Have you noted some new faces at the Information Desk on the Himmelfarb Library first floor or manning our library chat service? We are pleased to introduce you to Rachel Brill, Reference and Instruction Librarian, and Corinne Petro, Evening/Weekend Reference Specialist.

Rachel recently completed her Masters in Library Science at Indiana University and worked previously as a reference assistant at Wells Library at Indiana University. She also has instructional and scholarly publishing experience, including utilizing NVivo for qualitative analysis. At Himmelfarb, she joins our team of reference and instruction librarians who provide research support and online database search services, and instructional services, including serving as embedded librarians in the first and second year MS Practice of Medicine curriculum. You can reach Rachel at rgbrill@gwu.edu.
Here are some more things to know about Rachel!
What are you enjoying most about your experience at Himmelfarb Library so far?
That everyone has been so friendly! The Himmelfarb staff was so welcoming to me. I feel like I’m already a part of the Himmelfarb family. I’m also really excited to start working with med students in the POM class.
What has surprised you?
That we have a real human skeleton on the 3rd floor!
Tell us a bit about your background.
I hail from Cherry Hill, New Jersey, outside of Philadelphia. I got my bachelor’s degree in classics at Princeton University, and then I got master’s degrees in library science and history from Indiana University. I have always wanted to be a librarian, especially in a role in which I could assist students and scholars conducting research. It is a dream job for me because I get to learn new things all the time.
What do you like to do in your free time?
You can usually find me reading a book, watching a funny TV show, or listening to show tunes.

Corinne is currently working on her Masters in Library Science at San Jose State and has a Bachelor in Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies from Colorado State. Corinne has extensive experience in educational settings, including work as a tutor and parent liaison at tutoring and child care services. She also has experience as a writing instructor and as an office administrator. Corinne will primarily staff the first floor information desk and the library chat service at Himmelfarb in the late afternoon and evenings during the week and on Saturday afternoons. You can reach Corinne at corinnepetro@gwu.edu.
Here are some more things to know about Corinne!
What are you enjoying most about your experience at Himmelfarb Library so far?
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know my coworkers, everyone is very helpful and kind. I’m also just happy to be working at the reference desk so I can put what I’m learning in my classes into practice.
What has surprised you?
I’m happily surprised about the many 3-D printed frogs that live here.
Tell us a bit about your background.
I studied Gender Studies and Philosophy during my undergrad at Colorado State University. Now I am studying for my Master’s in Information and Library Science at San Jose State University. I also work part time as a teacher and as a pet-sitter.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like spending time with my pets, reading, writing, and playing games. I also enjoy hiking.