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scholarly_bannerPredatory publishing is a growing problem for faculty, researchers, and librarians.

Predatory publishers may appear legitimate at first glance, promising quick peer review and name recognition, but in fact have little or no editorial control or peer review, and ultimately, no benefit for you as a researcher. This informational session will discuss techniques that predatory publishers use to target faculty and students looking to get published, and what you can do if you are solicited by a questionable publisher.

What: Predatory Publishing: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You!
Date: 03/29/2017
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location: Ross Hall, Lobby C


  • What are the steps involved in getting published?
  • Can you identify a predatory publisher?
  • How can you boost your researcher profile and expand the reach of your scholarly works?
  • How can you make sure you’re complying with federal funder requirements?

Himmelfarb Library's upcoming series, Updates in Scholarly Communications: Publishing, Impact, and Visibility, will address all of these questions.  Mark these sessions on your calendar to learn more about publishing, measuring the impact of your research, and promoting your publications.

Compliance with NIH Public Access Policies
Date: 03/22/2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Ross Hall, Rm. 227
Predatory Publishing: What You Don’t Know, Can Hurt You!
Date: 03/29/2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Ross Hall, Lobby C
Writing a Successful Scientific Article Abstract

Date: 04/12/2017
Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Location: Ross Hall, Lobby C

Promoting Your Research - Tips and Strategies

Date: 04/19/2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Ross Hall, Lobby C

Experiences with Open Access Publishing

Date: 04/26/2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Ross Hall, Rm. 227

Establishing Your Scholarly Web Presence
Date: 05/03//2017
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Himmelfarb Library, Rm. B103

acadmedThe rise of open access publishing through legitimate publishing venues has opened the door for predatory publishers to take advantage of and profit from researchers seeking to publish the results of their research. Predatory publishers threaten the quality of medical literature via non-existent or sham peer-review processes, unstable publishing platforms which may disappear suddenly and inadequate and/or unqualified editorial oversight.

Predatory publishers may provide false information by listing editorial board members without the individual's knowledge or consent, and by providing incorrect impact factor information. Predatory publishers may also charge exorbitant or unexpected Article Processing Charges.

A recent article in the February 2017 issue of Academic Medicine tackled the issue of predatory publishing and offered possible solutions for protecting medical literature from this threat. The goal of predatory publishers is to provide “rapid and loose reviews leading to speedy publication in exchange for hefty publication fees” (Harvey & Weinstein,  2016, p. 150).

One common tactic of predatory publishers is to send mass e-mails to physicians and researchers in an effort to solicit article submissions. Many physicians and researchers respond with submissions in an effort to increase their publication numbers.  Unfortunately, academic physicians and scientists are easy prey for these publishers as the number of publications often outweighs the quality of publications when considered for promotion and tenure.

Predatory publishers often claim to have a strict peer review process, when in reality, no such peer review process actually exists. The article discusses how a correspondent for Science “submitted a purposefully flawed scientific paper with meaningless results to 304 suspect journals. A responsible peer review process would have promptly rejected the paper, yet over half of the journals accepted it” (Harvey & Weinstein,  2016, p. 150).

The article does offer some possible steps to fight back against predatory publishing:

  • Increase awareness of the existence of predatory publishers and educate faculty on the importance of carefully judging their sources of biomedical information and the journals in which they choose to publish.
  • Promotion and tenure committees can make an impact by excluding publications in predatory journals from consideration when evaluating faculty, requiring mandatory inclusion of retractions on faculty CV’s, and considering mandatory sanctions for repeated retractions or duplicate publications.
  • Scientific organizations should consider creating panels responsible for developing strategies to fight predatory publishing practices.

If you would like help determining whether or not a journal is a predatory publisher, take a look at Himmelfarb’s Scholarly Publishing Research Guide, or contact Ruth Bueter, Serials and Systems Librarian.