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Expense Report Related Issues

Over the last several weeks, a number of our colleagues have seen their expense reports returned, often along with a request for more information.  After communicating with the relevant offices, including OVPR and Central Finance Office, we would like to provide the following clarification on the expectations on those reports. We should make it clear that this is not meant to be a comprehensive guideline. Rather, it is a just-in-time response to some of the concerns from our colleagues.

Q: Is there a new policy on the required documents for expense reports?

A: The GWTravel, Entertainment and Business Expense Manual  (updated May 2018), is the official guideline for reimbursement policy for travel and other business expenses. Expenses to be charged to a sponsored research project are subject to additional requirements including Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance (2 CFR §200)Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs), GW policies and sponsor-specific terms and conditions.

In order to keep up with the latest regulations from the government and sponsors, GW updates its policies regularly as needed. When that occurs, we will inform you promptly.

Q: What are the common issues that have come up recently?

The most common issue is the lack of information in the "Business Purpose" field.  As we explained in ourResearch Update on 8/25/2017 (see below for full details), a well-written business purpose should provide information on who, what, when, where, and why.

Q: The "Business Purpose" field in Concur only allows 64 characters; how can I fit all the information as needed?

A: If your description is too long to fit in the Business Purpose field, you can use the Comment section to enter more info, but please include a brief description in the Business Purpose field.  This field is included when the expense is recorded in EAS for both General Ledger and Grants Module reporting so it is more helpful to have the brief description than a generic statement such as “see comments”.

Q: My expense report for my recent conference travel was returned to me along with a request for conference agenda.  Is that a new requirement?

A: There is no such specific requirement. However, a conference agenda can be a way to provide appropriate documentation to justify the travel and its relevance to the project.  Other alternatives, such as a conference weblink or email invitation from the conference organizers, may be acceptable as well.

Q: Are there particular requirements for expense reports charged to a sponsored project?

A: When submitting an expense report for a sponsored project, the PI needs to provide sufficient documentation that can show the allowability of the cost on the project and how the specific cost benefits the overall projects objectives. This can be explained in the "Business Purpose" / "Comments" fields (it is advised to also include a conference agenda to the conference fee or the largest expense on the expense report).

Q: If I do include my conference agenda, where in Concur should I upload to? Do I need to upload it to each item of the same expense report?  What if my conference agenda is very long with over 100 pages?

A: If you include a conference agenda or other documentation such as pdf file of an invitation, or a contract, or a list of attendees, you can upload those under "Receipt" as a single grouping of documents.  Once one item is attached, any other documents can be attached to the same expense by either choosing replace or append the new document to a receipt.

You do not need to upload the same document multiple times.  In most cases, it shouldn't be difficult for an approver to locate the document. If you have such a concern because your expense report is exceedingly long, you can add a comment such as "conference agenda is with the receipt for dinner on May 30."

For a 100+ page agenda, you can select the 1-2 pages with the most relevant information, e.g. name/place/dates of conference, or your talk if applicable.

Q: Whom should I select as the approver(s) for my expense report? 

A: For sponsored project related expense reports, you should select the first two levels of approvals (no need for SRA for other reports)

  1. Your supervisor (usually your department chair)
  2. Your SRA (Add SRAs by going to Details->Approval Flow, then clicking on the plus sign to the right of the Manager Approval box to add a User-Added Approver).

After those two approvals, the report will either go to OVPR, followed by the central finance approval, or it will go to the central finance approval directly, depending on the specific expenditure items in your report.

Q: GW policy requires a 60 day deadline for expense report submission.When does the clock begin and end?

A: The start date is the transaction date, or completion of travel. The end date is the date when the expense report is submitted by the employee. In particular, you should not be penalized for the additional days taken by the approvals, as long as you submitted the report within 60 days.  Transactions sent back to the employee for additional information may also trigger email alerts, and you should resubmit those expenses with the appropriate additional information as soon as possible, but your PCard will not be suspended for delinquent reporting if the expenses were originally submitted in a timely manner.

Q: Is anything else being planned to ensure everyone is on the same page for expense report expectations?

A: Our SRA team and the CCAS Finance Team (led by Cindy Allen) are working with OVPR and GW Procurement to arrange a training session for expense report approvals (SRAs, CCAS Finance team, and Department administrative staff) so we are fully aware of the expectation from the central offices.

In addition, if there is enough interest from our faculty, we can consider a roundtable conversation with faculty and the relevant offices (OVPR, Procurement, etc.) so that our faculty can hear directly from those offices and vice versa. If you have such an interest, please let us know via our webform  Feedback on Advancing Research 

======  From CCAS Research Update 8/25/2017 ========

It has come to our attention that there is a need for more information regarding the business purpose(s) for expenses on sponsored projects. Please remember that, according to federal regulations, a well-written business purpose should provide information on whowhatwhenwhere, and why, unless already provided through other supporting documentation. Some examples of insufficient and sufficient business purpose descriptions are below. For more information, check the GW Travel, Entertainment and Business Expense Manual  (updated 8/22/2017), and refer to Appendix C.

Also, if your description is too long to fit the Business Purpose field in Concur (which is character-limited), you can use the Comment section to enter more info.

Note added 6/15/2018, the Travel, Entertainment and Business Expense Manual (updated May 2018) now contains a new list of Business Purpose with shorter descriptions with less than 64 characters ]

Expense Type Insufficient Business Purpose Description Sufficient Business Purpose Description
Meals Business meal Personal meal for Raleigh trip to attend student demonstration of research findings and visit collaborators 8/16-19/16
Conference Registration Fee 5/25/16 International Chinese Statistical Association conference registration fee for award PI, Dr. Smith
Travel Baggage Fee Baggage fees for Dr. Smith’s travel to and from Boston, MA for the PPTOX conference 12/10/16
Supplies Research Supplies Clay for Ranhom project to mold body parts for research5/5/16

- From Juliana Smith and Yongwu Rong, with input from the SRAs

 Limited Proposal Opportunities (for Humanities Faculty)

NEH Summer Stipends program (internal deadline July 2, 2018)

Once again, we are pleased to inform you an opportunity to compete for a submission to the NEH Summer Stipends program for support in Summer 2019. This NEH program supports individual researchers for scholarly work that is of value to humanities scholars and general audiences. Funded products include articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, and other scholarly resources. You could receive support for continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.
NEH Summer Stipends are awarded only to individual scholars who are nominated by the institution at which they are teaching full-time. We are limited to two nominees. We will select these two nominations based on your "pre-proposal" submitted internally to by Monday, July 2, 2018. Each internal pre-proposal should consist of a project narrative (1 page) and a CV (no more than 2 pages).  An internal evaluation committee will be formed to evaluate those internal submissions. We will inform our decisions to the applicants by Monday, July 16, 2018. After that, the two selected applicants will submit their applications to NEH by the deadline of September 26, 2018. We will try to provide some mentoring for our selected applicants as in the past.
Further information about the NEH Summer Stipends program and the application process can be found in the email below and at You are also welcome to contact us at with any questions you may have about the process at GW for making our nominations.

Integrated Research Information Software (iRIS)

As indicated in the OVPR Research Update on May 8, 2018, OVPR has led a process to identify and acquire an electronic system with the goal of streamlining research compliance operations. The Integrated ResearchInformation Software (iRIS) will automate processes that currently require printed forms, manage workflows, and allow investigators to track the status of their applications and training requirements. The web-based modules will support human subjects research, animal research, research with biological agents, and conflict of interest disclosure and management. For more information about the software and target launch dates, please visit the GW iRIS project website. The project website will be updated with important news andupdates.

Here is the latest on accessing / form submissions / orientation:

The human subjects module of GW iRIS, the university’s new electronic compliance system, is now open for submissions. All applications (including applications associated with current or pending studies) must be submitted via GW iRIS. The Office of Human Research (OHR) is no longer accepting paper forms or email submissions.

Logging into GW iRIS
GW faculty/staff/students can log into GW iRIS by visiting and entering their NetID and password.
All other users should consult the Reference Guide: Logging In for the First Time (PDF) that is located on the GW iRIS tool website.

Submitting Forms
Instructions for submitting forms via GW iRIS have been updated on the OHR website. Please see the Forms & Tools section for more details.
All other reference guides (including how to start/complete an application, etc.) are available within GW iRIS by clicking "Help" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Orientation Sessions
OHR has planned two GW iRIS orientation sessions:

  • Wednesday, June 6, 2018; 11:00 am

  • Tuesday, June 12, 2018; 2:00 pm

To attend one of these sessions, please RSVP via our online form. OHR will share WebEx details via email prior to the session.

Support: Contact with any questions or concerns about GW iRIS.

Funding Opportunities

The NEH Summer Stipends Program
In order to help you to plan ahead for this competition, we would like to give you this heads up for the the NEH Summer Stipends which provides support for continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months. Applicants with college or university affiliations must be nominated by their institutions and GW is limited to two nominees. Full information for this year's competition is not yet available but will be posted at  Please note that the full proposals must be received by NEH by September 26, 2018.  Once NEH posts full information, we will provide a guideline for the internal competition based on that information, including a deadline for the pre-proposals. In previous years, each internal pre-proposal consisted of a project narrative (1 page) and a CV (up to 2 pages).  Once we identify the selected nominees, we will match them with an experienced colleague who will act as a mentor.  Special thanks to Dr. Denver Brunsman who has served in this role recently.

In the last five competitions the Summer Stipends program received an average of 860 applications per year. The program made an average of 78 awards per year, for a funding ratio of 9 percent. I am pleased to tell you that our last year's nominee, Dr. Phillip Troutman, has now received this award.


Getting Started with SoTL: How to Build Research on Teaching 

Date/Time: June 4, 12-1:30 pm (feel free to bring your lunch!)
Location: Gelman Library, Room 219

Description This session will focus on how to conduct your first SoTL project: how to try something new in the classroom and collect information to determine if it improved students' learning. We will briefly review the five steps of a SoTL project--generating a research question, designing a study, collecting data, analyzing data and presenting your project--hear tips from faculty who have done SoTL projects, and receive feedback on ideas for our own SoTL research. For more information, contact Katherine Miscavige at or Maria de la Fuente at

Reminders for Summer Travel

Fly America Act
This is a follow up for our Research Update last week to include more explanation. Please note that it only applies to travels funded by the US government, exceptions are possible, and such requests must be submitted prior to travel being ticketed.
The “Fly America Act,” which applies to all GW employees traveling on federal funds, requires that U.S. flag air carriers be used to the maximum extent possible when commercial air transportation is the means of travel between the U.S. and a foreign country or between foreign countries.
For more details, check OVPR website at or GW Procurement website Additional questions can also be addressed to Travel Leaders at 855-771-9109.
Exceptions: There are a number of exceptions to the Fly America Act that are outlined in the Fly America Act Exception (pdf). Included in these exceptions are the four bilateral/multilateral “Open Skies Agreements” established by the federal government. In order to be granted an exception, this document must be completed, signed by the traveler and sent to the GW Travel Office at prior to travel being ticketed.  Be sure to include all supporting documentation that justifies the exception request.  Once approved, the form should be submitted with the traveler’s expense reconciliation receipts in iBuy+ Expense Reporting.

Feedback on Research Support

Summer is a busy time for your grant related activities.  As so we would like to hear your comments and thoughts on the research support from CCAS SRA team or from other GW offices.  Please feel free to share your thoughts by emailing us, or talking to us directly, or entering your comments on our webform. Comments on issues related to expense reports are particularly appreciated at this time.

Feedback on Research Support

- Juliana Smith and Yongwu R.

Updates from Our Team

Kelly Victor-French, who has been providing administrative support for Dean Evie Downie and myself (YR) since December 2016, will be interning this summer at the Naval Research Lab. This is a great opportunity that will provide valuable experience relevant to her interests in astrophysics. Congratulations Kelly!

Reminders / Tips for Summer Travel

Reminder for Fly America Act
As we are planning for summer research related travels, we would like to remind you of the “Fly America Act” which requires that U.S. flag air carriers be used to the maximum extent possible when commercial air transportation is the means of travel between the U.S. and a foreign country or between foreign countries. For more details, check OVPR website at  Additional questions can also be addressed to Travel Leaders at  855-771-9109

Tips for Two Step Authentication
Many of us will be on international or domestic travels to conduct research during the summer. In order to access your GW email, you will need to have access to a mobile device to complete your two step authentication. If you will have access to a mobile device during your time abroad, you can contact GW IT Support to assist with changing the number tied to your account, or to help you install the Microsoft Authenticator app (which doesn't require a data connection).
If you will be traveling to a remote area without access to a phone, you can ask GW IT Support to turn off your two step authentication before your travel.
GW IT Support can be reached at 202-994-4948, or Please include your GWID number, NetID, and a copy of a government-issued ID for fastest resolution.

Funding Opportunities

GW 2018-19 Call for University Faculty Seminar Proposals

The deadline for 2018-19 University Seminar Proposals is Friday, June 1, 2018. The application should be no more than 3 pages single spaced. It should include the following information:

  • A discussion of the topic to be addressed and its importance.
  • A discussion of how the Seminar will connect academic research and inquiry to the world outside the University and/or to larger cross-disciplinary issues in the areas of culture, business, policy, science, or other areas of similar dimension.
  • A discussion of anticipated outcomes, processes and/or products.
  • Names, departmental affiliations, and expertise of faculty who are committed to being a part of the Seminar.
  • Names, professional affiliations, and expertise of individuals outside the University who are committed to being a part of the Seminar.
  • A plan of action for Academic Year 2018-19, including your ideas for specific events and activities.

Proposals should be submitted to:  More information can be found in the email from GW InfoMail on May 11.


Update on the Status of Internal Proposals

All funding decisions for CCAS internal proposals, including CCFF, Enhanced Faculty Travel, Dean's Res Chair, have been made and communicated to the PIs. Funds for these awards will be available by July 1. If you have any questions, please contact us at

The funding decisions for the HFF competition are expected to be made by the end of this week and will be communicated soon thereafter to the applicants by OVPR. Questions on this program can be addressed to Professor Tyler Anbinder at


Update on our SRA Team

Juliana Smith has been promoted to Assistant Director for Research Programs. In this role, she will continue to lead the SRA team in the pre- and post- award administration of our sponsored projects. She will also work with the Associate Dean for Research to implement our research growth strategies and manage the research infrastructure of CCAS. Congratulations to Juliana!

Rebekka Egger, a member of our SRA team since 2015, will take on new responsibilities as a Sponsored Project Administrator (SPA) under OVPR. She will continue to interact with our SRA team in pre-award administration. We look forward to working closely with her in this new role.

Jessica Zamiska, who joined our SRA team last year, has accepted a position of Director of Grants at McAllister and Quinn. She will be missed by all of us, and we wish her the best of luck in her new endeavor.

We are in the process of recruiting new SRAs and will keep the PIs of the impacted departments posted on the coverage plan during the transition.


Planning for Summer  

A few general reminders as you prepare for summer

  1. Closeout for internal grants. If you have an internal grants that ends this fiscal year, be sure you will spend all funds and submit your expense reports by early June. This includes all CCFF, DICE, Enhanced Travel grants made last academic year, and Nick-of-Time awards made this academic year.
  2. Pre-Award requests If you plan to submit a proposal this summer, we would appreciate your informing us quickly so we can plan ahead. Please submit your request via our webformCCAS Intent to Submit 
  3. Requests for Summer salary from grants can be made online at Faculty Summer Salary Request Form

Funding Opportunities

Limited Proposal Opportunity from the Pew Charitable Trusts 

The Pew Charitable Trusts has invited GW to nominate one candidate for the 2019 Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences award.

The Pew Biomedical Scholars program supports assistant professors demonstrating outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The award provides $300,000 in support - $75,000 per year for four years.

Eligible, interested faculty may submit a research project summary, C/V, and letter of recommendation from their chair to OVPR as part of the internal selection competition.  OVPR will appoint an internal selection committee of 3 or more notable scientists who will select GW's candidate.

Eligible faculty must meet the following criteria:
·  Have a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine or a related field.
·  As of October 15, 2018, will hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor.
·  Not appointed before June 29, 2015 (time spent in clinical internships, residencies, or in work toward board certification does not count as part of the three-year limit)
·  Must be nominated by their institution. Candidates may be nominated two times in total.
Program Summary, CV, and letter of nomination from department chair due to InfoReady by May 25, 2018. 

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Policies for Action: Policy and Law Research to Build a Culture of Health
Application Deadline: June 7, 2018, 3 pm ET
Policies for Action was created to help build the evidence base for policies that can help build a Culture of Health. We are interested in learning how national, state or local policies can promote lifelong health and health equity for individuals, families, and communities; as well as what enabling factors promote the adoption and spread of good policies.

Update on Review Progress for Internal Proposals

We understand your need to learn about the outcome of your submissions so you can plan for your summer.  We hope to wrap up the process soon. The details are as follows.

  • Dean's Research Chair. All funding decisions have been made and communicated to the applicants. Awards are being processed.
  • UFF. OVPR should have notified all applicants by late April. There was an extra large number of submissions this year to the UFF and UFF-Expanded programs.
  • CCFF. Following OVPR's decisions on UFF, we are in the process of evaluating the unfunded UFF proposal for possible funding by CCFF.  We expect the decisions to be finalized by next week or so.
  • Enhanced Faculty Travel. Those decisions are usually made after CCFF to avoid overlap funding. We should be able to notify the PIs in the next 1-2 weeks. Those with urgent travel needs can request expedited decision in email to

Planning for Summer

This is for those expecting summer salary from your external grants and those with proposal submission in the coming months.  We appreciate your timely requests through our webforms.

1. Requests for Summer Salary from Grants. It is time to start your requests for summer salary from your grants. We have designed a new webform to facilitate this. Please submit your request ASAP and before mid-May. Faculty Summer Salary Request Form

2. Requests for pre-award support. If you plan to submit a proposal this summer, we would appreciate your informing us quickly so we can plan ahead. Please submit your request via our webform CCAS Intent to Submit 

Juliana Smith and Y.R., on behalf of the SRAs.

GW Faculty Honors Ceremony: a reminder

Don't forget the GW’s Eighth Annual Faculty Honors Ceremony! The Honors Ceremony recognizes a diverse group of talented GW faculty who have shown extraordinary dedication to teaching, scholarship, and the university. Please join us on Tuesday, April 24th at 4:00 p.m. in the Jack Morton Auditorium, to congratulate your colleagues on receiving the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Faculty Prizes, Bender Teaching Awards, OVPR Faculty Awards, and more. To register for this event, please visit

CCAS Book Publishing Support: a reminder

As mentioned before in our Research Updates, CCAS will provide support for book publishing efforts by our faculty. This will include matching with professional editor(s) for those with the need and providing partial support financially. CCAS faculty with the need can request such support in email to More information can be found at our CCAS Research Blog

Update from NSF

Beginning on April 30, 2018, proposers will be able to prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) system. The initial release of this new capability will run in parallel with existing FastLane proposal preparation and submission capabilities. As a result, proposers can choose to prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in or in FastLane starting on April 30, 2018.  Other proposal types will be added to in the future.  More information can be found online at website 

Reminder: CCAS Faculty Book Showcase and Book Workshop
A reminder for the CCAS Faculty Book Day on April 13, in GW National Churchill Library and Center (NCLC - Gelman 101). There will be two events, the CCAS Faculty Book Showcase during 11:30 - 1 pm, and CCAS Faculty Book Publishing Workshop 1:30 - 3pm. Those with recently published academic books are welcome to bring your books for display.
Sign up is optional and encouraged.

Reminder: GW Research Days
Please join us for the GW Research Days on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 and Wednesday, April 11, 2018, in Marvin Center, with 662 presenters expected across the two-day event! CCAS presentations will be on April 10. Details of the events can be found at

NSF CAREER Workshop Series 

Time/Location: Friday, April 20, 12-2pm, in SEH 2000, Friday, May 4, 12-2 pm, in SEH 2990.
Sign Up: Sign Up Webform
Description Once again, we are working with SEAS and OVPR to organize an NSF CAREER workshop series aimed at junior faculty for their submissions. This will begin with two workshops by Dr. Ken Chong, followed by 1-1 meetings with Dr. Carl Batt (some of you are already in touch with Dr. Batt). Past CAREER recipients are welcome to join to share your expertise, especially in the first workshop on April 20, or act as faculty mentor for our CAREER submission applicants. Details of the events are below.

Materials for the NEH Workshop

The materials for the NEH Workshop on March 29 is now available at google drive
NEH Workshop

Additional resources are available at
CCAS Research Resources

You will need to login to your GW email account to access.

Update on Internal Funding Process

  • UFF / CCFF Those who submitted UFF to OVPR should have learned from OVPR that the decisions on UFF will be made this month (they will be a bit slower this year due to the extended UFF, but they expect more awards as a result). As soon as those decisions are made, OVPR will pass the unfunded UFF proposals to us so we can consider them for possible funding from CCFF.
  • Dean's Research Chair We expect to inform the applicants in the coming week.
  • Enhanced Travel Those proposals were received by March 30, and the funding decision will be notified this month.
  • Nick-of-Time These proposals are processed as they come in throughout the year.
  • CCAS DREAM Mentoring Award This is an award not internal funding. But we would like to remind you that, as announced in our Research Update on March 16, 2018, the nomination for this award is due April 13, 2018.  Detailed information can be found our DREAM Website.

Funding Opportunities 

Partnerships between Science and Engineering Fields and the NSF TRIPODS Institutes  (TRIPODS + X)
Full Proposal Deadline Date: May 29, 2018
Program Synopsis: Twelve NSF Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS) Phase I Institutes were established in 2017 with the goal of promoting long-term, interdisciplinary research and training activities that engage theoretical computer scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians in developing the theoretical foundations of data science (see ).
This TRIPODS + X solicitation seeks to expand the scope of the TRIPODS program by engaging researchers across other NSF disciplines and the TRIPODS research teams in collaborative activities. Working in concert with a TRIPODS organization, a TRIPODS + X project would focus on data-driven research challenges motivated by applications in one or more science and engineering domains or other activities aimed at building robust data science communities.
Please let me know at if you wish to pursue.

Department of Defense (DOD) office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
FY18 funding opportunities are anticipated for the following programs:
Autism Research Program
Neurofibromatosis Research Program
Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program
Prostate Cancer Research Program

Semiconductor Research Corporation
Letter of Intent due: April 16, 2018
Full proposal due: June 4, 2018
Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) is soliciting proposals in the area of Intelligent Cognitive Assistants (ICA).  The ICA program will provide supplemental funding* to the Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Advancing Cognitive and Physical Capabilities (FW-HTF) program offered by the National Science Foundation. 

In our continued effort to support research and scholarship, we would like to create a CCAS Proposal Sharing System to allow faculty to share grant proposals and fellowship applications with their colleagues. We hope this will help to demystify the process for certain grant applications, better enabling our faculty to be more successful in their grant proposals / fellowship applications.
Please note that sample proposals for some funding agencies are already available on their websites. We have collected some of such Sample Proposals by Funding Agencies on our new CCAS research blog. In addition, many colleagues routinely share their proposals with colleagues.  However, our new system will provide additional model proposals that may not be readily available from funding agencies or colleagues around you.
The steps for contributing / requesting proposals are as follows.
  1. The dean’s office will invite faculty volunteers to share their successful proposals.

  2. The ADR (Associate Dean for Research) will collect the proposals from Each colleague who contributes (referred to as “Contributors” here after) can redact their proposal to remove sensitive information, or have dean’s office assist with this. The redacted copy will be password protected so that it can be viewed, but no text or image can be copied electronically.

  3. Any CCAS colleague who requests (referred to as “Requester” here after) a proposal can submit their information via our CCAS Sample Proposal Requesting Form.

  4. The ADR will inform the Contributor with the name of the Requester before releasing the proposal.

  5. The Contributor may request for a copy of the final proposal from the Requester before submission.  This will help prevent plagiarism and allow the Requester to receive valuable comments from the Contributor.

  6. Other components of this system may include various pieces of the proposal, e.g. Postdoc Mentoring Plan.  Those samples can be deposited in a Google drive shared with all CCAS faculty.

To contribute your proposal(s), simply email pdf files to We will then work with you to redact your proposal and set the security protection. If we receive a request for which your proposal is a fit, we will inform you before sharing it with the Requester. You can report your contribution in your Faculty Annual Report
To request a sample proposal, please enter the webform CCAS Sample Proposal Requesting Form.  We will then communicate with the potential Contributor(s) before sending you a pdf file of the sample.


Welcome to the CCAS Research Blog! We aim to gather on this site lots of resources, funding opportunities, research-related policies and other useful information for CCAS Faculty, Staff, and Students.

Please feel free to contact us with suggestions for how to improve this site, or with suggestions for resources and / or policy descriptions you would find helpful.