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Funding Opportunities

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Imaging Scientists Request for Applications (RFA)
Deadline for Pre-Proposal: Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018 by 5:00pm PT
Description: From founders Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook) and Priscilla Chan: These five-year grants will support up to 10 Imaging Scientists at imaging centers in the United States. The RFA is looking for engineers, physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, or biologists who have focused on developing technology in microscopy or data analysis fields.
More Info: To access the full RFA, including details on the project specifications, project requirements, eligibility, key dates, and contact information, click here.

Upcoming Events

GWNIC Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Workshop
 Monday, Sept. 24, 2018 - Friday, Sept. 28, 2018 - 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Science and Engineering Hall 800 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20052
Description: The GW Nanofabrication and Imaging Center (GWNIC) presents a five-day correlative microscopy workshop. The main theme of this workshop is correlating large-area images of the same sample created with both light and high-resolution electron microscopy. More details at the RSVP button below.

Pre-Award Grant Development Boot Camp
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018
Time: 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Marvin Center 310
Click here for more information and to register.

Post-Award Grant Management Boot Camp
Date: Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018
Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Location: Marvin Center 405
Click here for more information and to register.

Meet the President of William T. Grant Foundation
Date/Time: Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018
Location: Multiple Locations throughout the day
Description: Dr. Adam Gamoran, President of the William T. Grant Foundation, will be on campus for a series discussions including a Breakfast for GW Faculty and Researchers and a large public event on October 11, 2018. The foundation invests in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes, and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States. See the full itinerary of available events at the RSVP button below.

Information Session on Fulbright
Date/Time:  Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018 - 1:00pm-3:00pm
Location: Phillips Hall, Room 411
Description: Mary-Rolfe Zeller, Outreach and Selection Coordinator at Institute of International Education (IIE) will give a presentation to CCAS faculty interested in learning more about Fulbright.

Send suggested items, funding opportunities and events for our Research Update to

Funding Opportunities

African American Civil Rights Grants
Submission Window: August 7 to October 8, 2018.
Description: The opportunity to apply for a FY2018 African American Civil Rights grant is now open. $13 million is available and applications will be accepted through two separate funding opportunity announcements- one for physical preservation projects (P18AS00485) and one for history projects associated with the African American civil rights movement of the 20th century (P18AS00484). Applications will be accepted only through
More info:

Foundations of Emerging Technologies (FET)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Submissions Windows: SMALL projects: November 1, 2018 - November 15, 2018; MEDIUM projects: September 24, 2018 - October 2, 2018
Description: The FET program, a new NSF program, welcomes research in the theory, algorithms, software, hardware, and architecture of emerging computing and communication systems. A unique aspect of the FET program is that interdisciplinary collaborations between computer and information scientists and engineers as well as those in various other fields are highly encouraged, with the fundamental aim of pursuing foundational breakthroughs in computer and information science and engineering.  Small Projects - up to $500,000 total budget with durations up to three years; Medium Projects - $500,001 to $1,200,000 total budget with durations up to four years.
More info:

Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Deadline: Supplemental funding requests may be submitted at any time, but no later than:
-- May 1, 2019 (for available FY 2019 funds)
-- May 1, 2020 (for available FY 2020 funds)
Description: The PI of an active NSF award may request supplemental funding for one or more graduate students to gain knowledge, skills, and experiences that will augment their preparation for a successful long-term career through an internship in a non-academic setting. To be eligible, graduate students must have completed at least one academic year in their graduate programs and be making satisfactory progress towards the completion of their degrees.
More info:

Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
Application Deadline: December 1, 2018
Description: The Blumberg Chair, an annually selected position, supports a senior scholar in the sciences or the humanities to take up residence in the Library’s John W. Kluge Center and conduct research on the humanistic and societal impacts of astrobiology. The Astrobiology Chair creates an opportunity to research the range and complexity of societal issues related to how life begins and evolves, and to examine philosophical, religious, literary, ethical, legal, cultural and other concerns arising from scientific research on the origin, evolution, and nature of life.
More info:

NSF 2026 Idea Machine Competion
Deadline: October 26, 2018
Description:  A prize competition to help set the U.S. agenda for fundamental research in STEM and STEM education. Participants can earn cash prizes and receive public recognition by suggesting the pressing research questions that need to be answered in the coming decade, the next set of “Big Ideas” for future investment by NSF. Contribute to NSF's mission to support basic research and enable new discoveries that drive the U.S. economy, enhance national security and advance knowledge to sustain the country's global leadership in science and engineering.
More info: NSF 2026 Idea Machine website

From the GW Politics Poll

Participate at: Submit Questions
Deadline for the third-wave survey: September 12, 2018
Description: GW faculty and graduate students are invited to submit proposals for questions to be included on the GW Politics Poll. The poll seeks to advance our understanding of American politics and public affairs by generating timely and rigorous data and analysis. The goal is to provide a resource where GW researchers can get public opinion data. Proposed questions must be related to politics, policy or public affairs. Priority will be given to proposals related to the election and proposals will be reviewed by the faculty committee administering the poll.
In 2018, we are administering a four-wave panel focused on the 2018 election. You may submit proposals for questions to be included on an individual wave of the survey or for multiple waves. We are currently inviting proposals for questions to be included on the third-wave survey which is expected to field in early October. A fourth wave will field after the November election. More information can be found on the web at

Gentle Reminders

Per Diem requests on all sponsored project travel
As explained in our previous Research Updates, per diem requests can be made for sponsored project-funded international travel. Requests should be submitted via email to Shandra White, Director, Office of Sponsored Projects, OVPR, with a copy to your School Research Administrator (SRA). Please follow the OVPR guidelines at for the detailed list of information to include. You can check the SRA Portfolio page to find the name and contact information of the SRA who provides your post-award support.

Separately, CCAS has a CCAS Per Diem Policy for non-sponsored international travel. This was announced in our Research Update on June 30, 2017, and is available on our Research Blog page at CCAS Per Diem Policy.

From Juliana Smith and Y.R.

Information for Your Graduate Students

Professional Networking Org. for Grad Students in STEM
Founded on the idea that career success is heavily dependent on networking, GW COMPASS (Career Organization for Masters and PhDs to Achieve Success in STEM) seeks to help graduate students in STEM fields to prepare for life after graduation. GW COMPASS aims to provide a community of professional support by hosting networking engagements, fostering mentee and mentor relationships, and highlighting career opportunities for post-graduate life.

To become an official member, go to the OrgSync profile and click "Join Now" on the right-hand side. Alternatively, you can fill out a Google Form to be put on their mailing listserv.

Funding Opportunities

Convergent Accelerated Discovery Foundries for Quantum Materials Science, Engineering and Information (Q-AMASE-i)
Letter of Intent (required) Deadline: September 17, 2018
Full Proposal Deadline: November 5, 2018
Description: Six-year awards totaling $20,000,000 to $25,000,000 for the award period are anticipated. Q-AMASE-i Foundries will be awarded as cooperative agreements with an initial commitment of six years, with the possibility of one six-year renewal, subsequent to a rigorous and favorable review by NSF.
Please see for details.

DePaul Humanities Center (DHC) Visiting Fellowship (2019-2020 academic year)
Application Deadline: Friday, January 25, 2019
Description: The DHC Visiting Fellow program is generally a sabbatical/leave-based position. Visiting Fellows will be given an office in the Center, library privileges, and an honorarium of up to $3,000 ($1,000 per quarter) to support the public presentation of Fellows’ work and for participation in other DHC programming. Open to any and all individuals possessing a Ph.D., including faculty, adjuncts, and graduate students (ABD with degree in hand by start of fellowship).


GW Postdoc Appreciation Day
Date/Time: Friday, September 21st, 2018, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Description: The GW Postdoc Association is celebrating the 3rd GW Postdoc Appreciation Day on September 21st and there are research competitions, networking luncheons and awards open to all GW postdocs. Specific questions can be addressed at

Updated SRA Portfolio and other Reminders

  • SRA Portfolios  Following the addition of our new SRAs Jessica Harb and Alice Kungu, as announced in our recent Research Updates, we are pleased to share with you the updated pre- and post-award support assignments for CCAS departments, available on our CCAS Research Blog at SRA Portfolios.
  • Pre-Award Requests  If you plan to submit a proposal this summer, we would appreciate your informing us quickly so we can plan ahead. Please submit your request via our webform CCAS Intent to Submit
  • CCAS Internal Grant Reports are due August 31, 2018. Please report at CCAS Internal Grant Report

Juliana Smith, Assistant Director for Research Programs
Yongwu Rong, Associate Dean for Research


Office of Sponsored Projects & Research Enhancement New Location  
As you may be aware, the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) and Research Enhancement (REU) is moving to a centralized location at the Virginia Science & Technology Campus (VSTC). Beginning August 27, 2018, all OSP and REU staff currently located at Rice Hall, 2033 K Street, Ross Hall and 950 New Hampshire Avenue will be physically located at VSTC’s Enterprise Hall (44983 Knoll Drive, Suite 260, Ashburn, VA  20147). Staff contact information (phone numbers and email addresses) will remain unchanged. The office relocation is not expected to adversely impact the university research community, specifically:

  • staff will be available during normal business hours as usual;
  • staff contact information (phone numbers/exchanges) will remain the same;
  • all OSP staff will establish regular meetings at Foggy Bottom with school and department representatives;
  • the OSP director will work out of OVPR’s Foggy Bottom office 2-3 days each week; and
  • OSP and Research Enhancement staff will continue to hold on-campus meetings, seminars and training events as they do at present.

The Division of Operations will conduct the actual move after close of business on August 23rd – August 25th and staff will begin work in the new location on Monday, August 27. I encourage faculty to submit any proposals due on August 23–28, 2018 by August 22, 2018, if possible and to let our office know of any proposals that are not currently in queue.

I appreciate your patience during this time and look forward to continuing our mission to provide operational excellence in support of GW’s research. Please contact me directly ( with any questions or concerns.

Shandra S. White,  Director, Office of Sponsored Projects & Research Enhancement

Funding Opportunities

CCAS Internal Grant Report
Link:  CCAS Internal Grant Report
Submission Window: August 1, 2018 - August, 31, 2018
Description: If you received internal funding from CCAS during last year (July 2017- June 2018), including CCFF, DICE, and Dean's Research Chair, please submit your report on this webform.  Please submit your report. Notice that the reports for enhanced travel and Nick-of-Time awards are not required.  Also, if you choose to include a file, you may upload to the webform. If you have any question, please contact us at

2019 Sloan Research Fellowships
Application Deadline: September 17, 2018
Description: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is now accepting applications for its Sloan Research Fellowships, which seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. The $70,000 fellowship is awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.  Candidates must hold a tenure track (or equivalent) position, which must include a yearly teaching requirement. Candidates must hold a PhD (or equivalent) in chemistry, computational or evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field. Candidates' most recent PhD must have been awarded on or after September 1, 2012. GW is able to put forward no more than three candidates per department for this submission. More details can be found at 

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Systems for Action program RFP
Proposal Deadline: October 10, 2018 at 3:00pm
Description: RWJF is accepting applications that will focus on solutions to high-priority systems alignment problems that involve medical, social, and public health services; test the effectiveness of these solutions using rigorous scientific methods; and engage stakeholders from medical, social, and public health systems in the design and conduct of the research, so that findings can be readily used in practice. Up to six successful grantees will be awarded $250,000 each.


DARPA DSO Proposers Day
Date/Time: July 31, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Executive Conference Center (4075 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 350, Arlington, VA 22203)
Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring a Proposers Day to provide information to potential proposers on the objectives of an anticipated Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Space Environment Exploitation (SEE) program. The event will be webcast for those who would like to participate remotely. Advance registration is required both for attending the Proposers Day in person and for viewing the webcast. Additional information regarding this SN can be found at specific questions regarding this SN, please send email to

Event Reminder:
Imaging Initiative Workshop - Full details in our July 3 Research Update
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 25, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location:  Science and Engineering Hall, Room 2000B
Contact: Professors Can Korman ( Opens in a new window) and Murray Loew ( Opens in a new window)

Welcome New Staff

Alice Kungu is joining our research team as our newest School Research Administrator. Alice  has over six years of academic research grants management experience. She started her career in research at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital at the Division of Women’s Health helping investigate gender and race based differences in health outcomes. She went on to administer an NIH P20 Center at the University of Massachusetts Boston, funded by the National Institute on Minority Health Disparities, with the aims of increasing minority representation throughout the research pipeline from investigators to human subjects. She studied political science at Seattle University and strongly believes in using research based science to make public policy. On a personal note, Alice is deeply idealistic and looks forward to supporting research that makes the world a better place! She loves all New England teams and winners in general. Alice can be reached at Please join us in welcoming Alice!

Funding Opportunities

RFP for Cures Within Reach - CureAccelerator Live! Mid-Atlantic Repurposing Research Event
Application Deadline Extended:  July 23, 2018
Cures Within Reach is excited to be bringing our CureAccelerator Live! event to the Mid-Atlantic region, and we hope to see some submissions from George Washington University in response to the Request for Proposals.

Highlights from the RFP include:

  • Up to $50,000 for Mid Atlantic-based repurposing research in any unsolved disease.
  • Selected finalists will pitch their projects in front of an audience of repurposing stakeholders on Oct. 16, 2018 in the Washington, DC area; CureAccelerator Live! is held in conjunction with ExL Events at the Collaborations Addressing Vulnerable Populations Forum
  • CureAccelerator Live! finalists are eligible for a 20% discount.
  • Proposal submissions are due July 23, 2018 (previously July 9, 2018) on CureAccelerator

See attached:  RFP, additional application instructions and some background information about the CureAccelerator Live! event.

IRIS 2019 Researcher Awards Call for Proposals
Application Deadline:  October 1, 2018
Description: This is the second round of awards to fund researchers who will use the IRIS data to address questions about the social and economic returns to investments in research. Up to $15,000 for dissertation awards and up to $30,000 for early career and established researcher awards are available. Proposals submitted must emphasize the use of IRIS data in projects that address open issues in the study of science and technology and in science policy. Awarded researchers will receive access to the current IRIS research data release files, which are further described here:  Our colleague Dr. Jonathon Mote has just received such an award.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 2018-19 research grants programs
Two grant mechanisms: Innovation Grants, and Focus Grants. (Recently awarded $5.3 million in grants for the 2017-18 grants cycle.)

More information can be found at Should you have any questions, please contact AFSP Research Grants Manager Carl Niedzielski phone: 212.363.3500 ext. 2015; email:


Imaging Initiative Workshop
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 25, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location:  Science and Engineering Hall, Room 2000B
Description: This is a workshop on imaging organized by our colleagues in SEAS. It will be held in SEH and will be moderated by Dr. Joseph Mait, recently retired Chief Scientist of the US Army Research Laboratory.  Dr. Mait is proposing to organize a strategic effort for George Washington University in imaging.  The goal of this workshop is to identify fundamental research issues in imaging within the University community which, if approached multi-disciplinarily, will have broad application.  Dr. Mait is exceptionally qualified to lead the discussion, given his experience in strategic research planning and his expertise in imaging. One simple goal of the workshop is to initiate a dialogue among University researchers working in the imaging arena.  A broader goal is to identify and address fundamental barriers to imaging capabilities that can have application across disciplines.  Such applications include materials metrology, biology, medicine, astronomy, autonomous navigation, remote sensing, and the interface between human and autonomous machines.
Contact: Professors Can Korman ( and Murray Loew (

Tentative Agenda:

  • Introductions (2 hours)
    • Dr. Mait
    • Faculty:
      • Who
      • Short description of research
      • Single most significant research result
      • Single most significant unsolved problem
  • Presentation on imaging and its potential (Dr. Mait, 1 hour includes Q&A)
  • Lunch (1 hour)
  • Identify Applications Clusters (1 hour)
  • Break (15 min)
  • Identify Fundamental Research Questions (1 hour)

Welcome New Staff

Jessica Harb is joining the CCAS research administration team after working in OVPR for 2 1/2 years, specializing in pre-award guidance and support.  Her start date is next Monday, July 9. Prior to coming to GW, Jessica was at the California State University at Monterey Bay and the University of Tennessee, bringing an additional 4 years of experience in research and sponsored project administration.  When not providing guidance for proposal development, Jessica enjoys a motley of outdoor activities as well as spending time with her husband and 2 cats.  She is very excited to bring her experience and background to the CCAS team.

Kristin Furio has just joined the CCAS team on June 25 as the new senior administrative assistant for CCAS; her duties will include department operations at the front desk of Phillips 212 (Tyler's job) in addition to support Dean Evie Downie and me (YR).  Kristin has studied and worked in leadership development and education for over a decade. As a Community Connections member during college at Sacred Heart University, Kristin furthered the service-learning experience she had in a high school Community Relations course focusing on social justice issues. She has taken courses in Event Management at The George Washington University and previously worked in GW's Graduate School of Education and Human Development managing graduate programs, supporting faculty and recruiting for degrees focusing on Organizational Leadership and Human Resource Development. Kristin's involvement in the GW community has included being a member of the GW sustainability outreach group, Green Leaders; a member of the GW human resources outreach group, Colonial Community Ambassadors; and a Safety Warden for GSEHD, leading colleagues in navigating through emergency situations. Prior to coming to GW, Kristin served as an AmeriCorps VISTA at Ashoka's Youth Venture in the roll of Fellowship Associate connecting young leaders and changemakers from around the world. In her free time, she enjoys building community among DC residents by connecting   young professionals through DC Fray's intramural sports, charity fundraisers, and lifestyle events.

RFP Attachments:

CAL RFP - instructions for PIs-2hbgh5c CureAccelerator Live - Mid Atlantic 2018 RFP-166oaeg

CureAccelerator Live expansion 1pager v3-191g1fj



Funding Opportunities

Limited Proposal Opportunity from the Pew Charitable Trusts 

The Pew Charitable Trusts has invited GW to nominate one candidate for the 2019 Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences award.

The Pew Biomedical Scholars program supports assistant professors demonstrating outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The award provides $300,000 in support - $75,000 per year for four years.

Eligible, interested faculty may submit a research project summary, C/V, and letter of recommendation from their chair to OVPR as part of the internal selection competition.  OVPR will appoint an internal selection committee of 3 or more notable scientists who will select GW's candidate.

Eligible faculty must meet the following criteria:
·  Have a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine or a related field.
·  As of October 15, 2018, will hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor.
·  Not appointed before June 29, 2015 (time spent in clinical internships, residencies, or in work toward board certification does not count as part of the three-year limit)
·  Must be nominated by their institution. Candidates may be nominated two times in total.
Program Summary, CV, and letter of nomination from department chair due to InfoReady by May 25, 2018. 

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Policies for Action: Policy and Law Research to Build a Culture of Health
Application Deadline: June 7, 2018, 3 pm ET
Policies for Action was created to help build the evidence base for policies that can help build a Culture of Health. We are interested in learning how national, state or local policies can promote lifelong health and health equity for individuals, families, and communities; as well as what enabling factors promote the adoption and spread of good policies.

Update on Review Progress for Internal Proposals

We understand your need to learn about the outcome of your submissions so you can plan for your summer.  We hope to wrap up the process soon. The details are as follows.

  • Dean's Research Chair. All funding decisions have been made and communicated to the applicants. Awards are being processed.
  • UFF. OVPR should have notified all applicants by late April. There was an extra large number of submissions this year to the UFF and UFF-Expanded programs.
  • CCFF. Following OVPR's decisions on UFF, we are in the process of evaluating the unfunded UFF proposal for possible funding by CCFF.  We expect the decisions to be finalized by next week or so.
  • Enhanced Faculty Travel. Those decisions are usually made after CCFF to avoid overlap funding. We should be able to notify the PIs in the next 1-2 weeks. Those with urgent travel needs can request expedited decision in email to

Planning for Summer

This is for those expecting summer salary from your external grants and those with proposal submission in the coming months.  We appreciate your timely requests through our webforms.

1. Requests for Summer Salary from Grants. It is time to start your requests for summer salary from your grants. We have designed a new webform to facilitate this. Please submit your request ASAP and before mid-May. Faculty Summer Salary Request Form

2. Requests for pre-award support. If you plan to submit a proposal this summer, we would appreciate your informing us quickly so we can plan ahead. Please submit your request via our webform CCAS Intent to Submit 

Juliana Smith and Y.R., on behalf of the SRAs.

Funding Opportunities

Humanities Facilitating Fund
This is an new opportunity from OVPR aiming at supporting scholarship in the humanities at CCAS.  Professor Tyler Anbinder of History Department has convened a group of colleagues representing different units of humanities to discuss the best ways to take advantage of this opportunity.  That has led to the Call for Proposal, which was sent to humanities faculty recently. If you wish to pursue this, please following the guideline to submit your proposal to Prof. Anbinder at by Monday, April 30, 2018.

Office of Naval Research
Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)
Proposals due: July 6, 2018
DURIP funds will be used for the acquisition of major equipment to augment current or develop new research capabilities in support of DoD-relevant research. Proposals may request $50,000 to $1,500,000.
If any of you is interested in pursuing this, or learning more about this program, let me know at

National Science Foundation
Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce
Full Proposal Window: April 2, 2018 - January 16, 2019
The NSF’s Education and Human Resources Directorate (EHR) seeks to invest in projects that can educate the STEM workforce to advance discovery in the sixresearch Big Ideas:  Harnessing the Data Revolution; The Future of Work; Navigating the New Arctic; Multi-messenger Astrophysics; The Quantum Leap; and Understanding the Rules of Life. In addition to developing and implementing novel educational and/or training programs, these projects should simultaneously generate new knowledge about effective STEM education, by studying such programs and exploring related issues.


NSF CAREER Workshop Series
Time/Location: Friday, April 20, 12-2pm, in SEH 2000, Friday, May 4, 12-2 pm, in SEH 2990.
Description Once again, we are working with SEAS and OVPR to organize an NSF CAREER workshop series aimed at junior faculty for their submissions. This will begin with two workshops by Dr. Ken Chong, followed by 1-1 meetings with Dr. Carl Batt (some of you are already in touch with Dr. Batt). Past CAREER recipients are welcome to join to share your expertise, especially in the first workshop on April 20, or act as faculty mentor for our CAREER submission applicants.

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 9,  4 - 5 pm, with refreshments after.
Location: SEH B1220.
More information will be provided later.

Reminder: CCAS Faculty Book Showcase and Book Workshop
A reminder for the CCAS Faculty Book Day on April 13, in GW National Churchill Library and Center (NCLC - Gelman 101). There will be two events, the CCAS Faculty Book Showcase during 11:30 - 1 pm, and CCAS Faculty Book Publishing Workshop 1:30 - 3pm. Those with recently published academic books are welcome to bring your books for display.
Sign up is optional and encouraged.

Reminder: GW Research Days
Please join us for the GW Research Days on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 and Wednesday, April 11, 2018, in Marvin Center, with 662 presenters expected across the two-day event! CCAS presentations will be on April 10. Details of the events can be found at

NSF CAREER Workshop Series 

Time/Location: Friday, April 20, 12-2pm, in SEH 2000, Friday, May 4, 12-2 pm, in SEH 2990.
Sign Up: Sign Up Webform
Description Once again, we are working with SEAS and OVPR to organize an NSF CAREER workshop series aimed at junior faculty for their submissions. This will begin with two workshops by Dr. Ken Chong, followed by 1-1 meetings with Dr. Carl Batt (some of you are already in touch with Dr. Batt). Past CAREER recipients are welcome to join to share your expertise, especially in the first workshop on April 20, or act as faculty mentor for our CAREER submission applicants. Details of the events are below.

Materials for the NEH Workshop

The materials for the NEH Workshop on March 29 is now available at google drive
NEH Workshop

Additional resources are available at
CCAS Research Resources

You will need to login to your GW email account to access.

Update on Internal Funding Process

  • UFF / CCFF Those who submitted UFF to OVPR should have learned from OVPR that the decisions on UFF will be made this month (they will be a bit slower this year due to the extended UFF, but they expect more awards as a result). As soon as those decisions are made, OVPR will pass the unfunded UFF proposals to us so we can consider them for possible funding from CCFF.
  • Dean's Research Chair We expect to inform the applicants in the coming week.
  • Enhanced Travel Those proposals were received by March 30, and the funding decision will be notified this month.
  • Nick-of-Time These proposals are processed as they come in throughout the year.
  • CCAS DREAM Mentoring Award This is an award not internal funding. But we would like to remind you that, as announced in our Research Update on March 16, 2018, the nomination for this award is due April 13, 2018.  Detailed information can be found our DREAM Website.

Funding Opportunities 

Partnerships between Science and Engineering Fields and the NSF TRIPODS Institutes  (TRIPODS + X)
Full Proposal Deadline Date: May 29, 2018
Program Synopsis: Twelve NSF Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS) Phase I Institutes were established in 2017 with the goal of promoting long-term, interdisciplinary research and training activities that engage theoretical computer scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians in developing the theoretical foundations of data science (see ).
This TRIPODS + X solicitation seeks to expand the scope of the TRIPODS program by engaging researchers across other NSF disciplines and the TRIPODS research teams in collaborative activities. Working in concert with a TRIPODS organization, a TRIPODS + X project would focus on data-driven research challenges motivated by applications in one or more science and engineering domains or other activities aimed at building robust data science communities.
Please let me know at if you wish to pursue.

Department of Defense (DOD) office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
FY18 funding opportunities are anticipated for the following programs:
Autism Research Program
Neurofibromatosis Research Program
Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program
Prostate Cancer Research Program

Semiconductor Research Corporation
Letter of Intent due: April 16, 2018
Full proposal due: June 4, 2018
Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) is soliciting proposals in the area of Intelligent Cognitive Assistants (ICA).  The ICA program will provide supplemental funding* to the Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Advancing Cognitive and Physical Capabilities (FW-HTF) program offered by the National Science Foundation. 




Multiple awards up to $8K each are available for research projects that utilize CTSI-CN services and/or institutional cores that provide an invoice for services.  Projects should be innovative, high impact, and MUST be "shovel-ready" as funding expires 4 months after the start date.

Voucher awards are NOT limited to traditional bench or clinical research. Submissions relevant to ALL types of research (including community based research, public health research, or research aimed at special or underserved populations, orphan diseases, or enhancing clinical trial recruitment) are strongly encouraged.

Faculty at all levels are eligible. Faculty are eligible for 1 funded voucher every 12 months-if you received a voucher within the past year, you are NOT eligible for this round.

Funds may be used for services, supplies and participant incentives. Funds may NOT be used for consultants, salaries, student stipends, travel, publication fees, or computer hardware. If you have questions about the budget, please send it to for review prior to the application deadline.

Applications are limited to 2 pages (Ariel, 11 point font).  If needed, IRB or IACUC approval must be present at the time of application.   Applications should include:

  1. Title
  2. Abbreviated budget
  3. Timeline
  4. Brief description of the project in NIH format (intro, significance, innovation, aim(s), research plan).

Applications that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be reviewed.

If the project will utilize CTSI-CN services, please provide an appropriate budget, utilizing the pricing as provided by your service provider.   CTSI-CN provides a number of services for investigators:

  1. Biomedical Informatics: Strategies for research database design, data management (REDCap, OpenClinica), access to high performance computing, and access to MedDRA.
  2. Clinical Research Support: Nursing support, laboratory processing and shipping, bionutrition, neuropsychological evaluation, exam rooms, and other support for clinical and translational research projects.
  3. Community Engaged Research/Health Policy: Comparative effective research design, strategies to develop or impact related regulatory or health policies, and integrating patient and community engagement into research design process.
  4. Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design: Biostatistical support, epidemiology, and/or study design for translational projects from basic research to clinical implementation and public health.
  5. Innovation Services: Proteomics/genomics and high content data analysis (sequencing/arrays etc), device development (3D printing, design, prototyping), and imaging (MRI, CT, US, and other modalities).
  6. Regulatory Knowledge/IRB Support: Sponsor- and FDA-required regulatory submissions, preparation of IRB applications using the IRBear system, Participant Advocacy program, consultation on GCP guidelines, and Human Subject Protection training.

For more information and access to these services go to
To apply, go to: 

Application deadline:  January 15, 2018

Questions about this RFA may be addressed to:

Sean D. Cleary
Susan Knoblach

Research Area(s):
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Earth Science, Heliophysics, Instrumentation, Planetary Science, Space Life Sciences, Space Situational Awareness

Suborbital Flight Testing and Flight Experiments with CubeSat Payloads

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (ARC) is requesting broad community input under a Request for Information (RFI) to determine interest in using high altitude aircraft as a means for flight testing and flight experiments with CubeSat science payloads. The two primary use cases of interest are flight testing CubeSat instruments intended for orbital use and airborne flight experiments that leverage CubeSat technologies for earth observing instruments.

As background for the RFI, the NASA Airborne Science Program (ASP), managed under the Earth Science Division (ESD) within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD), operates a fleet of highly modified aircraft that support NASA satellite missions, technology development, and science investigations. The primary objectives of the program include supporting satellite calibration and validation, new sensor development, process studies of the Earth system, and developing the next generation of scientists and engineers. Additional information on the ASP can be found at:

With this RFI, the NASA Airborne Science Program is exploring community interest in having NASA support the use of CubeSat science payloads in the Airborne Science Program.

The RFI is for information purposes only.

The due date for responses is November 21, 2017 (3:00pm Pacific).

Please see the RFI at the following:

Point of Contact:
Mr. Jeffrey Myers
Airborne Sensor Facility Manager

Dr. David Bell, Director
USRA Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science