When you search Health Information @ Himmelfarb, the library’s search box, you will now be alerted to retracted content in the search results. This service is courtesy of Third Iron’s LibKey which provides the PDF and View Issue Contents buttons in article records. When an article is retracted, the PDF button is replaced with a Retracted Article button as illustrated below.

Clicking on the Retracted Article button opens a window that displays the retraction details (why the article was retracted) and PDF link if you still want to read or download the article.

Retraction data comes from Retraction Watch, a service of the Center for Scientific Integrity.
Retraction notices are now available in other Third Iron products. For example, if you use the Browzine app to read e-journals from Himmelfarb, alerts to retracted articles will appear there. LibKey Nomad can be installed as an extension to your Chrome, Edge, or Firefox browser to provide PDF buttons in databases like PubMed. Nomad will now display Retracted Article buttons in those databases.

Need help searching for articles or other resources? Contact our reference team at himmelfarb@gwu.edu or through our chat service.