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New from AccessMedicine: Anatomy Modules and Infographics

Would your study of anatomical structures benefit from a 3D rendering that you can scale and rotate? Could a collection of infographics aid you as you master illness scripts?

Focused Anatomy Modules

Image source: AccessMedicine

AccessMedicine, your online gateway to Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, has recently released 300+ systems-based anatomy modules that take you on a visual journey inside the human body. These modules focus on common medical conditions, offering 3D views of affected areas of the body with the functionality to rotate, pan, and zoom. Labels identify various parts of the anatomical structure under study, and a brief text description of the condition appears to the left, with a link to a relevant chapter from AccessMedicine library of medical textbooks.  Users can highlight and isolate structural elements, as well as read descriptions of their structure and function. The program includes a drawing tool as well as an option to download the image with your annotations.

Infographic Guide to Medicine

screenshot of IBS infographic
Image source: AccessMedicine

AccessMedicine has also introduced a series of infographics that address common conditions. These infographics, also organized by system, often reflect the template you use when creating illness scripts. Their graphical layout, with illustrations and a spare use of text, can help you with recall and retention.

How to Access

AccessMedicine is available on the library’s homepage under Popular Resources and is accessible from on- and off-campus locations. These modules are featured on the AccessMedicine homepage.

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