Some accomplishments that we are proud of:
Staff Updates:
- Following Anne Linton’s many years of incredible service, Laura Abate accepted her promotion to Director of Himmelfarb Library in July 2022!
- Former Serials Librarian Ruth Bueter was promoted to Associate Director of Library Operations in early March 2023. Thank you to JoLinda Thompson for her great work as Interim Associate Director of Library Operations!
- Himmelfarb welcomed new staff: Our reference team has grown over the past year with the addition of Rachel Brill (Reference and Instruction Librarian), Deborah Wassertzug (Reference and Instruction Librarian), and Temitayo Wolff (Reference Specialist).
- Our Metadata Specialist, Brittany Smith is relentlessly working on her Master of Library Science at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro.
- Catherine Sluder, BloedornTechnology Center Manager, received the 2022 SMHS Dean's Excellence in Service Award. Bravo!
- Himmelfarb Librarians have been busy publishing in the last year too! Several Himmelfarb Librarians and staff have upcoming publications, conference posters, and presentations just around the corner.
If you aren’t yet in the library spirit, we challenge you to read a book this season! Reading has been shown to reduce stress, muscle tension and to slow your heart rate. At Himmelfarb Library, we continue to be honored to serve such a diverse, talented, and intellectual group of students, staff, and faculty members here at GW. Raise High!