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Professionalism on social media?

Socialmedia-pmDoes learning about social media issues help students identify professionalism issues and recognize positive social media use?

A new article by GW faculty that answers these questions was recently published in Teaching and Learning in Medicine.

In The Development and Impact of a Social Media and Professionalism Course for Medical Students, Gisela Butera, Alexandra Gomes, Kathy Chretien, and Terry Kind studied student responses to a workshop on social media for medical students.

In this qualitative study, students considered who they represented when they posted online - themself, their university or employer, or the medical profession.   Students were also asked if and how their social media presence had changed since entering medical school, or would change as a result of the session.  Read the complete paper to see student responses and reactions.

Image: Ibrahim.ID (2016). Social media icons collection.  Available from:
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