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New: ClinicalKey app

ClinicalKey app
A ClinicalKey app is now available on Himmelfarb Library's App Shelf.  The ClinicalKey app provides a custom interface for searching and viewing content on ClinicalKey.  ClinicalKey provides access to extensive full-text holdings via a clinically-focused search interface.

ClinicalKey's holdings including 600+ full-text journals and 1,100+ full-text books as well as additional content including the FirstConsult clinical reference tool, drug information, clinical guidelines, ProceduresConsult, and extensive collections of images and videos.

ClinicalKey is searchable by keyword as well as disease, finding, procedure or drug, and uses smart search technology to map your search terms to relevant topics and deliver you the most relevant content pieces for frequently searched topics.

To install the ClinicalKey app on your phone or tablet, please consult the instructions on Himmelfarb Library's App Shelf.  If you have any questions, please contact Laura Abate (

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