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Suggestions for quick home repair of heating.

Prompt: It's very cold outside and...
Specific cases: the heat is out, the heat the power and water are all out

GPT input: "It's very cold outside and there is no heat.  What do you suggest"
GPT Response: "quote their answer"

Risk Analysis: --- The answer anove "....." is much riskier than it might appear because...
What' you've learned --- the GPT 4o model is much that the 3.5 model I last used for this exercise...

I wanted to understand something about CLIP features for Re-ID, the process of tracking someone for a while, then re-recognizing them (for example, when they come into view of the next camera).

The wb-wob-reid-dataset dataset has examples of hundreds of people, captured when they are wearing the same clothes (but from different viewpoints), but also wearing different clothes. In this post I'm not concerned with training CLIP, but just using it and trying to understand how well CLIP features already support the re-id task.

For the record, I used the openai/clip-vit-base-patch32 model, and computed embedding features for all the both_small/bounding_box_test images. Something like 10 images can be embedded per second on the CPU in my laptop, so all this runs pretty quickly.
First, in the vein of "visualize everything", here is the t-SNE plot of 2000 images of 250 people. Each person is a class, and the images of the same person (or class) have the same color

I can't understand that so well. You can maybe convince yourself that there are clusters of the same color (?) but not clear, and we also aren't taking advantage of the extra label that the dataset has, which is which images of a person have the same clothes. So I wrote code to iterate through the images and mark all the images of a person, with different tags for different outfits. Then I can show all the images as gray, with images from one person highlighted, color coded by the label of their outfit.

Sometimes this shows clusters corresponding to a particular person, in all outfits, like the super unique "Person 64":

But more often you have multiple clusters per person:

and the most common is actually that the images of the person are pretty spread out across the space:

I always like to better understand my data, so let's look at the these three people. First, the unique person 64, seems to have the same dress on, and be in the same kind of background in each picture:

person 65, also pretty unique clothes, but sometimes more hidden by the backpack:

and person 66, with some bright red style (?) flourishes, that were still not enough to have the CLIP features pull these images all together.

Now, the next step (coming soon), is to see if we can find good parts of the CLIP features space that will help automatically merge the features from the same people, so images of one person aren't spread out across the whole space.

First blog post of 2024. I want to welcome you all (Grady, Kevin, Yu, Het, Le, and Manal) to our summer.

This blog platform is a place where I hope that we can put formal updates on our projects. Having a forum where we write a little bit more formally about what is going on is super useful and has a different feel than Slack which is best for short form, informal questions.

For this summer, there are a few events that we may have regularly; at the moment that includes a reading group on Wednesdays at 1:30pm. I think as a group we should propose several days a week that we mostly try to be here (for example, M, W, Th). I expect to be here most days aside from some travel in early July and the middle of August.

There are some pages on this site that might be of interest, including this page of conference targets for our papers:

A quick note about the style of research group that I have --- i like to work towards unusual ideas and high impact papers. It's not my style to say "you must do X", or "I expect you to be here from 9am until 6pm". The students that have done the best with me in the past have taken that flexibility to not be stressed if they have to be out sometimes (to take care of kids, train for marathons, whatever), but then also work very hard when they can. I like that model. They have also tended to be the ones to manage projects, push new ideas to explore and push to finish papers. This is an important skill to learn, and there is value in learning it early.

In terms of this blog, I think one substantial post each week that captures what you've been working on, with nice figures etc... is really useful, and can help make paper writing be easier in the future. You can also write quick update blog posts each day that can serve as a diary, repository of cool datasets or papers you've found, etc.

I'm excited to have you all working with me; I hope that we all have a fun summer!

This lab is trying an experiment --- a distributed approach of exploring following idea:

"Given many images of one scene, predicting the time an image was taken is very useful. Because you have to have learned a lot about the scene to do that well, the network must learn good representations to tell time, and those are likely to useful for a wide variety of other tasks"

So far we've made some progress (which you can partially follow in the #theworldisfullofclocks slack channel), with a start on framing the problem of: Given many images of a scene, how can you tell what time it is?

This google doc already lays out what are reasonable approaches to this problem. Here I want to share some visualizations that I want to make as we try to debug these approaches. These visualizations are of the data, and of the results of the data.

  • An annual summary montage, with rows organized as "day of the year" and columns organized as "time of day" (maybe subselecting days and times to make the montage feasible)
  • A daily summary montage with *all* the images from on day of a camera shown in a grid.
  • An "average day" video/gif that shows the average 7:00am image (averaged over all days of the year), and average 7:10a image... etc.

Kudos to everyone who has started to work on this; I think we have some good ideas of directions to go!

Hi everyone,

Here are a list of 20 fantastic! blogs about current machine learning research.

David Ahmadov
Farida Aliyeva
Leyla Aliyeva
Ibrahim Alizada
Mustafa Aslanov
Aydin Bagiyev
Aygul Bayramova
Samir Dadash-zada
Habil Gadirli
Farid Jafarov
Narmin Jamalova
Steve Kaisler
Ilyas Karimov
Kheybar Mammadnaghiyev
Fidan Musazade
Aykhan Nazimzade
Robert Pless
Jalal Rasulzade
Kamran Rzayev
Ismayil Shahaliyev

  1. There is a camera at the Tufandag Ski resort:

I think it shows video, and maybe there is a way to get a "live" still image from it. What can you do from many videos of this webcam? For example: can you predict the live weather parameters (wind speed or direction?) ? Can you highlight anomalous behaviors? Can you make a 3D model of that scene? For each of these problems, can you answer the Heilmeyer questions for this?

What could you do with many images from bird nest cameras?

There are YouTube streams of one box: and pages where you could write a program to save images over time:

2. Some live cameras give streams of audio and video:

(Many examples)

Live Bar Scene (tropical murphy's bar is good).

There is relatively little Deep Learning done that tries to think about one camera over very long time periods. Can you predict the sound from the video stream? Can you predict the video stream from the sound? Can you show the part of the image that is most correlated with the sound? Can you suppress the part of the sound that is unrelated to the video?

3. Some places give live video + text.

Twitch feeds have chat windows that are loosely aligned with the video. Live YouTube feeds also have a text chat.

There is *lots* of work right now trying to merge the analysis of text and video, but very little that is done for one specific viewpoint or event. Can you build a system to:
(a) predict the chat comments that will come up from a video stream (given that you can train on *lots* of video from that specific video stream),

(b) Can you identify times in the video that will have more or less text?

(c) Can you show what part of the video is related to a text comment?

4. COVID image datasets

I'm Robert Pless --- chair of the Computer Science Department at GWU, and I'd like to briefly introduce myself.

I was born in Baltimore, Maryland and have lived also in Columbus, Ohio, and Washington D.C. and Warsaw, Poland (although I was 4 at that time).

Within Computer Science, I work mostly on problems in Computer Vision (trying to automatically understand images), and Computational Geometry (building data structures for points and lines and shapes in space), and Machine Learning. A few of my favorite papers that I've written are here.

I'm especially interested in problem domains where new algorithms can help to improve social justice, healthier interactions with social media, and medical image understanding.

Outside of Computer Science, I have a four-and-a-half year old daughter who is learning to argue more and more effectively, and a grumpy dog. I'm interested in ultimate frisbee and modern art. My favorite artists are Dan Flavin and David Hockney, and I've written papers about the Art of Hajime Ouchi and Isia Leviant.

Sometimes I like being a contrarian.  This paper ( suggests that you can train the low levels of a Deep Learning network with just one image (and a whole mess of data augmentation approaches, like cropping and rotating etc.).  This contradicts a huge amount of belief in the field that the reason to pre-train on Imagenet is that having a large number of images makes for a really good set of low level features.

I'm curious what other assumptions we can attack, and how?

One approach to data augmentation is to take your labelled data, and make *more* labelled data by flipping the images left and right and/or crop it and use the same label for the new image.  Why are these common data augmentation tools?  Because often flipping an image left right (reflecting it), or slight crops result in images that you'd expect to have the same label.

So let's flip that assumption around.  Imagine training an binary image classifier with many images that are labelled either (original or flipped).  Can a deep learning network learn to tell if something has been flipped left/right?  And if it does; what has it learned?  Here is an in-post test.  For these three images (the first three images that I see when I looked at facebook today), either the top or the bottom has been flipped from the original.  Can you say which is the original in each case?

[(Top, bottom, bottom)]

Answers available by highlighting above.

What cues are available to figure this out?  What did you use?  Could a network learn this?   Would it be interesting to make such a network and ask what features in the image it used to come to its conclusion?

What about the equivalent version that considers image crops?  (binary classifier: is this a cropped "normal picture" or not?  Non binary classifier: Is this cropped from the top left corner or the normal picture?  the top right corner?  the middle?)

What are other image transformations that we usually ignore?


The internet is a strange place.  I've talked about using reaction videos as a set of free labels (Learn a Deep Network to map faces to an embedding space where images from the same time in an aligned video are mapped to the same place).  Why is that good?  There are lots of works on emotion recognition, but it is largely limited to "Happy" or "Sad" or "Angry", and often recognition works with pretty extreme facial expressions.  But real expressions are more subtle, shaded, and interesting.  But usually nobody uses them because there are no labels.  We don't have strong labels, but we have weak labels (these images should have the same label).

And, lucky us!  Someone has made a reaction video montage, like the one above, aligning all the videos already!  (crazy!).

Not just one, here is another:

and, not just 2, but literally hundreds of them:



Blog Post:

I’ve done lots of work on “embedding” over the last 20 years.  In the early 2000’s this was called “manifold learning” and the goal was to do something like t-SNE:

Given a collection of images (or other high-D points) --- that you *think* have some underlying structure or relationship that you can define with a few parameters --- map those images into a low-dimensional space that highlights this structure.

Some of my papers in this domain are here.

This includes papers that promote the use of this for temporal super-resolution, using that structure to help segmentation of biomedical imagery, and modifications to these algorithms if the low-dimensional structure had cyclic structure (for example, if the images are of an object that has rotated all the way around, you want to map it to a circle, not a line).  

Algorithms like Isomap, LLE, t-SNE and UMAP all follow this model.  They take as input a set of images and map those images to a 2 or 3 dimensional space where the structure of the points is, hopefully, apparent and useful.  These algorithms are interesting, but they *don’t* provide a mapping from any image into a low-dimensional space, they all just map the specific images you give them into a low dimensional space.  It is often awkward to map new images to the low dimensional space (what you do is find the closest original image or two close original images and use their mapping and hope for the best).

These algorithms also assume that for very nearby points, simple ways of comparing points are effective (for example, just summing the difference of pixel values), and they try to understand the overall structure or relationship between points based on these trusted small distances.  They are often able to do clustering, but they don’t expect to have any labelled input points.

What I learned from working in this space is the following:

  1. If you have enough datapoints, you can trust small distances.  (Yes, this is part of the basic assumption of these algorithms, but most people don’t really internalize how important it is).
  2. You *can’t possibly* have enough datapoints if the underlying structure has more than a few causes of variation (because you kinda need to have an example of how the images vary due to each cause and you get to an exponential number of images you’d need very quickly).
  3. You can make a lot of progress if you understand *why* you are making the low-dimensional embedding, by tuning your algorithm to the application domain.

What does this tell us about our current embedding work?  The current definition of embedding network has a different goal:  Learn a Deep Learning network f that maps images onto points in an embedding space so that:

|f(a) - f(b)| is small if a,b are from the same category


|f(a) - f(b)| is large of a,b are from different categories.

This differs from the previous world in two fundamental ways:

  1. We are given labels that help tell us where our points should map to (or at least constraints on where they map), and
  2. We care about f(c) ... where do new points map?
  3. Usually, we don’t expect the original points to be close (in terms of pixel differences or other *easy* distance functions in the high dimensional space.

So we get extra information (in the form of labels of which different images should be mapped close to each other), at the cost of our input images maybe not being so close in their original space, and requiring that the mapping work for new and different images.

Shit, that’s a bad trade.

So we don’t have enough training images to be able to trace out clean subsets of similar images based on follow super similar images (you’d have to sample cars of many colors, in front of all backgrounds, with all poses, and all collections of which doors and trunks are open)

So what can you do?

Our approach\ (Easy-Positive) is something like “hope for the best”.  We force the mapping to push the closest images of any category towards each other, and don’t ask the mapping to do more than that.  Hopefully, this allows the mapping to find ways to push the “kinda close” images together. Hopefully, new data from new classes are also mapped close together.

What are other approaches?  Here is a just-published to ArXiv paper that tries something:  They say, perhaps there are data augmentation steps (or ways of changing the images) that you *really* don’t believe should change your output vector.  These might include slight changes in image scale, or flipping the image left/right, or slight skews of the image.

You could take an *enormous* number of random images, and say “any two images that are a slight modification of each other” should have exactly the same feature vector, and “any two images that are different should have different feature vectors.

This could be *added* to the regular set of images and triplet loss used to train a network and it would help force that network to ignore the changes that are in your data augmentation set.  If you care most about geometric transformations, and really like formal math, you could read the following (

The other thing we can, or tool that we can use to try to dig deeper into the problem domain, is ask more "scientific" questions.  Some of our recent tools really help with this.

Question: When we “generalize” to new categories, does the network focus on the right part of the image?

How to answer this:

  1. Train a network on the training set.  What parts of the image are most important for the test set?
  2. Train a network on the TEST set.  What parts of the image are most important for the test set?
  3. We can do this and automatically compare the results.
  4. If the SAME parts of the image are important, then the network is generalizing in the sense that the features are computed on the correct part of the image.

This might be called “attentional generalization”.

Questions: If the network does focus does focus on the right part of the image, does it represent objects in a generalizable way?

How to answer this:
Something similar to the above, with a focus on image regions instead of the activation across the whole image.

This we might call “representational generalization" or "semantic generalization”