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Measurement for lambda selection to yoke tsne

In last week, we try our yoke t-sne method (add a L2 distance term into t-sne loss function). In this week, we try different scales of this L2 distance term to see the effect of t-sne.

This loss function of t-sne is that:

C = KL distance 1(embed 1 with t-sne1) + KL distance 2 + Ⲗ * (t-sne1 - t-sne2)^2

In this measurement, with lambda change, we record the ratio between KL distance in yoke t-sne and KL distance in original t-sne, and record the L2 distance.

The result is as following:

Its the ratio of for the first embedding.

Its the ratio of for the second embedding.

It this alignment error (the L2 distance)


As we can see in the above figures, we the weight of the L2 distance term increase, the ratio increase, which imply that when we 'yoke' heavier the t-sne, the distribution of t-sne plane is less like the distribution in high embedding plane. And, the decreasing alignment error shows that the two t-sne is align more perfect with lambda increasing.

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