Just a reminder on what we are doing, we are embedding images of a highway, where images within a small timespan window are mapped to a certain class.
Since our last post, we mainly focused on creating a TSNE and visualizations of our embedding.
Dr. Pless gave us an idea for our tsne: plot a line between all the points (where the line goes in temporal order).
First we created our tsne, and observed that all the clusters were more or less in a line.
And we were like "hey, wouldn't it be cool if these cluster-lines represent the timeline of the images within the class", and it looks like they actually are!
If these line-clusters were to represent the timeline of the images, we would expect that our temporally-advancing line would enter a cluster at one end, would continue 1 by 1, in order of the line-cluster, and exit out the other end.
This would be impressive to me, because the embedding is not only learning the general timeframe of the image (class), but also the specific time within that class, even though it has no knowledge of this time beforehand.
Here are the results on our training data (click on the image if you don't see the animation):
Here are the results on our validation data:
You can see this isn't quite as nice as our training data (of course). The line generally comes in to one end, and most of the time exits the cluster in the middle-ish.
(this was a model only trained for a couple epochs, so we should get better results after we train it a bit more)
For next week we plan to:
- Correct our training and test sets (previously we mentioned taking every other time interval as part of our evaluation set. This is bad because our test set is too close to our training set (the end of one training time window = start of one evaluation time window)
- Do some of the overfitting test/ etc. that we did last model
- Train more!