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IMG_0090Do you eat healthy? Do you want ideas for eating healthier?

Do you know about an awesome snack available in Foggy Bottom? Or, do you make your healthy study break snack at home?

Share your best healthy snacks on Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb’s snap your snack thread on Instagram (#snapyoursnackgw #healthyhimmelfarb #bewellgw).   Post a pic – or recipe!

Skating at Washington HarborIt's cold out anyway, so why not enjoy winter? Join Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb for ice skating at Georgetown's Washington Harbour on Friday, February 9th at 8 pm.

This ice skating rink is a short walk from GW and is right on the Georgetown waterfront. It’s the largest outdoor rink in the DC area and is even larger than the rink at New York City’s Rockefeller Center. As you skate, you can enjoy Georgetown’s beautiful winter lights; after you skate, you might enjoy one of the many nearby restaurants.

When: Friday, February 9th 8-10 p.m.
Where: Georgetown’s Washington Harbour Ice Skating Rink
Directions from GW: walk north on Virginia Ave and cross Rock Creek Parkway, veer left toward the Potomac and walk a short distance to the rink.
Cost: $12 includes entry fee and skate rental
RSVP: Register now to reserve your space! GW affiliates should register and may bring non-GW affiliates (please include all participants in registration).

If you have questions, please contact Laura Abate (


Image Citation: Flood, J. (2013). Skating at Washington Harbor. [Image]. Available at:

pumpkinpieConcerned about what the Thanksgiving meal could do to your weight or metabolism?


Stop worrying and read this consumer education article on Why You Seriously Don't Need to Worry About All the Calories on Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving from Himmelfarb Library!



Image citation: Klocek, B. (2008). Pumpkin pie [image].  Retrieved from:

eclipseDid you wait too long to buy your eclipse glasses?

Don't worry, you can still safely view the eclipse by using a pinhole camera!

Stop by the first floor of Himmelfarb Library between 9-3 on Monday, August 21 to make your own. All supplies and instructions will be provided but they are offered first come, first served so don't wait too long to get yours!

The eclipse will occur from 1:17 p.m. to 4:01 p.m., with maximum eclipse of 82% occultation at 2:42 p.m

mindset-743161_1920A Healthy Living Collection is now available at Himmelfarb Library.

Himmelfarb's newest collection of books is located on the first floor near the main sitting area and includes books on:
  • Cooking and nutrition: The 5-Ingredient College Cookbook, Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, etc.
  • Stress reduction: The Relaxation Response, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, etc.
  • Home organization: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Little Book of Hygge, etc.
  • Alternative medicine (Integrative Medicine, Manifesto for a New Medicine, etc.)
You can find a complete information on these books via the Library Catalog, as well as on Himmelfarb's Wellness page which also provides information about wellness apps for physical activity and mindful movement, medication, healthy eating, financial literacy and debt management, and biofeedback.