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qsen1The American Journal of Nursing is hosting a free webinar on QSEN in an Amazon World on Wednesday October 16, 2019 at 1:00 pm ET.

More than an acronym, the specific knowledge, skills and attitudes of QSEN (Quality and Safety for Nurses) assist nurses and their interprofessional partners to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems in which they work.

Join Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN and Joanne Disch, PhD, RN, FAAN, two of the developers of QSEN, as they discuss the competencies required for professional practice. They will compare and contrast the values and practices of Amazon, known for delivering accurate, individualized, and efficient service, with current best practices implemented by health care settings and schools of nursing to ensure high quality safe care.


GW faculty Dr. Y. Tony Yang recently published an opinion piece in JAMA Pediatrics on vaccine misinformation on social media and the government’s role in regulating its spread. He and his coauthors Dr. David Broniatowski (of the GW School of Engineering and Applied Science) and Dr. Dorit Rubenstein Reiss examine the current legal landscape and weigh First Amendment concerns with the public interest in maintaining a well-vaccinated public.
They argue that private social media companies, government agencies, and public health officials all need to work in tandem on combating the spread of vaccine misinformation. Ultimately, they call for additional research to get to the root of why there is a demand for vaccine misinformation in order to best counter its spread and help correct misinformation that is already in the public sphere.
Yang YT, Broniatowski DA, Reiss DR. Government Role in Regulating Vaccine Misinformation on Social Media Platforms. JAMA Pediatr. Published online September 03, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.2838


Image citation: Toddler about to receive a vaccine from a doctor. Retrieved 09/30/2019 from


Fall in love with fall in DC with Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb's DC Events Guide!    Take a study break to recharge and enjoy the autumn weather and colors in the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden or head out on a poetry hike.  You can also get your costume on head out to the Dumbarton at Dusk Fall festival or the Corcoran Costume Ball.  Or, simply celebrate orange at the DC Mac + Cheese Festival!

Cathepsin B (1CTE) protein

Our 3D printer has been in use for almost a year, and in that time the Himmelfarb community has printed some incredible 3D models!


3D printing has applications in both medical education and practice. It has impacted everything from patient-specific anatomical models to quicker implant production, and more precise drug creation in the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers have even explored combining 3D printing techniques with human cells to create transplantable organs.

For more information, check out our 3D Printing LibGuide. Stop by the computer workstation to the left of the Himmelfarb entrance to submit your 3D print job today!

Cytosine + adenine nucleotides (green & yellow), transfer RNA (black), protein molecules (white)
Beta sheet from PDB 1SA8
Cytosine + adenine nucleotides (green & yellow), transfer RNA (black), protein molecules (white)

PubMed is nearing the completion of a platform overhaul and the new interface is ready for testing via PubMed Labs.  Key features of the redesigned PubMed include:
  • Updated mobile-compliant interface allows you to search from a desktop, laptop, or your phone via a consistent interface
  • Search results display in 'Best Match' order using a newly launched state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm.
  • Articles are displayed with a brief citation and snippet of the most relevant portion of the article's abstract.
Along with the updated interface, Himmelfarb library users can continue to take advantage of these customized features:
  • Find it @ Himmelfarb links connect users to full-text articles in Himmelfarb Library's collection, as well as the library's interlibrary loan service, Documents@Go.
  • Evidence-based practice filters allow users to quickly identify specific article types including systematic review, practice guidelines, randomized controlled trials, cohort and case control studies, and background reviews.
PubMed's redesign is available for testing now via the PubMed Labs website.  This fall, the updated interface will become the default PubMed interface.   Once the new interface is launched, users will be able to switch from the updated interface to the classic interface for the remainder of 2019.


Artificial Intelligence Technology FuturisticGW Faculty Dr. Gaby Moawad recently published an article in Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology on the use of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in gynecology.  In this article Dr. Moawad and co-authors Paul Tyan and Michelle Louie review clinical applications of artificial intelligence and surgical applications of augmented reality.

Artificial intelligence and augmented reality in gynecology describes several current applications in gynecology including a robotic platform that minimizes human tremor; projection of radiological images to the operating field to improve surgeons' appreciation of pathologic and helathy organs; and the use of injected tracer dye combined with near-infrared imaging to map blood flow.



Image citation: Artificial Intelligence Technology Futuristic. Retrieved 9/19/2019 from

Artificial Intelligence Technology Futuristic

quality-in-peer-review_19It’s Peer Review Week and Himmelfarb Library is celebrating this year’s theme “Quality in Peer Review.”  Peer review is vital to ensuring publication quality and there are a number of things you can do to help celebrate this foundational aspect of the scholarly communications process:

  • Sign up for a Publons profile. Publons is a free service that allows you to track and highlight your peer review contributions to academic journals. Publons allows you to document your peer review contributions and can be used to highlight your scholarly impact.
  • Help to develop and update reporting guidelines. The CONSORT Statement which helps to minimize problems associated from inadequate reporting of randomized control trials was introduced in 1996 and other reporting guidelines such as STROBE, PRISMA, STARD, and TRIPOD also help to ensure that publications are complete. Helping to update guidelines can be a valuable way to ensure their continued credibility. For information on helping to develop reporting guidelines, see the EQUATOR network toolkit.
  • Join the Publons Academy. The Publons Academy offers free online peer review training that allows you to build your skills as a reviewer and connect with editors in your field. Complete the program and receive a certificate highlighting your skills as a qualified per reviewer.
  • Review peer review guidelines. Whether you are a seasoned reviewer or new to the peer review process, there are a number of resources that can help you build your skills. Wiley’s guide for journal reviewers provides information ranging from how to perform a peer review to guidelines for ensuring that you receive recognition for your work.


Have questions or need more information about peer review? Contact Sara Hoover, Metadata and Scholarly Publishing Librarian at the Himmelfarb Library at

balance-110850_640.jpgHealthy Living @ Himmelfarb is excited to announce another mindful meditation session with Cynthia Powell!

Our session is scheduled for Monday, September 16th from 12:30-1PM in Ross Hall Rm 104, and will last about 20 minutes. We are also offering the session online via WebEx at this link. We hope you can join us!

Did you know?

Mindful meditation has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, while also promoting self-compassion in health care professionals and students. If you would like to learn more, you can find the full text of these articles available in the Himmelfarb catalog.

  1. Damiao Neto, A., Lucchetti, A. L. G., da Silva Ezequiel, O., & Lucchetti, G. (2019). Effects of a required large-group mindfulness meditation course on first-year medical students' mental health and quality of life: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05284-0
  2. Taylor R. Greif & David A. S. Kaufman (2019) Immediate effects of meditation in college students: A pilot study examining the role of baseline attention performance and trait mindfulness, Journal of American College Health, DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1650052
  3. Ruiz-Fernandez, M. D., Ortiz-Amo, R., Ortega-Galan, A. M., Ibanez-Masero, O., Rodriguez-Salvador, M. D. M., & Ramos-Pichardo, J. D. (2019). Mindfulness therapies on health professionals. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, doi: 10.1111/inm.12652
  4. Rao, N., & Kemper, K. J. (2017). Online training in specific meditation practices improves gratitude, well-being, self-compassion, and confidence in providing compassionate care among health professionals. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 22(2), 237-241. doi: 10.1177/2156587216642102
  5. Lyddy, C. J., Schachter, Y., Reyer, A., & Julliard, K. (2016). Transfer of mindfulness training to the work setting: A qualitative study in a health care system. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36(4), 240-248. doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000120


Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay

20170808-clinical-genomicsAre you interested in how genomics can be used in clinical care?  A recent review in The Lancet discusses future directions for clinical application and discusses how specific technologies can be applied including: family health history, clinically important genomic variation, SNP array genotyping, and genome sequencing.  The article also discusses clinically relevant issues such as the disclosure of information to patients, the process of sharing genomic test results with patients, and patient-oriented resources and genomic medicine studies.

For more discussion, check out additional articles in Dr. Chuck Macri's Genetics Journal Club  as well as additional full-text articles is available in Himmelfarb Library's full-text collection:

To get background information on genomics, consult a title from Himmelfarb's book collection which includes:

  • Pyeritz, R., Korf, B., & Grody, W. (2019). Emery and Rimoin’s principles and practice of medical genetics and genomics. Foundations (Seventh edition.). London, U.K: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.
  • Moody, S. (2015). Principles of developmental genetics (2nd edition.). London: Elsevier Academic Press.  Himmelfarb Stacks: QH453.P756 2015

    • Congratulations to Sally Moody, PhD, chair of the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology at #GWSMHS, whose book Principles of Developmental Genetics, 2nd Ed., was selected for Doody Enterprises, Inc. Core Titles in the Health Sciences.   The list of the most distinguished titles is used by librarians worldwide to develop and update their collections with the titles deemed most essential in over 120 specialties across clinical medicine, nursing, allied health, and basic sciences.


Image citation: Del Aguila, E. (No date). Image of young child with double helix [Online image].  Retrieve from on September 3, 2019.

artofcareThrough careful examination and discussion of original works of art at the National Gallery of Art, healthcare professionals and caregivers will practice and hone skills that support visual literacy, communication, and empathy. Working independently and in small groups in the galleries, participants will engage in exercises that explore the nuance and depth of meaning in works of art. Participants will also reflect on how they can apply these skills to their work to enhance relationships with care recipients, members of medical teams, and colleagues.

The program was co-developed and is run in partnership between the National Gallery of Art and the Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program.

Participants are asked to commit to the four workshop dates if possible. Registering for the first date guarantees enrollment in all four meetings. Please only register if you can attend all four sessions.

  • Friday, September 13, 2019, 10:00-12:00
  • Friday, September 20, 10:00-12:00
  • Friday, September 27, 10:00-12:00
  • Friday, October 4, 10:00-12:00