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Compliance, the NIH, and You

nihHave a NIH grant?  Getting ready to publish?  Don’t forget to play by the rules.

Publicly accessible federal data and journal articles are key sources for major studies of a wide number of issues.  Thanks to recent action by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ,  these sources have become easier to access, providing those in the medical field with important, reputable information.

Since April 7, 2008, the NIH has required that all manuscripts of NIH funded peer-reviewed journal articles be publicly accessible through PubMed Central.  In February 2013, the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) mandated federal departments and agencies with research budgets greater than $100 million to make research data and journal articles publicly accessible. The affected departments and agencies have adopted different plans, repositories, and implementation dates.

What does this mean for SMHS, GWSPH, and SON researchers? Publication compliance.  Himmelfarb Library can assist you with complying with these open access policies.  You can find everything you need to know about the NIH Public Access Policy and the open access policies of additional federal agencies on Himmelfarb Library's research guide on Open Access to Publicly Funded Journal Articles & Research Data.




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