The academic publishing landscape can be difficult to navigate and Himmelfarb Library’s Scholarly Communications Committee is dedicated to answering general and specific questions that arise during the submission and publication process. The Committee continues to expand its ‘Scholarly Communications Short Video Library’ and there are nearly 20 videos to watch that cover various topics such as how to properly change citation styles, how and why to archive your publications with an institutional repository and how to set up your Google Scholar profile. If you’d like to watch the videos, but are unsure of where to begin here are some suggestions:
Advanced Literature Searches and the PubMed MeSH Search Builder:
In this lecture, you’ll learn about PubMed’s MeSH builder and how you can use it to help you perform advanced literature searches. Paul Levett, a Reference and Instructional Librarian, provides a step by step guide on how MeSH terms can be used to locate specific research articles that can assist you during the advanced literature search process. If you’re in the beginning stages of brainstorming a research topic or question, this tutorial will provide insight into how to conduct your own literature search and discover publications that will help you narrow the scope of your own research.
Screening: What do Editors Look For?
When you’re ready to submit your research for publication, this tutorial by Reference and Instructional Librarian Stacy Brody will talk in-depth about how journal editors select manuscripts for their respective journals. The submission process may seem mysterious and difficult to understand, but this video will discuss six features editors consider when evaluating manuscripts.
Retractions, Corrections, & Expressions of Concern:
Are you unsure of the difference between retractions, corrections and expressions of concern? Would you like to ensure you’re using research that is considered a valuable source to cite? In this tutorial, Ruth Bueter, Serials and Systems Librarian, breaks down the difference between these terms and discusses how and why an article may be retracted or corrected or why there may be concerns with a published article.
These are just a few of the many videos currently available in the Scholarly Communication’s video library. The Scholarly Communications Committee is currently working on a new round of videos to add to the video library and hopes to share their new lectures in late spring or early summer. if you’d like to suggest a topic please fill out this suggestion form!