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Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. W. Luo and Y. Zhao, An ultraspherical spectral method for block copolymer systems on unit disk,  Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024. [Arxiv][DOI][PDF]
  2. Z. Cang and Y. Zhao, Synchronized optimal transport for joint modeling of dynamics across multiple spaces, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 85(1), 341-365, 2025. [Arxiv][DOI][PDF]
  3. Z. Cang, Y. Wu and Y. Zhao, Supervised Gromov-Wasserstein optimal transport, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 7(1), 301-328, 2025. [ArXiv][DOI][PDF]
  4. W. Luo and Y. Zhao, Asymptotically compatible schemes for nonlocal Ohta-Kawasaki model, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2024, e23143.  [Arxiv][DOI][PDF]
  5. Y. Zhang, H. Levine and Y. Zhao, Phase field modeling of Dictyostelium discoideum chemotaxis, submitted, 2023. [link]
  6. G. Nguyen, X. Xu and Y. Zhao, Analytic Insights into an Adapted Algorithm for the Score-based Secretary Problem, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Study, 2024.
  7. W. Luo and Y. Zhao, Nonlocal effects on a generalized Ohta-Kawasaki model, Physica D, 458, 133989, 2024. [link][PDF]
  8. J. Xu, J. Zhao and Y. Zhao, Numerical Approximations of the Allen-Cahn-Ohta-Kawasaki (ACOK) Equation with Modified Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 20 (5), 693-708, 2023. [link][PDF]
  9. Z. Cang, Y. Zhao, A. Almet, A. Stabell, R. Ramos, M. V. Plikus, S. Atwood and Q. Nie, Screening cell-cell communication in spatial transcriptomics via collective optimal transport, Nature Method, 20, 218–228, 2023. [link]
  10. X. Zhao, W. Hao and Y. Zhao, Bifurcation Analysis Reveals Solution Structures of Phase Field Models, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, doi: [link][PDF]
  11. Z. Cang, Q. Nie and Y. Zhao, Supervised optimal transport, SIAM in Appl. Math., 82, 1851-1877, 2022. [link][PDF]
  12. X. Tang, Y. Zhao, Q. Liu, D. Hu, G. Li, S. Jin and G. Song, The assessment of cumulative risk factors for childhood stunting: a case-control study in China, Front Pediatr. 31;10:816870, 2022. [link]
  13. S. Joo, X. Xu and Y. Zhao, Analysis of the Allen-Cahn-Ohta-Nakazawa model in a ternary system,  Interfaces Free Bound., 23, 535-559, 2021. [link]
  14. H. Choi and Y. Zhao, Second-order stabilized semi-implicit energy stable schemes for bubble assemblies in binary and ternary systems, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 8, 4649-4683, 2022, doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2021246. [link]
  15. X. Tang, Y. Zhao, Q. Liu, D. Hu, G. Li and G. Song, Transition patterns of weight status and their predictable lipid markers among Chinese adults, Diabetes Metab. Syndr. Obes., 14, 2661-2671, 2021. [link]
  16. X. Xu and Y. Zhao, Maximum Principle Preserving and Energy Stable Schemes for Binary Systems with Long-range Interactions, J. of Sci. Comput., 84, 33, 2020. [link][PDF]
  17. K. Yang, S. Roudenko and Y. Zhao, Stable blow-up dynamics in the L^2-critical and L^2-supercritical generalized Hartree equation, Studies in Applied Math., 145, 647-695, 2020. [link][PDF]
  18. C. Wang, X. Ren and Y. Zhao, Bubble assemblies in ternary systems with long range interaction, Comm. Math. Sci., 17, 2309 – 2324, 2019. [preprint].
  19. X. Xu and Y. Zhao, Energy stable semi-implicit schemes for Allen-Cahn-Ohta-Kawasaki Model in Binary System, J. of Sci. Comput., 80, 1656-1680, 2019. [PDF][link]
  20. K. Yang, S. Roudenko and Y. Zhao, Blow-up dynamics in the mass super-critical NLS equations, Physica D, 396, 47-69, 2019. [PDF][link]
  21. Y. Cao, R. Karmakar, E. Ghabache, E. Gutierrez, Y. Zhao, A. Groisman, H. Levine, B. Camley and W.-J. Rappel, Cell motility dependence on adhesive wetting, Soft Matter, 15, 2043-2050, 2019. [link][PDF][Sup]
  22. H. Li, C. Shen, Y. Zhao, G. Sahin, H. Choi and Y. Shah, High entropy secrecy generation from wireless, J. Commun. Netw., 21, 177-191, 2019.
  23. K. Yang, S. Roudenko and Y. Zhao, Blow-up dynamics and spectral property in the L^2-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation in high dimensions, Nonlinearity, 31, 4354, 2018. [link][PDF].
  24. Y. Zhao, Y. Ma, H. Sun, B. Li, and Q. Du, A new phase-field approach to variational implicit solvation of charged molecules with the Coulomb-field approximation, Comm. Math. Sci., 16, 1203-1223, 2018. [PDF].
  25. Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, L. Wang, A. Song and Y. Ma, Stochastic maximum principle for partial infomation optimal investment and dividend problem of an insurer, JIMO, 14(2), 653-671, 2018. [link][PDF].
  26. B. Camley*, Y. Zhao*, B. Li, H. Levine and W.-J. Rappel, Crawling and turning in a minimal reaction-diffusion cell motility model: coupling cell shape and biochemistry, Phys. Rev. E, 95, 012401, 2017. [link][PDF]
  27. M. Ayhan, Y. Zhao and H. Choi, Utilizing geometric mean in proportional fair scheduling: enhanced throughout and fairness in LTE DL, IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. [link][PDF].
  28. Y. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Ma and Q. Du, Generalized local and nonlocal master equations for some stochastic processes, Comput. Math. Appl., 71(11), 2497-2512, 2016.[link][PDF]
  29. Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Zhao, A. Song and Y. Ma, A stochastic model for microbial fermentation process under Gaussian white noise environment, Num. Alg.Cont. Opt. 5, 381, (2015). [link]
  30. H. Sun, J. Wen, Y. Zhao, B. Li, and J. Andrew McCammon, A self-consistent phase-field approach to implicit solvation of charged molecules with Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics, J. Chem. Phys., 143, 243110, 2015. [link][PDF]
  31. B. Camley, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. Li, E. Ben-Jacob, H. Levine, and W.-J. Rappel, Polarity mechanisms such as contact inhibition of locomotion regulate persistent rotational motion of mammalian cells on micropatterns, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, 14770, 2014. [link][PDF]
  32. T. Banham, B. Li, and Y. Zhao, Pattern formation by phase-field relaxation of bending energy with surface-area and volume constrained, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 033308, 2014. [link][PDF]
  33. B. Camley, Y. Zhao, B. Li, H. Levine and W.-J. Rappel, Periodic migration in a physical model of cells on micropatterns, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 158102, 2013. [link][PDF][Supplementary]
  34. B. Li and Y. Zhao, Variational implicit solvation with solute molecular mechnics: from diffuse-interface to sharp-interface models, SIAM J. Applied Math., 73(1), 1-23, 2013. [link][PDF]
  35. Y. Zhao, Y. Kwan, J. Che, B. Li and J. A. McCammon, Phase-field approach to implicit solvation of biomolecules with Coulomb-field approximation, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 024111, 2013. [link][PDF]
  36. Y. Zhao and Q. Du, Diffuse interface model of multi-component vesicle adhesion and fusion, Phys. Rev. E, 84, 011903, 2011.[link][PDF]
  37. Y. Zhao, S. Das and Q. Du, Adhesion of multicomponent vesicle membranes, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 041919, 2010. [link][PDF]
  38. Y. Zhao and R. Wang, Some problems on the exactness of splines, Mathematica Numerica Sinica, 28(2), 133-140, 2006. [PDF]


  1. Thermal fluctuation effect on diffuse interface width of vesicle membranes, 2016.
  2. Vesicle membranes with anisotropic elastic bending energy, 2016.
  3. J. Elenewski, Y. Zhao and H. Chen, Non-equilibrium transport in open quantum systems via dynamically constrained non-Hermitian boundary domains, 2017, submitted. [link]
  4. J. Elenewski, Y. Zhao and H. Chen, Complex non-Hermitian potentials and real-time time-dependent density functional theory: a master equation approach, 2017, submitted.[link]
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