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Please join us in congratulating our clinical students alumni - Nick Talisman, Jenny Marceron, and Katie Burns on their recent publication!

Talisman, N.W., Rohrbeck, C.A., Moore, P.J., Jennifer E. Marceron; Katherine M. Burns. Measuring personal emergency preparedness: validation and application of the emergency preparedness checklist. Natural Hazards (2024).

Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳

Please join us in congratulating Clinical Psych alumna Dr. Dot White who recently published an article entitled Working Memory and Language Relate to Report of Socioemotional Functioning in Children with Hearing Loss.

Citation: White, D. A., Costa, E. A., Mellon, N., Ouellette, M., & Ottley, S. W. (2024). Working Memory and Language Relate to Report of Socioemotional Functioning in Children with Hearing Loss.

Congratulations Dot 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Farzana Saleem on her recent publication with her colleagues!

Citation: Bernard, D. L., Saleem, F. T., Moreland, A. D., Shacklewood, C., & Danielson, C. K. (2023). A qualitative analysis of black mother preparation for bias messages following incidents of racism-related violence. Journal of Family Psychology.

10.1037/fam0001162.supp (Supplemental)

Well done Dr. Saleem 🥳🥳