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April: National Autism Awareness month

Did you know that April is National Autism Awareness month? Regardless of how much you understand about the Autism Spectrum Disorder, there are available resources that can help to expand your current perspective, which may be helpful in making appropriate treatment decisions for Autistic patients 

 For an introduction to the Autism Spectrum, has a 30 minute 101 course designed to increase your knowledge on what it is and the early signs of Autism. Additionally, the CDC has resources available on their website appropriate for families of autistic children and others providing care for them. 

Over the past twenty years, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cases have been on the rise. According to the CDC, in 2000, it was estimated that 1 in 150 children developed ASD. By 2018, that number increased significantly to 1 in every 44.  As Autism Spectrum Disorder becomes more prevalent in the population, physicians will be more likely to provide medical care to Autistic patients during their medical career. 

Himmlefarb Library also has several resources on Autism: 

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