Did you know that Himmelfarb Library has two tools that allow you to interact with 3D anatomical models? Would you like to manipulate virtual anatomical models? Are you interested in performing ‘dissections’ with anatomical models? BodyViz and the new Quest VR Headsets are two resources available to you!
BodyViz is an interactive anatomy visualization tool that allows you to view, study and manipulate 3D anatomical models. The BodyViz suite is located on the 3rd floor near the Bloedorn Technology Center. Along with the large screen, the BodyViz toolkit includes a wireless mouse, keyboard, remote control and game controller. These tools will assist you in navigating the software and models. To use the BodyViz suite, you must reserve a time slot. You may reserve the suite for up to four hours and time slots are available in hour long increments. When using the BodyViz suite, please visit the Circulation Desk to check out the wireless keyboard and additional equipment. Make sure all items are returned at the end of your session. The BodyViz Research Guide provides additional information including a Quick Start Guide which provides step-by-step instruction on how to use the software and wireless devices. There is also a Troubleshooting guide in case you encounter issues with the software or devices.
Himmelfarb Library recently acquired two Quest VR devices which are equipped with Medicalholodeck, a medical virtual reality platform. Medicalholodeck comes with three different educational features: Anatomy Master XR, Dissection Master XR and Medical Imaging XR. With Anatomy Master and Medical Imaging XR, you can view models with another Quest VR headset user. There is a new VR Headsets Research Guide that provides additional information about the capabilities of the headsets, information on how to use the headsets and the accompanying software and an overview on how to navigate the user interface in Medicalholodeck. Visit the Circulation Desk on the library’s first floor if you’re interested in checking out the VR headsets. Also, be sure to reserve a study room so you’re able to use the headsets without obstruction.
BodyViz and Quest VR headsets with Medicalholodeck are two excellent educational tools available for use. If you encounter any issues while using one of these resources, please contact Brian McDonald at bmcdonald@gwu.edu, Ian Roberts at imroberts@gwu.edu or the library at himmelfarb@gwu.edu.