The Rotation: A Himmelfarb Library Blog
Resources, tools & health news from GW Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
Trying to juggle school and healthy eating?
Come to Healthy Living@Himmelfarb’s “Dinner in a Bowl” session and learn how to make quick, easy, satisfying meals in a bowl that are healthy too!
This event will be presented by Kate Sherwood of the Center for Science in the Public Interest and contributing author to Nutrition Action Healthletter.
Registration is FREE but space is limited so register today; go to: http://goo.gl/FLbiWv
Event: Dinner in a Bowl
Himmelfarb Library has resumed 24/7 operating hours.
Himmelfarb Library is offering a series of Public Health Research Skills workships!
What can Scopus do for you? Cited and citing results, related research in a different discipline, new applications for your research -- Scopus has it all. Learn all of the librarian search tips to make your Scopus search as fruitful as possible.
On Saturday January 16, ProQuest will upgrade its systems and some resources will not be available including RefWorks, Proquest Research Library Plus (including full-text e-journal holdings), and ProQuest Environmental Science Collection. Affected Proquest resources will not be available for an eight (8) hour period lasting from 10 p.m. on Saturday January 16 to about 6 a.m. on Sunday January 17. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (leabate@gwu.edu) or Himmelfarb Library (himmelfarb@gwu.edu).
Image citation: ShellyS. (2008). IMG_9581 [Online image]. Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shellysblogger/3003797689/in/photostream/
USMLEasy has updated their site and interface. This updated version of USMLEasy will require you to create a new user account; accounts from the prior system will not function.
How good is your favorite search engine in finding 'good' information?