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Good News re Books Due on or After 11/30/2020!

In the interest of minimizing travel to and from campus, Himmelfarb Library has automatically extended the due date for all circulating books that were due on or after 11/30/2020. The new due date is 1/11/2020. If you require a longer extension, please contact the Circulation Desk at 202-994-2962 or at

If you have equipment, such as a laptop, headset with microphone, or digital camcorder, that is due back this month, the due date has not changed. Please contact Catherine Sluder at 202-994-9453 or at should you require a loan extension.

If you have borrowed books via the Consortium Loan Service (CLS), the due date has not changed, either.  Please arrange to return items that are currently due at your earliest convenience. Books borrowed just before the library closed in the Spring 2020 semester had due dates extended to 10/31/2020 and will not be extended further. 

All books, including CLS loans, can be returned to Himmelfarb library in person (in the library or via Courtyard return) or can be shipped via USPS, UPS, or FedEx; we recommend USPS and that you insure the shipment.  Please ship to this address:

Himmelfarb Library Circulation Department

c/o Kathy Lyons

2300 Eye St. NW

Washington, DC 20037

For questions or further inquiries, contact Himmelfarb Library Circulation at 202-994-2962 or at

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