![JAMAevidence: Fundamental Evidence-Based Medicine Tools](https://himmelfarblibrary.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/jamaevid2.png)
JAMAevidence has information and tools to support you whether you're working on basic concepts, clinical application, or advanced analysis of evidence-based medicine. For example, JAMAevidence provides access to:
- Glossary - brief definitions of key concepts such as ABCD framework, absolute difference, absolute risk, etc. A Care at the End of Life glossary is also available covering concepts such as Activities of daily living (ADLs), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II or III, Addiction, etc.
- Making the Diagnosis: Otitis Media, Child from The Rational Clinical Examination explains prior probability, population for whom acute otitis media should be considered, and detecting the likelihood of acute otitis media and provides a clinical case example along with discussion to guide clinical assessment.
- Clinical Prediction Rules, a slide deck created for Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, can be used for education on the development and application of clinical decision rules such as the Ottawa Ankle Rules.
JAMAevidence provides access to information and tools to identify the best available evidence and to support users in the systematic evaluation of the validity, importance, and applicability of health sciences research. In addition to full-text access to key books, JAMAevidence gives you:
- Educational slide sets on specific EBM concepts and topics
- Interactive calculators including Therapy 2 by 2 Calculator, Risk Reduction Calculator, Number Needed to Treat Nomogram, etc.
- Worksheets to support assessment of specific types of studies (therapy, qualitative, harm, etc.) and the information cycle
- Audio: monthly series discussing key EBM topics
JAMAevidence is available 24/7 from the Himmelfarb Library’s webpage. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (leabate@gwu.edu).