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Please congratulate Dr. Calabrese and co-authors Sharanya Rao, Mimi Tekeste, Djordje Modrakovic, and Rico Boone on their recent publication highlighted by the DC-CFAR!

Their work entitled "Let’s Be a Person to Person and Have a Genuine Conversation": Comparing Perspectives on PrEP and Sexual Health Communication Between Black Sexual Minority Men and Healthcare Providers" is published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior July 2022.


Calabrese, S. K., Rao, S., Eldahan, A. I., Tekeste, M., Modrakovic, D., Dangaran, D., Boone, C. A., Underhill, K., Krakower, D. S., Mayer, K. H., Hansen, N. B., Kershaw, T. S., Magnus, M., Betancourt, J. R., & Dovidio, J. F. (2022). "Let's be a person to person and have a genuine conversation": Comparing perspectives on PrEP and sexual health communication between black sexual minority men and healthcare providers. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(5), 2583-2601.

Please join us in congratulating both Sharanya Rao and Kate AuBuchon for being awarded Dean's Graduate Instructorships for next year. As part of this award, they will be designing and independently instructing their own GW undergraduate courses (Dean's seminars), which will make fabulous additions to our current course offerings. Kate's course, Social Psychology of Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, will be offered in the fall, and Sharanya's course, An Antiracist, Decolonial (Re)Imagination of Mainstream Psychology, will be offered in the spring.

Congrats to you both!

Congratulations to Clinical psych alumni Devin English, Danielle Busby; ASP doctoral candidate Riko Boone; and ASP faculty Dr. Bowleg on their recent publication in the Journal of Research on Adolescence!


English, D., Boone, C.A., Carter, J., Talan, A., Busby, D., Moody, R., Cunningham, D., Bowleg, L., & Rendina, J. (2022, In press). Intersecting structural oppression and suicidality among Black sexual minority male adolescents and emerging adults. Journal of Research on Adolescence.