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Introducing the LWW Health Library Journal Club!

Wolters Kluwer: LWW Health Library logo

Do you enjoy journal club discussions, but wish there was a way to make them more interesting? Ever wish you could have the information in those articles presented a more interactive and interesting manner? Do you want practice and examples assessing the strengths and weaknesses of published studies? The LWW Health Library’s Journal Club could be just the thing for you!

Himmelfarb Library provides access to LWW Health Library. The LWW Health Library aims to make texts and references more engaging, and that’s just what they’ve done with the journal club portion of the resource! The journal club feature can be found in the menu bar at the top of the page.

The journal club is organized into easy to navigate modules based on the evaluation method published in Studying a study & testing a test reading evidence-based health research by GW's Dr. Richard Riegelman. Each module focuses on an abstract or a full-length article. Modules include access to the full article discussed in the module.

Screenshot of journal club module start page.

Each module walks you through the article’s key points in a concise manner while presenting the information in a visually appealing, easy to read and comprehend format.

Screenshot of journal club module article results summary.

For a more engaging version of your typical journal club, check out the LWW Health Library’s Journal Club feature today!

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