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After the feedback we got last week we now have a solid understanding of the concept behind triplet loss, so we decided to go ahead and work on the implementation.

We ran into lots of questions about the way the data should be set up. We look at Anastasija's implementation of triplet loss for an example. We used a similar process but with images as the data and ResNet as our model.

Our biggest concerns are making sure we are passing the data correctly and what the labels should be for the images. We grouped the images by anchor, positive, and negative, but other than that they don't have labels. We are considering using the time the image was taken as the label.

We have a theory that the labels we pass in to the don't matter (??). This is based on looking at Anastasija's triplet loss function, which takes parameters y_true and y_pred, where it only manipulates the y_pred, and doesn't touch y_true at all.

def triplet_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    size = y_pred.shape[1] / 3

    anchor = y_pred[:,0:size]
    positive = y_pred[:,size: 2 * size]
    negative = y_pred[:,2 * size: 3 * size]
    alpha = 0.2
    pos_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, positive)), 1)
    neg_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, negative)), 1)
    basic_loss = tf.add(tf.subtract(pos_dist, neg_dist), alpha)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.maximum(basic_loss, 0.0), 0)
    return loss

We are thinking that the loss function would be the one place that the labels (aka y_true) would matter. Thus if the labels aren't used here, they can just be arbitrary.

In Anastasija's model she adds an embedding layer, but, since we are using ResNet and not our own model, we are not. We are assuming this will cause problems, but we aren't sure where we would add it. We are still a little confused on where the output of the embedding network is. Will the embedded vector simply be the output of the network, or do we have to grab the embedding from somewhere in the middle of the network. If the embedded vector is the net's output, why do we see an 'Embedding' layer here in the beginning of the network Anastasija uses:

    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Embedding(words_len + 1,
                     weights = [word_embedding_matrix],
                     input_length = max_seq_length,
                     trainable = False,
                     name = 'embedding'))
    model.add(LSTM(512, dropout=0.2))
    model.add(Dense(512, activation='relu'))
    model.add(Dense(out_dim, activation='sigmoid'))
    model.compile(optimizer=Adam(), loss = triplet_loss)

If the embedding vector that we want actually is in the middle of the network, then what is the net outputting?

We tried to fit out model, but ran into an out of memory issue which we believe we can solve.

This week we hope to clear up some of our misunderstandings and get our model to fit successfully.


After our less than stellar results last week, we talked to Dr. Pless, and decided to pivot the goal of our project.

Instead, our new model will be designed to take 2 images from the same traffic camera, and output the time that has passed between the 2 frames. (ex. if one is taken at 12:30:34, the next at 12:30:36, we should get an output of 2seconds),

The reasoning behind this is, in order to be able to distinguish time differences, the network must learn to recognize the moving objects in the images (ie. cars, trucks, etc.). This way, we are forcing it to learn what vehicles look like, keep track of colors, keep track of vehicle sizes, etc, without having to label every single one individually.

In order to accomplish this, we need to learn about embedding, so that we can create 2 feature vectors, which should represent the similarity between images. This can then be used to train the network to actually detect time differences.

What we know about embedding

We know that an embedding maps an image to a vector in high dimensional space, which will represent different features of the image. Similar images will map to similar places, thus we can use this to gauge similarity.

We found some examples of embedding networks online to learn a bit about how they work. One example used ResNet50, pretrained on imagenet. To get the embedding vector, it passes an image through this network up to the 'avg_pool' layer. This layer output is considered the embedding.

We understand that, because this net is trained on image classification, it must learn some features about the image, and getting an intermediate layer output should show us the 'high dimensional space vector'.

What we don't understand is: what do we train our embedding network on? It seems that there is some initial task that creates a net that will create weights that relate to the objects in the image. Our final task will be to get the time diff between 2 images, but I don't believe we can train our network initially for this task. If we did try this, and were successful in just training a net that takes 2 images as input, then we wouldn't need the embedding (maybe we would still use it for visualization?). But we believe we need some initial task to train a network about our images, that will make it learn the features in some way first. Then, we can use some intermediate layer of this network to extract the embedding, which then could be passed to some other network that takes the vector as input, and whose output will be this time diff.

We also gathered some images from a higher framerate camera (we gathered at ~3images/second). We needed these over AMOS cameras because we need to detect smaller scale time differences, 30 min would be way too long, and any cars in the image would be long gone.


A quick recap, our problem is that we want to identify cars in traffic cams according to 2 categories (1. Color, 2. Car type). Each of these have 8 possible classes (making for a total of 64 possible combination classes).

Our preliminary approach is to simply create 2 object detectors, 1 for each category.

We successfully trained these 2 neural nets using the same RetinaNet implementation that worked well last semester for our corrective weight net.

We used the ~1700 labels from the SFM to train, and got some results. However, definitely not as great as we would have hoped. Here are some of our test images:




As you can see, it sometimes is right, sometimes is wrong, but it also just misses many of the vehicles in the image (like in the 1st 'Color' image). In addition, the confidence is pretty low, even when it gets it correct.


Clearly, something is wrong. We're thinking that its probably just a hard problem due to the nature of the data. For the color, its understandable that it might not be able to get more rare/ intermediate colors such as red or green, but some cars which were clearly white were getting a black label, or vice-versa, with the same confidence scores as when it was actually correct. We're not sure why this would be the case for some.


For the next week, we will work on getting to the root of the issue, as well as trying to brainstorm more creative ways to tackle this problem.