Medical Schools in the United States, 2015-2016 makes available data from the 2016 LCME questionnaire and provides state-level data on the number of medical schools, 1st year medical students, in-state residency of 1st year medical students, graduates entering residency, and in-state residency of graduates entering residency. This article also provides information on the structure of the curriculum including the length of the preclerkship phase and length of required clerkships.
Graduate Medical Education, 2015-2016 publishes data from the National GME Census Track, a joint endeavor by the AMA and AAMC. This article provides a statistical snapshop of GME via data including programs and residents by specialty, programs and residents by state, and citizenship of international medical graduates: U.S. citizen, U.S. permanent resident, non-U.S. citizen, or unknown/foreign-born.
- Barzansky, B., & Etzel, S. I. (2016). Medical Schools in the United States, 2015-2016. JAMA, 316(21), 2283-2290.
- Brotherton, S. E., & Etzel, S. I. (2016). Graduate Medical Education, 2015-2016. JAMA, 316(21), 2291-2310.