations.

Additionally from the CDC:

If you traveled to China in the last 14 days and feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical care right away. Before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms. 

Further important instructions are on the Traveler’s Health page.

Healthcare providers should immediately notify their local or state health department in the event of a patient under investigation for 2019-nCoV. Information for the Washington, DC Department of Health is below. For other localities, check the Directory of Local Health Departments (NACCHO).

Government of the District of Columbia Department of Health
899 N Capitol St Ne
Washington, DC 20002-4263
Phone: (202) 442-5955

Image source: AJC1. (2013) Novel coronavirus nCoV. flickr.

Himmelfarb Annual Book Sale posterOur Annual Book Sale will be held January 29th-31st in the first floor reference alcove of Himmelfarb. Sale is open 8:30am to midnight the first two days, wrapping up at noon on the 31st.

Textbooks, study guides, books of historical interest and more - get here early for best selection! $10 for hardback books, $5 for paperback, DVDs as low as $1. Cash or check only. 


Himmelfarb’s Humanities and Health Collection is much more than a leisure reading collection. These books can provide insight into the lives and experiences of those who have been sick and those who provide care.

book pages

Himmelfarb Library selectively acquires books in the Literature in Medicine genre for its Humanities and Health Collection. The collection is located on the first floor of the library, near the information desk and includes more than 200 titles that can be checked out for up to 9 weeks. 


Here’s a sampling of a few of the titles available:

Awdish, Rana. In Shock : My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope . First edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press; 2017. (R154.A93 A3 2017)

Day, Carolyn. Consumptive Chic : a History of Beauty, Fashion, and Disease . London ;: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; 2017. (RA644.T7 D39 2017)

Lerner, Barron H., Lerner, Phillip I. The Good Doctor : a Father, a Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics . Boston: Beacon Press; 2014. (R725.5 .L47 2014)

Obreht, Téa. The Tiger’s Wife : a Novel . 1st ed. New York: Random House; 2011. (PS3615 .B73 T54 2011)

Picoult, Jodi. My Sister’s Keeper : a Novel . New York: Washington Square PressBooks; 2006. (PS3566.I372 P53 2004)

Solzheni︠t︡syn, Aleksandr Isaevich. Cancer Ward . New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1968. (PG3488 .O4 R313 1968)

Tweedy, Damon. Black Man in a White Coat : a Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine . First Picador paperback edition. New York: Picador; 2016. (R154.T84 A3 2015)

You can browse the Humanities & Health Collection in the Online Catalog or come into Himmelfarb and browse the physical collection.

Health Information @ Himmelfarb, the search box on Himmelfarb Library’s home page, has new features for managing results and setting filters to limit results to specific disciplines.  On the brief results page, searchers can now opt to save the top 50 results and send to email, RefWorks, or add the whole group to Favorites. Click the box at the top of the results list to select the items on the page and the option to choose the top 50 results will appear.

Brief results page

Users can also activate the Personalize button at the top of brief results to limit results to a particular set of disciplines.  Clicking the button takes searchers to a list of disciplines to choose:

Disciplines list

Once disciplines are set, searchers have the option to boost newer materials with the Prefer newer material button that appears in Refine Results options to the left.  Searchers can also de-select the disciplines if desired to expand the search.

Results page with newer results displayed first

Health Information @ Himmelfarb has recently been configured to boost the most current five years of content in results.

If you have questions about using Health Information @ Himmelfarb or need assistance with searching, contact us through Ask Us or email