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Need Help Deciding Where to Publish? Himmelfarb can help!

17664002728_acb9354acf_bRecently, the NIH took steps to help protect the credibility of published research findings from NIH-funded research. In a recent blog post, the National Library of Medicine called on librarians to help in this effort. In NIH Guide Notice OD-18-011, released on November 3, 2017, the NIH requested support for authors by asking grantees, contractors, researchers, and librarians to:

  1. Adhere to the principles of research integrity and publication ethics
  2. Identify journals that follow best practices promoted by professional scholarly publishing organizations
  3. Avoid publishing in journals lacking clearly stated and rigorous peer-review processes.


What should you do when deciding where to publish your research?

  1. Evaluate the options using guided by one of these resources:
  2. Access Himmelfarb’s Scholarly Publishing Research Guide for resources to help you decide where to publish:
  3. Consult your librarian. Librarians have experience in developing rigorous collection criteria when considering journals to include in library collections. Thanks to this expertise, librarians are extremely familiar with journal publishers as well as with the journals that are being used by researchers and for publication.


Researcher-authors can often find it difficult to evaluate a journal's quality, editorial practices, peer-review practices, and scientific merit. Librarians can be a great help to authors in selecting publishing venues. If you are getting ready to publish and need assistance in selecting the best journal for your article or research, Himmelfarb has resources that can help!



Marill, J., Funk, K., Sheehan, J. (2017, November 7). Calling on librarians to help ensure the credibility of published research results [web log post]. Retrieved from

Mediterranean Center of Medical Sciences (2015).  Research [online image].  Retrieved from

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