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Today is Earth Day, a day that serves as “a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and a brighter future” (, 2024). Earth Day is about protecting the environment and improving global environmental health. Environmental health has direct and dramatic impacts on our physical and mental health. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 24% of all estimated global deaths are linked to environmental factors, and the cost of environmental direct damage to health by 2030 is estimated to be between $2 to $4 billion yearly (WHO, 2024). Climate change directly impacts clean air, safe drinking water, a nutritious food supply, safe shelter (WHO, 2024), and environmental emergencies that lead to humanitarian crises such as heatwaves, wildfires, floods, drought, tropical storms, and hurricanes (WHO, 2023). 

The links between environmental health and public health are strong. “Environmental quality has a profound effect on health and the burden of disease” (Koehler, et al., 2018). The United States has the highest environmental burden of disease, “an estimate of the proportion of the global burden of disease that could be prevented by changes to the environment,” among high-income countries (Koehler, et al., 2018). Risk factors for many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of mortality in the US, are directly impacted by environmental factors. For example, exposure to air pollution and “built environmental factors” such as car-centered development that discourages physical activity like walking and biking are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 

Koehler et al. propose a public health approach to addressing environmental health problems, including incorporating health into the built environment. Urban planning development “ranging from increasing opportunities for walking and cycling, to provide access to healthy food, to building recreational facilities”, is one way of incorporating health into the built environment (Koehler et al., 2018). Other methods include providing access to green and blue spaces such as parks and waterfront areas, reducing air pollution emissions by promoting public transportation, walking, and bicycling by making these options safe and convenient, promoting renewable energy, and improving housing options and conditions (Koehler et al., 2018). 

While these are great ways to improve environmental health, and thus improve public health as a result, these are also issues that must be dealt with on a societal and large-scale level. But there are things you can do as an individual that positively impact the environment. Here are some practical things you can do that can make a difference:

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle

Following the “Four R’s” can have a big impact. A recent Standford Report article explains that “people should try to focus more on reducing and reusing, rather than recycling” (Kubota, 2024). While many people tend to focus on recycling, reducing the amount of products you buy that will eventually end up in the recycling bin will have a larger impact. A practical way to do this is by being mindful of the amount of packaging included in the things that you buy. If there is an option that comes with less packaging, buy that product instead if you can. 

For some things, you can’t avoid buying the packaging. Take jelly for example. You can’t buy jelly without a jar. But you can choose to reuse the jar when you are finished with the jelly. Not only will reusing the jar keep the jar out of the recycle bin, or even worse, out of the landfill, but reusing it will help you save money on storage containers. 

In today’s society, it’s easy and convenient to replace items when they get worn out or break. But these items end up in the recycle bin, or the landfill when we replace them with a new version. Rather than just replacing items, try to repair or repurpose them! Not only will this help the environment, but it will also save you some money.

And of course, recycle the things you can! 

Eat More Plants

Meat production has a much higher carbon footprint than plant food production. Simple things like replacing one red meat-based meal per week with a plant-based protein option, eating smaller portions of meat, and eating more beans and nuts can reduce your diet’s carbon footprint all while improving your cardiovascular health (Kubota, 2024). 

Reduce Food Waste

While we’re on the subject of food, reducing the amount of food that ends up in the trash is another way to make a big difference. Roughly 40% of edible food in the US is wasted, accounting for 37% of US greenhouse emissions (Kubota, 2024). When you eat out at restaurants, try bringing your own reusable containers for your leftovers - and don’t forget to eat those leftovers once you have them in your fridge (Kubota, 2024)! Do you get tired of eating leftovers? Try finding recipes to turn leftovers into something completely different for a future meal. 

Composting your food scraps is also a great option! But what if you don’t have the space to compost? Apartment living can make it difficult to compost. GW Compost makes it easy to compost! Just drop off your compost at Kogan Plaza during designated drop-off hours. 

Interested in learning more about how you can help diminish your environmental impact? Check out Sustainable GW to learn more about campus initiatives and how you can participate!

References: (2024). Earth Day 2024.

Koehler, K., Latshaw, M., Matte, T., Kass, D., Frumkin, H., Fox, M., Hobbs, B. F., Wills-Karp, M., & Burke, T. A. (2018). Building healthy community environments: A public health approach. Public health reports, 133(1_suppl), 35S–43S.

Kubota, T. (January 22, 2024). Eight simple but meaningful things you can do for the environment. Stanford Report.

World Health Organization (WHO). (October 12, 2023). Climate Change. WHO Fact Sheets, Climate Change.

World Health Organization (WHO). (2024). Public health and environment. The Global Health Observatory.

Decorative infographic. Text is covered in blog content.
Source: NOAA.

Earth Day is April 22nd, and Himmelfarb Library wants to encourage you to celebrate by making small changes to help keep our planet healthy - because healthy living is easiest on a healthy planet. Here are 10 simple choices you can make to have a healthy impact on our planet this Earth Day and every day!

  1. Drive Less: Driving may be a convenient way to get from point A to point B, but there are numerous planet-friendly options that have a much lighter impact on the environment. Biking or walking when you’re going shorter distances are great options to decrease your carbon footprint and to get in some great exercise too! If your destination is too far to walk or bike, consider taking public transportation like Metro. 
  2. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: By now, you’re likely familiar with the 3 R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Reducing the number of things you throw away starts by being aware of the amount of packaging in the things you purchase. Try to purchase options with minimal unnecessary packaging, so the amount of packaging you throw into the trash can or recycle bin is reduced. Reuse and/or repurpose items as much as possible. Instead of throwing away that peanut butter jar, could you reuse it for another purpose after it’s been washed? If you really don’t have another use for an object, do your best to recycle it when you’re finished with it. 
  3. Choose Sustainable Seafood: If you eat fish, making sure your seafood choices are sustainable can have a positive impact on the environment. Whether you choose sustainably wild-caught or sustainably farmed seafood, sustainable seafood is harvested or farmed in a way that allows species to reproduce and the habitats the species call home to thrive. To learn more about how to make sustainable seafood choices, visit
  4. Plant a Tree: Trees are incredibly important in the fight against climate change. Trees not only provide the oxygen we need to breathe, but they also help clean that air. Many of the products we use every day come from trees - wood furniture, wood framing in buildings, paper, cardboard boxes, and that delicious maple syrup on your pancakes! When making purchases of tree-based products such as paper, choose products that are sustainably harvested from companies that have responsible environmental practices. And do your part to help clean the air you breathe by planting a tree!
  5. Conserve Water: By cutting down on the amount of water you use, you can help reduce the amount of runoff and wastewater that eventually ends up in the earth’s waterways and oceans. There are lots of little things you can do to make a big impact! From fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, turning off the water while you brush your teeth, to only running the dishwasher when it’s full, composting food waste instead of using the garbage disposal, and only washing full loads of laundry - you can save water every day by making easy, small choices. To learn more about things you can do to conserve water, check out the EPA’s WaterSense website.
  6. Shop Wisely: As a consumer, you can make your voice and your values heard with the purchasing choices you make. If you value recycling, make a point to purchase items made from recycled materials instead of options that are made from new raw materials. Buy items that have less packaging and will therefore create less waste. Use reusable shopping bags, a choice that is not only good for the environment but will save you the bag tax in many areas. 
  7. Don’t Send Chemicals into Waterways: Use non-toxic chemicals and products whenever possible to prevent harmful chemicals from ending up on our waterways. Non-toxic, plant-based products are widely available for a wide variety of products including dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning products, and hand soaps. 
  8. Switch to Long-Lasting Lightbulbs: Energy-efficient light bulbs not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they can also help you save on your electricity bill! According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LED light bulbs “use at least 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting” and can last three to five times longer than compact fluorescent bulbs (United States Department of Energy, n.d.). Want to save even more? Turn the lights off when you leave a room!
  9. Educate: If you want to make an impact on the environment, the best thing you can do is to educate yourself on things you can do to make a difference. Once you know more, you can do more to further your impact!
  10. Volunteer: Lastly, volunteer for community cleanups, watershed projects, and environmental projects. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the region, including with DC’s Department of Energy and Environment, and on-campus through GW Sustainability and a variety of student groups.

Celebrate Earth Day this year by making small changes that can have a big impact on the planet! Healthy living is easiest on a healthy planet, so do your part to keep our planet healthy and thriving.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. (n.d.). Protecting our planet starts with you. National Ocean Service.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries. (n.d.). Sustainable seafood. NOAA Fisheries.

United States Department of Energy. (n.d.). Energy saver - LED lighting. United States Department of Energy website.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (September 23, 2022). WaterSense: Start saving. EPA.