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The Research Lifecycle: Video Tutorials

Flow chart of research lifecycle: plan & design; collect & capture; collaborate & analyse; manage, store & preserve; share & publish; discover, reuse & cite

Do you have a question about some aspect of the research lifecycle? Perhaps you need help putting together a systematic review or are looking for tools that will help you select a journal for your manuscript. Or maybe you want help tracking citations for your published research. The Himmelfarb Library’s Scholarly Communications Short Video Series can help you with these questions. These brief (~5 minute) tutorials cover topics related to all aspects of the research lifecycle from project planning to publishing to promotion and preservation. The series currently includes 15 video tutorials that cover the following topics: 

Project Planning and Development Tutorials: 

Publishing Related Tutorials: 

Project Promotion and Preservation Tutorials: 

Look for more video tutorials in January 2022 on topics including post-publication promotion tips, advanced literature searches using the MeSH search builder, open access publishing, and more. Have a suggestion for a video tutorial? Complete this brief survey

Image citation: Pinnock, G. (2018). The Research Data Management (RDM) lifecycle at the University of Cape Town (UCT). Retrieved from:

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