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Picture of a person meditating in lotus pose on a yoga mat with a Virtual Reality headset nearby.
Photo by Eren Li

April is Stress Awareness Month. Himmelfarb Library’s Oculus Virtual Reality (VR) headsets now include healthy living apps that can help you manage your stress! These new apps help users meditate, alleviate anxiety, and generally relax. Take a few minutes to unwind and get recentered in virtual reality so you’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated in actual reality!

Our Oculus headsets can be checked out from the circulation desk on Himmelfarb’s first floor for four hours at a time. You’ll need some unobstructed space to use the headset since the apps allow you to move around within a virtual space. Our VR Headset Overview page includes recommended spaces within Himmelfarb to use the headsets that can accommodate the space needed to use these apps comfortably. 

Guided Meditation VR

The Guided Meditation VR app helps users detach and relax with guided or unguided meditation sessions with calming music and ambient noises from more than 40 digitally-generated environments. This app has over 30 hours of meditations geared toward alleviating anxiety, finding resilience, improving sleep, and even maternity meditations. If you’re unsure about VR but want to experience some of the sessions, you can try them out for free online! This app is available on both of Himmelfarb’s Oculus headsets. 

Nature Treks VR

The Nature Treks VR app lets users choose between nine different natural environments and lets them explore and play. You can choose to explore forests, beaches, or even outer space! You even get to choose your preferred weather and time of day and can summon animals. These individually designed spaces can be used as places to meditate or perform breathing exercises. This app is available on Himmelfarb’s “Walter” headset so that you can ask for it by name at the Circulation Desk. 

National Geographic Explore VR

The National Geographic Explore VR app lets users choose between two different ecosystems to explore: Machu Picchu and Antarctica! In Antarctica, you’ll get to navigate around icebergs in a kayak, climb a massive ice shelf, and survive a raging snowstorm while searching for a lost emperor penguin colony. Or you can visit Machu Picchu, Peru, and explore digital reconstructions of the ancient Inca citadel, raise a cup of sacred chicha, and encounter alpacas while you match Hiram Bingham’s photographs from when he rediscovered the Inca citadel. Not only can you experience the landscape, but you’ll get to take photographs as well. This app is a bit more physically strenuous and can need some additional room to navigate. This app is available on Himmelfarb’s “Paul” headset.

While the noises generated by all three of these apps are gentle and soothing, they are audible outside of the Oculus headset, so it’s best to use these apps in a quiet space away from others who may be studying or trying to concentrate. Himmelfarb study rooms are a great option for using this app and can be reserved in advance!

Other Stress Relief Resources at Himmelfarb

If Virtual Reality isn’t of interest to you, Himmelfarb’s healthy living collection has other stress relief resources that may suit your style. Take a look at our Healthy Living @ Himmelfarb Guide for a full list of resources. Check out the Wellness Apps page of this guide to find useful meditation and stress relief apps. Our healthy living collection also includes books on stress reduction including Stress, Cognition, and Health by Tony Cassidy, The Psychology of Meditation by Peter Sedlmeier, and Managing Stress by Brian Luke Seaward. As always, feel free to stop by the healthy living collection on Himmelfarb’s first floor to make use of our exercise equipment if you’d prefer to manage your stress with some physical activity and use our exercise balls, hand weights, hula hoops, or yoga mats. We also have plenty of games including chess, Sorry, Scrabble, Blokus, and Pandemic. As always, a jigsaw puzzle is in progress on our puzzle table, and we are waiting for your contributions! 

Picture of a jigsaw puzzle on a wooden table.

Want more resources to help you manage your stress? Check out the GW Resiliency and Well-Being Center’s Stress Management page for resources related to mindfulness practice, well-being, physical activity, healthy lifestyle tips, and student resources related to stress management. 

Picture of anatomy models on display at Himmelfarb.

Himmelfarb Library recently purchased nine new anatomy models that are available and on display in the Bloedorn Technology Center on Himmelfarb’s third floor. These new additions to our physical anatomical model collection are available for in-library use (they cannot be checked out of the library). These new models are 3D-printed, lifelike replicas of human cadavers. 

The pictures below will give you an idea of what these models look like, but pictures can’t do these models justice. Next time you’re in the library, head to Himmelfarb’s 3rd floor and take a look at these models for yourself!

Not pictured:

In addition to these new models, Himmelfarb also has several other anatomy materials available for in-library use, including bone boxes! Bloedorn is a great place to study in groups and work with these models. Collaborative tables are available so you can move bones and models to use them for study in a way that works best for you!

Want to learn more about Himmelfarb’s anatomy resources? 

Picture of multiple 3D printed items.

Himmelfarb Library has excellent technology tools to help enhance your learning and research! As the Fall 2023 semester begins, set aside some time to explore our 3D printing program and try out our BodyViz and virtual reality software.

3D Printing

Thanks to a generous grant from the GW Hospital Women’s Board, Himmelfarb is able to offer free 3D printing to faculty, staff, and students of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Nursing, the School of Public Health, Medical Faculty Associates, and the GW Hospital. Himmelfarb has two 3D printers (a Zortrax M200 and M200+) and is currently accepting print requests! 

While there are no limits to the number of 3D printing requests you can submit, priority will be given to requests that support teaching, learning, and research. Recreational requests will be placed at the end of the queue and may be limited to one per month per user when we are experiencing a high demand for 3D printing. Learn more about how 3D printing works, where to find 3D models, and how to submit a 3D print job on our 3D Printing at Himmelfarb Guide!

Quest Virtual Reality Headsets

Thanks to a generous grant from the Bloedorn Foundation, Himmelfarb has two Quest virtual reality (VR) headsets available for checkout. Each headset is preloaded with the Medicalholodeck Medical VR platform. This platform includes Anatomy Master XR, Medical Imaging XR, and Dissection Master XR. Anatomy Master XR features anatomy models similar to those found in textbooks but in a three-dimensional interactive format. Medical Imaging XR is a system for rendering and manipulating objects based on medical imaging such as MRI and CT scans. 

Dissection Master XR showcases high-resolution images of human dissections created specifically for learning and teaching anatomy layer by layer. Check out the video below for a brief demonstration of Dissection Master XR:

VR headsets are available to check out for 4-hour loan periods from the Himmelarb Circulation Desk and can be used in Himmelfarb Library and Ross Hall. Check out our VR Headsets Guide to learn more about this amazing technology. If you’d like a one-on-one tutorial to learn how to use the headsets, email to make an appointment. 


BodyViz is an interactive anatomy visualization tool that lets users view, study, and manipulate 3D anatomical structures. 3D models allow users to zoom in and rotate models to view different angles. You can also adjust brightness, contrast, and color based on tissue density, and highlight or filter by bone, muscle, organ, or vasculature. The clipping mode allows you to slice into the models to digitally dissect the models in order to isolate areas of interest or to expose internal structures.

The BodyViz suite is on Himmelfarb’s third floor in Himmelfarb 305A, adjacent to the Bloedorn Technology Center. Be sure to reserve the BodyViz suite (available for one to four-hour sessions) prior to using BodyViz! Stop by the Circulation Desk to check out the wireless keyboard, game controller, and remote control equipment before heading up to the third floor. To learn more, explore our BodyViz Guide.

A person prepares to put a virtual reality headset on. Across from the person is an open laptop on a desk.

Did you know that Himmelfarb Library has two tools that allow you to interact with 3D anatomical models? Would you like to manipulate virtual anatomical models? Are you interested in performing ‘dissections’ with anatomical models?  BodyViz and the new Quest VR Headsets are two resources available to you!

BodyViz is an interactive anatomy visualization tool that allows you to view, study and manipulate 3D anatomical models. The BodyViz suite  is located on the 3rd floor near the Bloedorn Technology Center. Along with the large screen, the BodyViz toolkit includes a wireless mouse, keyboard, remote control and game controller. These tools will assist you in navigating the software and models. To use the BodyViz suite, you must reserve a time slot. You may reserve the suite for up to four hours and time slots are available in hour long increments. When using the BodyViz suite, please visit the Circulation Desk to check out the wireless keyboard and additional equipment. Make sure all items are returned at the end of your session. The BodyViz Research Guide provides additional information including a Quick Start Guide which provides step-by-step instruction on how to use the software and wireless devices. There is also a Troubleshooting guide in case you encounter issues with the software or devices. 

Himmelfarb Library recently acquired two Quest VR devices which are equipped with Medicalholodeck, a medical virtual reality platform. Medicalholodeck comes with three different educational features: Anatomy Master XR, Dissection Master XR and Medical Imaging XR. With Anatomy Master and Medical Imaging XR, you can view models with another Quest VR headset user. There is a new VR Headsets Research Guide that provides additional information about the capabilities of the headsets, information on how to use the headsets and the accompanying software and an overview on how to navigate the user interface in Medicalholodeck. Visit the Circulation Desk on the library’s first floor if you’re interested in checking out the VR headsets. Also, be sure to reserve a study room so you’re able to use the headsets without obstruction. 
BodyViz and Quest VR headsets with Medicalholodeck are two excellent educational tools available for use. If you encounter any issues while using one of these resources, please contact Brian McDonald at, Ian Roberts at or the library at