Himmelfarb Library provides access to online resources to George Washington University Hospital staff! GW Hospital users will be automatically routed to Himmelfarb Library's customized page for hospital users which provides direct access to key clinical resources including DynaMed, Lexicomp, ClinicalKey, and ClinicalKey for Nursing! Hospital users can access these resources while on-site at the GW Hospital.

In addition to the clinical tools available to GW Hospital users, Himmelfarb Library is pleased to provide access to a core collection of e-books and e-journals. From the library webpage for GW Hospital, users can access popular titles like New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, BMJ, etc. Users can also use the links to Hospital e-Journals and Hospital eBooks to explore additional titles available to GW Hospital users.

Himmelfarb users who are affiliated with GW as residents, students, faculty or staff are also able to 'switch' to the library's default webpage to access our complete collections. After switching to the default webpage, users will be prompted to login using their GW NetID and password in order to access Himmelfarb's complete collections.

Questions? Please ask a librarian! Himmelfarb Library's reference team can be reached via instant message, phone and email!