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How do you teach?  If you’re interested in adding innovation to your instruction, check out online modules made available by GW faculty!

Online teaching materials and modules serve as  great teaching tools in medical education.  GW’s SMHS and CNHS faculty have published these tools in the AAMC’s MedEdPortal, which houses open-source materials.  The teaching materials provide access to multiple documents, including powerpoints, guides, and surveys.

Some of the topics covered by the modules are newborn care, OB/GYN, navigating the wards and more!

Check out the modules here!


2156938481_176d4bb5f8_bHimmelfarb's resources are available for USMLE Step 1 study  via the Board Preparation: USMLE Step 1 Research Guide and include:
If you have any questions about the resources or access to materials, please contact Laura Abate (


Image: Coleman and Caroline. (2003). Some more first aid.  Retrieved from:

Scholarly publishing has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of the Internet. Scholarly journals are now predominantly available in electronic format rather than in traditional print formats.

This shift prompted the introduction of open access publishing - a movement that aims to provide scholarly research to researchers and the public at no cost to the reader, thus removing the cost barrier to access research.

However, this movement has also opened the door for “predatory” journals to use open access model to profit from researchers and faculty who are pressured to publish in order to receive promotion and tenure.  A comparison of the similarities and differences in characteristics of both predatory and legitimate journals could help readers and potential authors spot predatory journals more easily.

A recent article published in the March 2017 issue of BMC Medicine provides the results of just such a comparison. A cross-sectional comparison of potentially predatory, presumed legitimate open access, and presumed legitimate subscription-based biomedical journals was conducted. Roughly 100 randomly selected journals in each category was selected for this review. Each journal was evaluated on criteria within specific characteristics including:

  • Aims & scope
  • Journal name & publisher
  • Homepage integrity (look & feel)
  • Indexing & impact factor
  • Editors & staff
  • Editorial process & peer review
  • Publication ethics & policies
  • Publication model & copyright
  • Journal location & contact

The results are summarized in this infographic:

Shamseer, L., Moher, D., Maduekwe, O., Turner, L., Barbour, V., Burch, R., & ... Shea, B. J. (2017). Potential predatory and legitimate biomedical journals: can you tell the difference? A cross-sectional comparison. BMC Medicine, 15(1), 28. doi:10.1186/s12916-017-0785-9

5193112579_628ba1d941_bHimmelfarb Library’s elevator will be replaced from September 11 through November 29, 2017.
This project means that the elevator will be out of service during this period.  The project will also cause some noise disruptions in the library although the noisiest times will be from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. on the B2 level on weekdays only.
Air handlers on the library's roof will be replaced between September 15 and October 15, 2017.  This project will cause some noise on the 3rd floor rooftop on weekdays.



MedOne Neurosurgery is now accessible via Himmelfarb Library.  MedOne Neurosurgery is the updated interface and full-text neurosurgery library that was previously known as Thieme eNeurosurgery.  MedOne Neurosurgery features:

  • 183 premier full-text neurosurgery books including Handbook of Neurosurgery (Greenberg, 8th ed.)
  • Training center with 2,300 review questions linking to Handbook of Neurosurgery
  • Step-by-step instructions for 400+ surgical procedures
  • Case presentations with management and follow-up tips
  • Extensive video and image collections including image comparison and PowerPoint download functionality
  • Updated interface with improved e-book viewing, printing options, note-taking functionality, and responsive design

MedOne Neurosurgery is available from on- and off-campus locations via Himmelfarb Library.  If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (