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Please join us in congratulating our graduating seniors from Psi Chi. We wish you all the best on your future endeavors!

Lauren Allen

Caroline Beason

Lauren Botter

Jessica Bride

Catherine Cain

Erin Dilweg

Tyler Dittmer

Sean Duane

Caitlyn Eivers

Oran Evenhaim

Nina Feliciano

Avani Gandhi

Fiona Garcia

Julia Hagen

Ethan Jacobs

Rachel Keshtgar

Lauren Kiker

Dohyun Kim

Amy Liebman

Jackson Luce

Leah Middleberg

Sydni Nadler

Kiera O’Harrow-Strickstein

Luah Basso Pagliuso

Henry Parente

Grace Rittenhouse

Mary Salvador

Lauren Smith

Luke Stephen

Regan Sweeny

Athena Thomas

Eliza Weidner

Can Xu

Myra Zaheer 

Congratulations to this terrific group of undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences (PBS) who won awards at the 2021 GW Research Showcase:

Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience:
Sean Duane (undergraduate PBS major; mentor: Dr. Amy K. Sutton, NIDDK)
Motivational Drive for High-Fat Food Is Predicted by Initial Preference in Mice

Mental Health and Wellness:
Nicole Miller & Tim Scranton (undergraduate PBS majors; funded by a PBS Undergraduate Research and Service Grant; faculty mentor Dr. Michelle Stock)
Can trait self-compassion protect against the harmful effects of perceived weight stigma and COVID-19 related stress on weight-related behavior?

Cameryn Padron (undergraduate PBS major) & Andrew Gepty (Graduate student in Clinical Psychology; faculty mentor: Dr. Sharon Lambert)
Examining The Link Between Discrimination and Prosocial Behavior Among Latinx Adolescents: The Role of Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and Gender

Health Sciences and Public Health:
Eric Owens (GCATS/MATS graduate student, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences) & Jessica Bride (undergraduate PBS major; faculty mentor: Dr. Robert Turner)
Challenges in Resource Utilization for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Qualitative Study

Art Therapy, Psychology, and Wellness:
Samoni Nag (Graduate student in Cognitive Neuroscience; faculty mentor: Dr. Steve Mitroff)
Transitions in Daylight Saving Time Negatively Affect Visual Search Performance

Media, Communications, and Human Behavior:
Myra Zaheer (undergraduate PBS major; faculty mentor: Dr. Sarah Calabrese)
“No risk” vs. “low risk” messaging about HIV transmission risk when undetectable: Reactions and perceived accuracy among US MSM

Congratulations to all on a job well done!

Please join us in congratulating Ben Turley and Sam Gritz, undergraduates in Neuroscience/Psychology and Brain Sciences (Advised by Dr. Tonya Dodge, faculty in Applied Social Psychology) for winning second prize for the Nashman Prize for Community Based Participatory Research! The title of their research project was, "Investigating D.C. Opioid Use Disorder Demographics and Co-Occurrences in Inpatient and Outpatient Electronic Health Records". In this project, the researchers partnered with D.C. medical providers and opioid care organizations in order to share resources and develop a comprehensive model of the urban opioid use disorder population. Congratulations! To see all the awardees:…/winners-announced-for-the-2020-nas…/