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GW is celebrating the 12th Annual Faculty Award Recipients, in which two PBS faculty are recognized: Dr. Sherry Molock and Dr. Sarah Shomstein. Dr. Molock will receive the Silver Anniversary Faculty Award, which honors active status faculty who have completed 25 years of continuous full-time service by Spring 2022 (started in 1997). Dr. Shomstein was nominated as a finalist for the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Teaching Excellence.

The awards will be received at the Faculty Honor Ceremony set for this October! Congrats to you both!

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Shomstein, who was named the next Editor of Attention Perception & Psychophysics beginning January 1, 2021!
AP&P is an official journal of the Psychonomic Society. It spans all areas of research in sensory processes, perception, attention, and psychophysics. Most articles published are reports of experimental work; the journal also presents theoretical, integrative, and evaluative reviews.
photo of Sarah Shomstein

Congrats to Dr. Sarah Shomstein on this new special issue of Current Opinion in Psychology, which brings attention to attention research! 40 articles are highlighted in which attention is thought to play a critical role.

From our editorial: [the issue] covers some of the newest and most exciting developments in the field. Although studies of attention were amongst the earliest experimental investigations focused on uncovering psychological mechanisms, the field has expanded considerably over the decades. This expansion reflects the many ways in which the mechanisms of attention are central to perception and cognition. However, it has been a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it speaks to the rich contribution of attentional mechanisms in information processing. On the other hand, it has led to a state in which the word “attention” has come to mean different things to different subfields. In this special issue, we present 40 articles that illustrate the breadth of research in which attention is thought to play a critical role.

The editors approached this issue with two major purposes. First, for those who are new to the study of attention, this issue will introduce recent approaches to studying this central cognitive function that showcase the sophisticated convergent methodologies used for this line of inquiry. Second, for those who are expert in this field, the breadth of articles in this issue will offer new, interesting, and provocative ideas for future research. They describe clusters of these reviews and highlight the original bedrock topics in attention from which they developed. They believe that these reviews reflect the extent of methodological practices and current state of the art for various attentional mechanisms and as such serves as a catalogue for the scope of attentional processing. [Read more of the editorial here: ].

And the list of the 40 articles can be accessed here: