This interactive experience guides users through the history of drug advertising, and how to gauge if one should trust what you're seeing or reading. This exhibit takes you from the "snake oils" of the 1800s to today's social media platforms and examines how advertising has influenced our use of medications.
Snake Oil to Social Media is an online exhibit that includes videos and educational activities. It was created by librarians, archivists, and pharmacists from New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine, with funding from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine/Mid-Atlantic Region (NNLM/MAR).
This program was designed for consumers, but health care professionals will likely find it interesting and informative, too!
Image citation: Williams & Carleton (Formerly Geo. W. Williams & Co.) (Hartford, CT) (No Date). Williams' Blood Purifier trade card. Retrieved from: https://library.artstor.org/#/public/28315044