Deutsche Artikel (Papers in German)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Wie sich die Wissenschaft verandert” (How Science is Changing), Lernende Organization (Learning Organization), No. 100, November/Dezember 2017, pp. 32-36. (paper) (paper in English)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Vom ‘Wissensmanagement’ zur aktiven Zukunfsgestaltung.” (From Knowledge Management to Actively Shaping the Future). Lernende Organization (Learning Organization), No. 34, November/Dezember 2006, pp. 14-25. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Intellektuelle Bewegungen schaffen und foerdern,” (Creating and Promoting Intellectual Movements) in Lernende Organization (Learning Organization), Nr. 30, March/April 2006, pp. 26-33. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung – Die Veraenderung der Wissenschaft,” (Second Order Cybernetics: The Transformation of Science) Lernende Organization, Nr. 11, Jaenner / February 2003, pp. 12-16. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Eine kurze Geschichte des Jahr 2000-Problems,” (A short history of the year 2000 problem), translated into German by Karl Mueller, Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Gesichichtswissenschaften (Austrian Journal of History), 10/3, December 1999, pp. 371-401.
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Zur Kybernetik von Konzeptuellen Systemen,” (On Cybernetics of Conceptual Systems) in Renate Martinsen (ed.), Das Auge der Wissenschaft: Zur Emergenz von Realitat (The Eye of Science: On the Emergence from Reality). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1995.
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Citizen Sampling Simulations: A Method for Involving the Public in Social Planning.” Policy Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, Fall 1970, pp. 361-375. Also published in German in Analysen und Prognosen. Vol. 12, November 1970, pp. 27-20. (paper)
Osgood, Charles E. and Stuart A. Umpleby, “A Computer-based Exploration of Alternative Futures for Mankind 2000.” In Robert Jungk and Johan Galtung (eds.). Mankind 2000. Oslo: Norwegian Universities Press, 1969, pp. 346-359. Also published in German.
Newspaper articles in German
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Jahr 2000: Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und die Finanzmaerkte,” (Year 2000: Implications for Corporations and the Financial Markets), Interview by Dorrit Novel, Fakten & Trends (Facts and Trends, a Swiss investment newsletter), November 1999, p. 25.
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Schlaf der Ahnungslosen.” (Sleep of the Uninformed) An interview conducted by Nicole Immler. Kleine Zeitung (Austrian Daily Newspaper), June 20, 1999, p. 19.
Umpleby, Stuart A. and Karl H. Mueller, “Hoffen, dass nichts passiert, ist zuwenig.” (Hoping that nothing happens is too little) Der Standard(Austrian daily newspaper), September 24, 1998, p. A11.
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Kompromisse und Konfrontation: Ueber russische und amerikanische Gepflogenheiten beim Verhandeln.” (Compromise and Confrontation: Concerning Russian and American Habits in Negotiating), Der Standard (Austrian daily newspaper), Wednesday, 31 July 1991, p. 23.
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Das moralische Dilemma der Sowjetburger.” (The Moral Dilemma of Soviet Citizens), Der Standard (Austrian daily newspaper), Monday, 18 June 1990, p. 23.
Papers in Russian
Umpleby, Stuart and Tatyana Medvedeva. “The Beginnings of Second Order Cybernetics.” (Russian Paper)
Umpleby, Stuart. “How cybernetics ended in the United States, but continued elsewhere.” 2015 (Russian Paper)
Umpleby, Stuart. “Expanding Science and Advancing Refexive Government: Two Current Projects in Cybernetics” 2018 (Russian Paper)
Umpleby, Stuart. “Reflexivity in Social Systems: The Theories of George Soros.” Acknowledgement: a machine translation improved by Tatiana Medvedeva. 2018 (Russian Paper)
Umpleby, Stuart. “Identifying Stability or Instability in Economic Systems” 2018 (Russian Paper)
Gushchina, Vera and Umpleby, Stuart, “How Universities in Russia and the US are Working to Improve Quality” 2009 (Russian Paper) (English Paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “The Design of Intellectual Movements”, 2006. Translated into Russian but not published in Russian. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Management of the Global Economy”. Globalistica: International Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow, St. Petersburg, New York, 2006, p. 769. Translated into Russian by Olga Chistyakova. An excerpt from “Organization of Regulation of the Global Economy,” Our Economy, 2003. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A. and Irina Naoumova, “Comparing Priorities in an American Academic Department and a Russian Academic Department.” in Russell J. Meyer (ed.) Perspectives in Higher Education Reform, Volume 13. Alliance of Universities for Democracy, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2004. Also published in Russian in the proceedings of a conference at Mari State University, Yarshkar-Ola, Russia, 2002. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A. and Tatyana Medvedeva, “Psychological Adjustment to Economic and Social Change,” Reflexive Control. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2001, pp. 102-112. (The journal is published in both Russian and English.) (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “What Comes after Second Order Cybernetics?” Cybernetics and Human Knowing, Volume 8, No. 3, 2001, pp. 87-89. Translated into Russian by Madina Ibadova and published in Losevsky Chtenija, Proceedings of the Annual Science and Theory Conference dedicated to A.F. Losev, South Russia State Technical University, Pegas Publishing House, Rostov on Don, 2001, pp. 124-127. (paper)
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Systems Approaches to Management,” in Boris Milner and Francis Lees (ed.) Management of the Modern Company. (Textbook in Russian), Moscow: INFRA-M, 2001, pp. 298-305. (paper)
Papers in Chinese
Umpleby, Stuart. “Systemic Solutions for Systemic Problems.” (Paper) (Published)
Umpleby, Stuart. “Reflections on Systemic Problems and Solutions.” (Paper)
Papers in Spanish
Umpleby, Stuart A and Gabriel Ramirez M., “Como Pueden las Universidades Aprender Unas de Otras Mientras Construyen la Sociedad del Conocimiento,” (How Universities can Learn from each other while Building a Knowledge Society), Sociedad & Conocimiento (magazine of the Central University of Chile), No. 1, Diciembre 2003, pp. 14-20 (in both Spanish and English).
Umpleby, Stuart A., “El Diseño de Movimientos Intelectuales”, (The Design of Intellectual Movements). Translated by Gabriel Ramirez M. Published in English in the proceedings of the annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Shanghai, China, August 2-6, 2002. (paper)
Papers in Polish
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Rewolucja naukowa w demografii,” (The Scientific Revolution in Demography) in Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences) 2(106), 1991, pp. 295-307.
Papers in Bulgarian
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Should Knowledge of Management be Organized as Theories or as Methods?” in Robert Trappl (ed.). Cybernetics and Systems ’02, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, Austria, April 2002. Also published in Bulgarian. (paper)
Papers in Japanese
Umpleby, Stuart A. and Eric B. Dent, “The Origins and Purposes of Several Traditions in Systems Theory and Cybernetics.” Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 30, 1999, pp. 79-103. Also published in Japanese in Akira Ishikawa (ed.). Cybernetics Renaissance. London: Springer Verlag, 1999.
Papers in Korean
Osgood, Charles E. and Stuart A. Umpleby, “A Computer-based Exploration of Alternative Futures for Mankind 2000.” In Robert Jungk and Johan Galtung (eds.). Mankind 2000. Oslo: Norwegian Universities Press, 1969, pp. 346-359. Also published in Korean.
Papers in Turkish
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Alti Ay Kala.” (The Year 2000) An interview conducted by Yagmur Denizhan. Endustri & Otomasyon (Industry and Automation). Summer 1999, pp. 16-20.
Papers in Slovenian
Umpleby, Stuart A., “Cybernetics of Conceptual Systems,” in Dialekticna in druge mehkosistemske teorije, podlaga za celovitost in uspeh managementa (The Dialectical and other Soft Systems Theories, a basis for holism and success of management; in Slovenian) by M. Mulej and coauthors: Raul Espejo, Michael Jackson, Stefan Kajzer, John Mingers, Peter Mlakar, Nastja Mulej, Vojko Potočan, Miroslav Rebernik, Antonin Rosicky, Bernd Schiemenz, Stuart Umpleby, Dusko Ursic, Robert Vallee; 2000, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, 590 pages, ISBN 961-6354-01-9; pp. 344 – 353.