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A phone screen that is open to a page on LinkedIn. In the background, sunlight shines on a wooden surface.

Himmelfarb Library is pleased to announce that we are now on LinkedIn and ready to connect with our users on this professional networking platform. On our LinkedIn profile, you will receive updates on new blog articles that cover a range of topics such as new resources and tools, suggestions to improve scholarly communications, recognition of health and cultural awareness months and classroom management resources or services such as Himmelfarb’s durable link service. Additionally, you will see promotions for upcoming library events, new faculty-authored materials that are added to the library’s collection and other pertinent and professional news related to the health sciences . Our LinkedIn profile will also showcase the professional accomplishments of SMHS, GWSPH and SON faculty members and students. 

In addition to our new LinkedIn profile, Himmelfarb Library is available on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and our news blog, Himmelfarb Library News. Follow us on our social media platforms to stay up to date on new services, resources and other exciting library news. 

Socialmedia-pmDoes learning about social media issues help students identify professionalism issues and recognize positive social media use?

A new article by GW faculty that answers these questions was recently published in Teaching and Learning in Medicine.

In The Development and Impact of a Social Media and Professionalism Course for Medical Students, Gisela Butera, Alexandra Gomes, Kathy Chretien, and Terry Kind studied student responses to a workshop on social media for medical students.

In this qualitative study, students considered who they represented when they posted online - themself, their university or employer, or the medical profession.   Students were also asked if and how their social media presence had changed since entering medical school, or would change as a result of the session.  Read the complete paper to see student responses and reactions.

Image: Ibrahim.ID (2016). Social media icons collection.  Available from: